Prince Kieran

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Adeline's POV

" Where are we going?" I asked Princess Amanda. 

" On a long drive. You promised us." Amy said pouting and I chuckled.

" Yes, I did but still." I said to her.

" Still what?" She asked me.

" My family is here. You know they can feel a bit uncomfortable here without me." I said.

" They will not. Enrique is there to take care of them." She said.

" Still they are not comfortable with him yet." I said to her.

" But Scarlett, Danny and Louis. They will handle it." She said to me and I sighed deeply. This girl will take me with her anyhow.

" Ok, if you say so. But have to come back soon." I said to her.

" Ok. Thank so much." She said hugging me from back.

" Have you told your brother about this?" I asked her. She pouted.

" You didn't?" I narrowed my eyes. She twinkled her eyes.

" I thought Enrique will let you go if you ask him." She said.

" This why you didn't ask him?" I asked her. She shook her head innocently. I sighed deeply.

" Your brother will kill me if I step out of the palace without informing him." I warned her.

" He won't. He loves you a lot." She said and I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly I remembered how he has told me that he loves me last night. I know he was joking but it almost stopped my heartbeat. Why does he has to say so??! But I was really very irritated with myself. Why did I react like that?!! Damn!!!

" He will not spare me if I go with you without informing him" I be said to him.

" If we inform him then there will be no fun. He will send security people with us. It's girls day out. Only the girls." She said.

" Then take the lady securities with us. At least then there will be a plus point that we had the securities with us. Enrique won't react much. But if we don't take the securities then I am not sure what will he do to us when we come back." I said to her.

" Don't worry. I will be there standing next to you sharing your punishment." She said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" Easy to say, right?" I asked her and she pouted again.

" I don't think it's a good idea, Amy. Where is your brother?" I asked her.

" He has gone to the finance ministry with His Highness." She said. I chuckled.

" You don't call him Dad?" I asked her.

" Occasionally. When it's family time or personal matter." She said.

" Oh, ok. But his Highness loves you a lot." I said to her. She smiled widely.

" Who won't love Amy?! She is such a cutie pie." She said making a puppy face. I chuckled pulling her cheek.

" I saw the Rose garden." I said.

" Isn't it beautiful?" She asked me and I nodded.

" Very." I said to her.

" His Highness loves you the most I think." I said to her and she chuckled.

" He loves both Enrique and me equally." She said.

" But I thought Enrique doesn't share a good relationship with His Highness. There will always a cold war between them." I said to her and she chuckled.

" There is nothing like that. It's just they are not that close to each other. But that doesn't mean he doesn't love Enrique at all." She said and I nodded.

But her answer didn't give me satisfaction. I don't know if His Highness loves Enrique that much then why did he forced him to find out a bride this urgently?! What was his motive?!

" Where are you lost?" Amy asked me and I shook my head.

" Nowhere." I said to her and found Mira coming toward us.

" Hey, girls!!!" She waved at us.

" Hey, Mira!!!" Amy said. " Are you ready to go to the long drive?"

" Nope." I said.

" I asked her." Amy said.

" I am not ready as well." She said.

" Why not?! I told you thousand of times to last night that we are going today. Why didn't you arrange it already?" Amy asked her.

" Because Prince Kieran came and Fredo and I have plans." She said and Amy looked at her completely shocked.

" What?!! When has he come?" She asked her with a scared expression.

What's wrong with her now?? Why is she scared?! Most importantly who is that guy whom she is that much scared of?!!

" Who is Kieran?" I asked Mira.

" Oh, he is my cousin." She said.

" That's great. Where is he?" I asked her.

" He has gone to meet His Highness." She said.

" Why is he here?" Amy asked her angrily.

" Amy!! Calm down. He has come for some Royal affair. He hasn't come to you." Mira said to her.

" Even if he comes to me who will see his face. Who?" Amy asked her. Mira shook her head.

" We will see." She said and Amy gritted before pulling her hair.

" You are my friend, stupid. Stop supporting her." Amy said and she rolled her eyes.

" Kieran is my cousin. I have to support him as well." She said. Amy gritted.

" Shut up!!" Amy said.

" Girls!! Stop. Why are you fighting like this for a silly reason?" I asked them and they glared at me.

" We are not best friends anymore. Break up." Amy said stubbornly as she started to leave the place. I sighed.

" You did this thousands of time, Amy. You can't live without me. So, you will definitely come back sooner or later but for your kind information Kieran is here too. Will you take the risk of going inside the palace now?" Mira asked her wriggling her eyebrows and Amy came back standing behind me like a little innocent girl who knows nothing about this whole world. I chuckled looking at her.

" Mira, you here?" I heard someone saying and the next moment I found the guy coming toward us who was in his early 20s. He had a very dashing appearance but the strangest thing was his eyes. Like those eyes can pierce your soul with that sharp glace.

" Kieran, she is Enrique's fiance Adeline." Mira said. " Adeline, he is Prince of Denmark, Prince Kieran." Mira said and I smiled.

" Adeline Bronwyn. Nice to meet you, Prince Kieran." I shook his hand and he smiled at me. He looked at Amy for once who was looking anywhere but Kieran then looked back at me. We talked to him for awhile then he left. The whole time Amy was hiding herself behind me and was trembling a bit. I don't know what was her problem with Prince Kieran.

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