Tying The Knot

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Adeline's POV

" Where are we going?" I asked Enrique and he chuckled.

" Why are you so restless? Sleep until we reach there." He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" I want to know now." I said to him.

" I am not at all kidnapping you, Your Highness. You can relax." He said.

" How can I if I don't know where we are going?" I asked him and he sighed deeply. " And you kidnapped me already. How many more times do you want to kidnap me?" I asked him and he chuckled. I leaned on his and touched his smile. He looked at me weirdly.

" What happened?" He asked me.

" Nothing happened." I said. " Just wanted to make sure if it was the real one." I said.

" How can the smile be false?" He asked me.

" Yours one is not. But I can fake smile. I do that most of the time you know?" I said to him and he kept looking at me for awhile before wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

" From now onwards don't take it, okay?" He asked me.

" I have to fake it when I am in my workplace. You know you can't like all the people there with your own strategy." I said to him and he chuckled.

" But don't fake it in front of me. I don't want to be treated fake. If you don't like something about me then tell that to me on my face. I will try to change it in me. But don't keep it in your mind." He said and I nodded.

" Ok. I will try." I said and he smiled.

" Thank you." He said. I nodded. I picked out my phone and took some selfies of us. He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

" Memories. I will show these to my grandchildren when I will get old." I said to him and he chuckled.

" You will never grow old. You are evergreen." He said.

" It's to you not to the world." I said to him. " I am almost 23. Getting older anyways." I said.

" Yeah, you are getting older. No one else. Trust me no one else." He said and I rolled my eyes at his weird comment. I was checking the photos and found Celine's photos. She is so cute. I wish I had a daughter like her. So cute like a doll.

" Enrique, do you love me?" I asked him checking the photos.

" What?!" He asked me back and I turned to him.

" This is not the answer of my question." I said to him. He chuckled.

" This is very secret. I will tell you when you will learn about your feelings for me." He said winking at me. I rolled my eyes.

" What if it's not love?" I asked him.

" Then I will work hard to make you fall in love with me." He said to me.

" Yeah. I have seen the hardworking of yours to make me fall in love with you. That is why you want to send me back to Australia after our honeymoon trip. I don't disagree. It's a good choice. Very very good choice." I said to him. He chuckled.

" I don't want to be the obstacle between you and your dream. May be now it is not bothering you but who knows that it won't in future?! I don't want to keep any scope for anyone to talk about it in future that the Queen couldn't chase her dreams just for the King. May be some day you too feel something like that. I don't want to face that. I will give you freedom but remember you have to come back to me." He said and I rolled my eyes. I don't want to go. Stupid!!!

" What happened to you?" He asked me.

" Nothing." I said with a grumpy face. He chuckled.

" You look cute when you get irritated." He said pinching on my cheek. I rolled my eyes.

" What if someone else tries to reach me?! You shouldn't send me away from you." I tried to emotionally blackmail him.

" My wife is savage enough to be reached like that and besides the security teams will be around. I won't let you go out of my radar, Your Highness. You can enjoy your freedom inside my radar. No one will bother you. They will bother them who will try to bother you." He said and I sighed. This guy won't get it ever.

" Moral of the story, you don't love me. This why you can stay away from me." I said to him and he chuckled.

" I wish I could explain it to you clearly. But I will. Very soon. Until how long will you hide it?" He asked me.

" Hide what?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" You will understand that soon." He said to me.

" Alright." I said to him. He smiled at my irritated face. Stupid!!! I was checking Celine's photos. I really want to have a cute baby like her.

" Enrique!!" I called him.

" Yes, Your Highness?" He said. I rolled my eyes.

" Enrique, what about having a kid?" I asked him.

" Don't go on the flow. You are just emotional seeing Celine's photos. You don't want to have a kid for real and he have just got married. You know very well on which situation. We need  time to adjust with each other." He said.

" Adjust with each other? This is not compromising. This is accepting the truth." I said to him.

" I don't want things happen like that between us. Why don't we try to fall in love with each other then think about having kids?" He asked me and I sighed.

He was right. May be I am too emotional. But I think I am falling for him. My only problem is if he feels the same about me. If not then I will not give up. I will make him fall in love with me. I am not going to get defeated in this. Never ever.

" What are you thinking about?" He asked me.

" Umm...you are right. But listen, you have to love me only. If you don't then set it in your mind, heart and brain that they all belongs to me even your soul too." I said to him and he chuckled.

" I love the way you say that. Hope that one day you will accept your feelings too." He said and I sighed.

I need to be cleared about my feelings. I looked at my wedding ring. Is there an special emotion attached with the word tying the knot??

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