Literally No One

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Enrique's POV

" Relax, Enrique. She will be fine." Fredo said to me and I nodded.

I was watching the girl laying on the hospital bed from outside of the cabin. Her head was covered with bandages. She was laying there lifelessly and my heart was clenching with fear. I was late which made her suffer like this. I don't understand how these things happened??! I couldn't even react when I found her in the hospital last night. She was vulnerable then. She lost a huge amount of blood. I just wasn't able to show that to anyone how I was feeling. It's a big problem of mine that I can't express my emotions properly.

" Enrique!!" Amy called me.

" How has all these happened?" I asked her.

" Mr. Cottrell was insulting Mom and she tried to stop him. One of the guards hit her with the gun." She said and I nodded.

" I am sorry, Enrique. I couldn't help her." She said and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She was still trembling. I can feel that. I kept holding her close to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist.

" She will be fine." Kieran said. He was checking her reports and said that. I can trust him. " Relax, everything will be ok." He said. "Princess, I think you too need to take rest." He said to Amy.

" I am fine." Amy said.

" You are not the doctor. I am." He said.

" I am fine trust me." She said.

" Enrique, her BP is not normal. She can get sick." Kieran said.

" What?!! Are you starving from yesterday?" I asked her cause whenever she gets ignorant about her food she gets her BP shoots.

" No, I have had my late dinner." She said looking at the ground.

" That's a few sip of apple juice." Kieran said and she glared at him. He just smiled at her.

" I am fine, Enrique. Stop worrying." Amy said.

" Ok then, Enrique. I am going to talk to doctor with the reports." Kieran said.

" I will go and talk to the doctor. You please take Amy to the cafeteria. She needs to have her meal properly. I am giving you full authority of that. You can even force her to fill her stomach." I said glaring at my sister. She has serious kind of issues with food. That is why she looks like a 15 years old teenager.

" Are you sure?" Kieran asked me looking at Amy.

" No. I am not going with him. I will go with His Highness." She said.

" He is with Mom. You know her BP got crazy last night. Give them some privacy." I said to her.

" Then Fredo will come with us. Otherwise I will not go." She said to me and I sighed deeply. I looked at Fredo.

" Actually, I have to help Enrique here, Amy. You go with Kieran, sweetie. What's wrong in that?" Fredo asked her.

" Nothing wrong." She said irritatingly and mumbled something under her breath.

" It's my request to you, Amy. Please go and have food. You will be sick otherwise." I said to her and she sighed deeply.

" Ok. Ok." She rolled her eyes. " Stop emotionally blackmailing me." She said and I smiled.

She left with Kieran. I don't know what is her problem with Prince Kieran??! She always try to avoid him. But avoiding is not a solution of her problem no matter what it is.

" Enrique!!" I heard Fredo calling me.

" Yeah." I said.

" Where are you lost?" He asked me. I shook my head.

" I was thinking about the incident last night. I can't thank enough to your dad for brining her to the hospital in time." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Then you should thank Antonio and Rony too. They donated their blood to your wife. If the blood wasn't managed in time then bringing her here in time would be in vain. Kieran too did a lot for you. But in all these I am feeling so selfish. I couldn't do anything for you when you needed my help. I am feeling worst." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" I called you yesterday but Kieran picked the call up cause you were not in the city. It's not at all your fault and Adeline has a rare blood group. It's normal if you blood group didn't match her and theirs did. And lastly Kieran is a doctor. You can't help Adeline the way he can, so where is your fault here, Fredo?! You are my best friend but that doesn't mean you always have to prove that. If I ask evidence of friendship then that's truly not a friendship. It will be a business deal. You don't have to do everything for me, Fredo. I know you care for me and you love me. That's enough." I said to him and he chuckled nodding his head.

" I can understand. But I was feeling very awkward in this sudden incident." He said.

" Your dad sent you away from Madrid just to keep you away from all these." I said to him and he nodded.

" My head is jammed since last night." He said.

" Then go have your medicines." I said gesturing him to do the only thing I hate about him. His smoking habit. He chuckled.

" I left it." He said. I looked at him weirdly.

" What?!!" I asked him completely shocked.

" Yes. It was hard. I used to do it out of frustrations but little Celine removed all depression and frustrations from my life." He said smilingly. "Whenever I feel low I just talk to her and she takes away all my tensions with her giggles." He said looking at the screen of his phone where Carolina was playing with Celine. Probably one of the most beautiful photos I have ever seen.

" They are beautiful." I said and he chuckled. " And I am happy that you have come out of such a bad habit for your daughter." I said and he chuckled.

" Lina too can't tolerate it. She would have kicked me out if she knew about that." He said and I chuckled.

I prayed to God that he may protect this happiness of the guy standing before me. A truly wonderful person Fredo is. No one knows that better than me. Literally no one.

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