My Dictionary

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Adeline's POV

" We have to settle thing for ourselves." She said. I nodded.

" Even after all these things happened why did you guys send Amy to Denmark?" I asked her. She sighed deeply.

" I knew you will ask this question." She said. I nodded. " We didn't want to send her to Denmark but Enrique's grandfather forced us to send her there. I was very angry with him that time. I was feeling like he did all these on purpose. Because you know he never liked me. May be this why he didn't like my children as well. I always tried to make it up for them but he never ever tried to take a step about this. For him Antonio was not at all guilty that day but Amy was. There is where Enrique's question was to his grandfather. How can a little girl think about those kind of things if Antonio wasn't guilty in this." She said and I nodded.

At least Enrique's father is not that strict toward me. I mean he is quite understanding. He went to visit Enrique after I talked to him. I am just a bit confused with his behaviors. I think if I know the full story I will be able to find out the reason of his conflict with Enrique. May be soon. Let's see what happens. At first I have to know the whole story.

" But what about His Highness? Didn't he tried to convince his father?" I asked her.

" He tried to convince his father but as I told you that his father was blinded by his anger toward me. My kids had to suffer for me." She said and I shook my head.

" No mother can be the reason for their kids suffering." I said to her.

" Enrique's grandfather had a rare heart disease. So, his grandma requested his son to do what his father said and His Highness did what his mother told him to do. I can understand that. His Highness loves Amy the most in this whole world. But that situation was out of our hands. We didn't want to let this thing be a news. So, we send Amy away and Antonio too." She said.

" I can understand." I said.

" There is where Enrique's anger toward his father. Once they were like friends to each other. But the incident that day spoiled everything. He asked his father a lot of questions that day which his father couldn't answer. The last question of his was something like has His Highness ever loved them truly. Enrique received a hard slap from his father in the answer of that question. That shocked him completely. He never thought that his father will do something like that. Enrique left home that night went to USA with Fredo. He came back home 4 years back when his grandfather died. More like Amy requested him to come back this why he came back home." She said and I nodded.

Now, I understand from where those 700 millions came from. Enrique has his own ways like he said not at all the royal vault.

" What did he do there in Italy?" I asked her.

" Lived his life as a commoner. Build his career. He was never dependent on his family." She said and I nodded.

" Enrique's grandmother never supported Enrique and Amy?" I asked her.

" She also didn't like me." She said sipping her coffee. I rolled my eyes. There is no reason for disliking her. That old couple was blind.

" Just for that reason Enrique left home for all these years?" I asked her.

" Enrique was very upset with his father. He couldn't believe that his father did this kind of injustice with Amy and him. He thought his father will support them. He used to love his father more than me may be still he does. But his love is shaded by his anger toward his father." She said and chuckled sadly.

" Let me tell you one interesting thing. When we were expecting Enrique His Highness was very excited about him. He used to talk to him a lot when he was in my womb. When Enrique was born he wasn't opening his eyes. Doctors tried a lot but there might be a problem. When His Highness took him in his arms and said 'Hello, Prince' Enrique opened his eyes at once. He kept looking at his father for awhile with his big blue orbs then closed his eyes again. We were shocked seeing that incident. I still remember how happy His Highness was that day. Parents always has a special affection toward their first child. Enrique was first in everything for us. The feelings about him was very special for both of us." She said and kept silent for awhile.

" Enrique got a shock by his father's action." She said. " He wouldn't come back home if his father didn't say that if it's not him then Antonio will be the King. No matter what he loves his country a lot. He doesn't want a person like Antonio be the King and destroy the peace and happiness of the country." She said.

" I can understand." I said to her.

I sighed. That's why they don't talk to each other?! I mean the situation messed up everything. Let's be frank if I ever met his grandparents then I would put some sense in them.

" You didn't try to talk to your in laws about this ever?" I asked her.

" No. We can convince them who is sensible not biased but you can't make them understand anything who is not ready to trust your words anyways. I didn't want to waste my time and words on them. They did it on purpose. They send my kids away from me. I will not forgive them ever." She said to me. I sighed.

" Why don't you try to fix things between Enrique and His Highness." I asked her. She sighed deeply.

" I tried a lot but they are not ready to listen to anything about it. Moral of the speech, I gave up." She said and I smiled.

Giving up is not in my dictionary.

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