Blown Away

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Adeline's POV

" Do you want to stay here for awhile?" He asked me.

" You have to go back now?" I asked him. He smiled.

" Dinner will be served in half an hour." He said and I nodded before standing up.

" Let's go then. Now I have to stay here for rest of the life. We can enjoy this more often." I said. He nodded.

We were going back to the palace. I kinda like this place. Though the place is totally unknown to but still giving a weird kind of peace to my mind. I don't know why but I suddenly start to feel comfortable with Enrique and this place.

" Why are you marrying me?" I asked him. He looked at me.

" What?!" He raised one of his eyebrows.

" Why are you marrying me?! You could have someone else. Even you could have someone better than me. Why are you marrying me leaving all the elite ladies around? They must be much more qualified than me for being the Queen and rule the country. I know nothing about royalty. Why me?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" Because I was not just searching for a Queen for the country. I was searching for a wife for myself too." He said to me.

" Are you sure I can be that woman for you?! Things can be harder and worse between us." I said to him.

" Like?" He asked me.

" What if we can't adjust things with each other? Compromising is not a solution." I said to him.

" We are getting married, Adeline and marriage is not a deal or something to adjust or compromise." He said.

" What if things goes worse then?" I asked him and he smiled.

Someone please tell this guy not to smile we are discussing something important here and he is ready to kill me with his killer smile. This is not fair. And stupid me. Who acts crazy in such a situation?!!

" Don't worry. I will not let things go worse between us." He said.

" How are you so confident about it?" I asked him.

" I know that. No matter what, I am not leaving you ever." He said.

" What if I like someone else and I want to be with him?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" I know that you will not be able do so." He said.

" You are over confident. I was just asking you the possibility. What if this happens?" I asked him.

" You still have to stay with me." He said.

" You mean you will allow your wife having other lovers too?" I asked him.

" When did I say so?" He asked me.

" You just said that I have to stay with you even if I like someone else what does that mean?" I asked him.

" I didn't say that. I meant to say that if you like someone I will just remove him from your life. No other man can be in your life other than me." He said and smirked. I rolled my eyes. " How can you think that there will be someone else in my wife's life and I will not do anything about it? Let me explain you no one will get the chance to come close to you. I will give you freedom but that doesn't mean I will let someone take my wife way." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Possessive AF." I said and he laughed.

Ok.. My heart office died after seeing this guy laughing like this. I tried to remember if I have seen him laughing like this since I have come here. But one thing I could say if he would have proposed me directly still I agreed to marry him just for this smile of him. I sighed deeply. This was completely a new feeling for me. I haven't feel such thing before. I was in trouble now.

" Everyone is possessive over their things." He said. I twisted my lips.

" I am not an object." I said to him.

" No, you are not an object. You are my wife. This I am over possessive over you." He said. " In your word possessive AF, right?" He asked me smirking at me.

I narrowed my eyes at him trying to understand what is going on inside his brain. This game is getting interesting now. Prince Enrique is not that boring like I thought him to be the first time I have met him.

" Don't copy me." I stomped my feet. He chuckled. " And don't tell me to change myself for being the Queen. I will just be like myself. Where is that written that Queen has to change herself for being the Queen?" I said.

" What do you mean change here?" He asked me.

" Being so polite and respectful to everyone, acting innocent and behaving good with them whom I don't like. I am telling you that I am not going to change myself." I said to him and he chuckled.

" You have to behave well with people to show them what is the right way to reach people and if you behave well with people they will understand how to act with people. And replying someone on their face is not a solution. Try to think smarter." He said poking my head. I narrowed my eyes at him.

" You think I am not smart?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" Yes, definitely you are but the ways you act with people it seems like you are always ready to kill someone." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" If someone tries someone mess up with me then I will let them go like that, right?" I asked him.

" I didn't say that." He said.

" No, why yo leave them like that?! What's wrong with asking them a dinner date?" I asked him. He shook his head.

" You leave that. I will handle it if someone tries to mess up with you. Just you don't do anything." He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" I can handle it myself." I said.

" And building enmity with people around, right?" He asked me and I twisted my lips.

" If they want to be my enemy then what can I do with that?" I asked him. He sighed shaking his head.

" Come, dinner will be served in awhile. We have to reach there before that." He said to me. I nodded and started to walk with him.

" Don't you share a good relationship with your father?" I asked him. He looked at me weirdly.

" Why do you think so?" He asked me.

" Nothing. Just was curious. How he forced you to find out a bride in 14 days." I asked him.

" Nothing like that. You are overthinking about it." He said looking away.

There is definitely some other story which he doesn't want to share with me right now. Alright. Let's see what happens. We reached the palace and I was passing the corridor when someone stood in front of me. I took a step back to see who dared to do that. But as soon as I looked up my eyes opened widened at once.

" Surprise!!!" The kids shouted.

I was completely shocked seeing them here. Danny and Scarlett hugged me at once. And I felt Louis hugging us all. I hugged them all back. It was completely blown away by this sudden incident.

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