Another Plan

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Adeline's POV

" What happened?" Pris asked me.

" What will happen?" I asked her and took Kyla from her.

She might just woke up from sleep. She was sucking her thumb and trying to put whole of her hand inside her mouth. She was very irritated as she couldn't do so. I chuckled and kissed on her cheek.

" Where is Meryl? She is hungry I think." I said to Pris and she chuckled.

" She went to make her bottle." Pris said.

" That's alright then." I said and found Kyla was trying to eat my braid. I chuckled and rubbed my nose on hers. She giggled.

" Baby boo." I said.

" Boo boo." She said and I smiled.

" I want a kid like Kyla. So cute." I said to Pris and she chuckled.

" You will have as much as you want." She said to me.

" I am happy with one kid. 2 at best. Not more than that." I said and she chuckled.

" I want to have 5 kids. Not less than that." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

" 5 kids!!! Like really?! Have you talked to Tris?! I don't think he will agree to have 5 kids cause you can't handle that. Look at yourself once. You are becoming a stick day by day. Doesn't Tris have any idea about that?" I asked her and she pouted. I rolled my eyes.

" Why are you losing weight? You will become underweight soon." I said to her.

" I am on diet." She said.

" F*ck your diet. Where is Tris?" I asked her.

" He is sleeping." She said and I sighed.

" Alright. I have to talk to him later when he wakes up." I said to her.

" Stop acting weird, Lina. I am completely fit and fine." She said.

" What is your weight?" I asked her.

" 50 kg. Why?" She asked me and I narrowed my eyes.

" You are under 42." I said to her.

" I am 48." She said.

" Why did you lie then?" I asked her. She pouted.

" Same. 48 and 50 doesn't have much difference." She said to me.

" You should be at least 55." I said to her.

" I am fine." She said to me.

" Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes.

" Hey, girls!!" We found Stella and Meryl coming inside the room.

" Mammam!!" Kyla extended her hands to go to Stella already. I chuckled and Stella took her from me.

" There is a motherly fragrance in your body, Stella." I said to her and she chuckled.

" Really?" She asked kissing Kyla's cheeks who giggled flashing her rabbit teeth.

" Yes." I said to her and she smiled taking the bottle from Meryl and started to feed Kyla. She started to have it at once. Meryl lay down on the bed and covered herself with the duvet.

" She woke up at 3. Since then she kept me busy as hell. I will sleep for 3 hours now. No one will disturb me." Meryl said.

" What about Finn?" I asked her.

" Tell him that if he dares to disturb me then he will be beheaded." She said to me and I chuckled.

" Alright. If you say so." I said to her.

" Mommy!!" We heard Kyra calling Meryl and she sighed deeply getting up.

" What happened, Princess?" She asked her.

" Good morning, Mommy." Kyra said to her mother. Meryl smiled.

" Good morning, Princess." She said.

" Mommy, is Princess Amanda real Princess?! She has a crown. She wore that on her head." Kyra said. Meryl chuckled.

" Yes, baby. She is a Princess." Meryl said.

" But you said I am the Princess." She pouted.

" Yes, you are as well. You are our Princess. Didn't you notice Keira's parents call her Princess too? Every girl is Princess of her parents. So, you are our Princess, Keira is her parent's Princess and Amanda is her parent's Princess." Meryl said.

" Then why does she wore the crown for real and why don't I?" She asked Meryl.

" Cause, she has a lot of duties and responsibilities because she is a big girl now. When you will grow up you will know about that as well, Princess." Meryl said to her daughter and she nodded. Kyra hugged everyone and kissed Stella's cheeks. She poked Kyla's cheeks before kissing her and running out of there.

" Kyra, don't run around!!" Meryl warned her but she ran out of there already. Meryl sighed deeply.

" Kyla is the last one. No more kids for me." Meryl said and pulled the duvet over her to cover herself completely. I chuckled.

I talked to them for awhile then came downstairs and found the people whom Enrique was talking to. As soon as he saw me going downstairs he gestured me to join him. I had no other choice but to do so. I sat next to him silently.

" He is Mr. Turner. He is the lawyer of the palace." Enrique said and I rolled my eyes inwardly but smiled at Mr. Turner.

" Adeline Bronwyn. Nice to meet you, Mr. Turner." I said shaking his head.

" His Highness told me to talk about this to you both." Mr. Turner said.

" About what?" I asked him.

" Look, man is not immortal so he will die sooner or later. His Highness told me to make the will for him." He said and I nodded.

" That's not surprising. Anyone will do so." I said to him and Enrique gestured me to let him finish. " Ok, sorry, Mr. Turner. Please continue." I said to him and he nodded.

" As you guys are getting married tomorrow so you have to know about this." He said and we nodded. "According to this will he made Prince Enrique and Princess Amanda his heirs as the Queen didn't show any interest of taking the throne in his absence. Princess Amanda will be the Queen in Prince's absence but if she denies to take over the throne then as a Queen, Ms. Bronwyn you have to take care of the throne otherwise Antonio will be declared as the King." He said and I nodded.

" But what is the meaning of this kind of will? Prince Enrique is going to take over the throne." I asked him and he chuckled.

" In one word it indicates that if the worst time comes then you have to take over the throne, Ms. Bronwyn. You should be mentally prepared for that." He said and I kept looking at him weirdly.

" What about Princess Amanda?" I asked him and he sighed.

" May be His Highness has another plan for her." He said and I nodded confusedly. Another plan!!! But why?!

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