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Enrique's POV

" Is that better for you?" Fredo asked me.

" I don't know actually." I said to him and looked at the balcony. Adeline was talking to Amy and Mira.

" I am sitting here." Fredo said rolling his eyes and I chuckled.

" I can see that, Fredo." I said to him.

" Then stop looking at the balcony." He said and I smiled.

"  What were you saying awhile back?" I asked him. 

" I was saying..." He stopped. " There the trouble is." He gritted and I found Antonio coming toward us.

I shook my head forbidding him to create a mess. Otherwise he would definitely kick his face.

" Hey, guys!!!" Antonio said to us sitting across us.

" Good morning." I said. He chuckled.

" Morning." He said. " How is everything going on?" He asked me.

" About what?" I asked him.

" The coronation ceremony?" He asked me.

" Going great." Fredo said. He smirked.

" That's great then." He said. I nodded.

" Where is your fiance?" He asked me.

" Why are you so keen to know that?" Fredo asked him.

" I was going to London today. May be I won't be able to attend your wedding ceremony. I will be back before the coronation." He said to me.

" Alright then." I said.

" This why wanted to say bye to her after all my would be sister in law." He said. I gritted inwardly but kept calm.

" I will tell her bye on behalf of you. Don't worry." Fredo said.

" Martha!!" I called the maid.

" Yes, Your Highness!!" She said to me.

" Go and call Ms. Bronwyn here. Tell her that I am calling her." I said to her and she nodded before walking out of there.

She reached upstairs and I found her talking to the girls. She stood up and left the balcony and we found her coming in awhile. She was still angry with me. I sighed inwardly.

" Hi, guys!!" Adeline said smilingly and sat next to me hugging my arm with her hands. " What's the matter that cause you to call me from girls discussion?" She asked me smilingly but I knew she was irritated which she doesn't want to share in front of Antonio.

" Antonio is going to London today and won't be joining at our wedding ceremony. So, he wanted to say bye to you." I said to her.

" Oh, so sweet of you." She said smilingly at Antonio. I narrowed my eyes at her. Why is she smiling at him?! She should smile like that for me only.

" Yeah, I know that girls can't deny me." He said to her smirking. She smirked back.

" Deny can be meant in various meaning. What are you trying to mean here?" She asked him.

" You need to contact me for that. It's kinda private topic." He said winking at her. I gritted inwardly.

" Of course, we can talk about it when Enrique is free." She said.

" It's private." He said.

" There is nothing private between husband and wife. So, even if it's private you have to discuss it with both of us." Adele said and I rolled my eyes. She laughed. " When I will be Queen there will be conditions on your private topic." She said.

" What type of condition?" He asked her smilingly.

" May be banned." She said making an  innocent face. I smiled looking away and Fredo was trying hard to control his laughter.

" You are so funny!!" Antonio laughed like a stupid.

" Queen's wish will be a law." She joked making a serious face. I chuckled. " Isn't it?" She asked me.

" If you say so." I said to her and she nodded.

" See?! That's it." She said.

Antonio talked to us for awhile more like he got insulted by Adeline in every single sentence he delivered. She just ended all his hope before he started to plot his ugly plans. I was happy that she did so. After that he left for London.

" This bast*rd is planning to do something. Mark my words he will come back, Enrique." Fredo said to me and I smiled.

" Don't worry. Even if he comes back he won't be able to do anything. I will not let him. If he thinks only he is the player in the playground then he is very wrong here." I said to him.

" I don't like him from the start and you know that." He said and I nodded.

" I know but we can't kick him out like that. We have to wait for him to start first. If he starts first then he can't have an excuse later." I said and he nodded sighing deeply.

" I hate royalty." He said and I chuckled.

" There are people who hate you too." Adeline said to him. I sighed. Their childish fight will start now. He smirked at her.

" You are not in them, right?" He asked her and she gritted.

" I will be on the top of that list." She said to him.

" What?!! No. You hurt my heart. I will have poison then jump off of the cliff." Fredo said dramatically clutching his heart. I rolled my eyes. New drama every day.

" Oh, really?!! When?! Do inform me the time." She said to him.

" Why?! Will you stop me from doing that?" He asked her smirking.

" Why will I stop you?! I am not mental for doing so." She asked him. "I will film that for my mental satisfaction. It called peace of mind." She said and I chuckled. Yeah, go mess up with her. Go.

" My death will give you mental satisfaction?!" He asked her.

" You don't want be to have it?" She asked him back and he chuckled.

" One day you will thank me for doing that." He said.

" Why in future?!! I thank you now for doing so. I am so grateful that you have chosen me for that." She said. I smiled.

" Then you owe me once." He said to irritate her more.

" Why once?! I owe my life to you. If you didn't choose me for this then I would die I think." She said.

" Evil doesn't die early." He said.

" I am evil?! What evil thing did I do to you?" She asked him.

" I was saying that to myself." He said.

And they kept fighting like kids throwing sweet words to each other. Not just sweet. Very very sweet words. I shook my head sitting there helplessly. Where am I stuck?!!

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