Worst Game

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Enrique's POV

" Are you ok?" Kieran asked me. I nodded.

" What about Murphy?" I asked him.

" He hasn't responded yet. We are trying." He said and I nodded.

" What actually happened there, Enrique?" He asked me as he sat next to me. I checked my wound. It wasn't deep but I was very confused about what happened earlier.

" It's still blurry to me." I said to her.

" Why?! What's wrong?" he asked me.

" Actually, I went to meet Mr. Cottrell last evening." I said.

" But why did you need to go and meet Mr. Cottrell?" He asked me.

" His Highness had a meeting with him yesterday. I know that he has enmity with His Highness for an unknown reason." I said to him.

" Enmity?!" He asked me.

" Yes. I don't know the reason. I wanted to ask that to him last evening." I said.

" Oh, but I heard he was behind bars for years." He asked me.

" Yes. He was involved with illegal drug dealing." I said to him.

" Oh, may be. I don't know the details. But what happened then?" He asked me.

" When I was inside the palace I got a call from Rony that he wants to say something very important and he wants to say that face to face. I thought there is something problem.  Murphy was acting weird. But I thought he was in some tension and I will talk to both of them together. This why I didn't ask him. We reached reached there and...


" Your Highness, may I come with you?" Murphy asked me and I chuckled.

" I am not that coward, Murphy." I said to him and he sighed.

" Being coward is the best option sometimes, Your Highness." He said.

" Where is Rony?" I asked him.

" Your Highness..." He was stuttering.

" What happened, Murphy? Are you ok? Is there anything wrong?" I asked him and he sighed deeply closing his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked at me with his teary eyes. What's wrong with him.

" Everything ok?" I asked him once again. He sighed before pointing his gun at me.

" I am sorry, Your Highness. Please forgive me." He said to me. " I am helpless. I don't have any other choice. If I had then I would do that. I can't even kill myself." He said to me and I chuckled.

I was having a feeling that someone is trying to play a worst game with me. But I never thought that they will use Murphy and Rony for that. They are the most trustworthy and loyal to the Royal family.

" Who is that, Murphy? At least tell me before shooting me." I said to him.

" Your Highness, I can't tell you. I am sorry." He said. " I am really sorry." He said and I heard the gunshots after that.

The bullet hit my shoulder. I looked at Murphy weirdly. His target never misses. Never ever. Why did he shot me on my shoulder?! What is he trying to do?!

" I am sorry, Your Highness." He said and pointed his gun at me again. "Run, Your Highness, don't make me your murderer." He said and I shook my head.

" You know I will never ever do that, Murphy. If you want to shot me then go ahead. No use of telling me to run away like a coward." I said clutching on my shoulder. It was bleeding as hell. " I beg you, Your Highness. For His Highness. Please, cooperate." He said. I was about to ask why has he dragged His Highness in this.

" But Murphy.." I was stopped with the gunshots and I saw Murphy on the ground clutching his stomach.

I quickly reached him and heard a series of gunshots. I looked around the junkyard. I can understand why Cattrrel called us here. He wanted to close my chapter here today.

" Murphy!!!" I called him. He was severely injured. " Hey!!! Hey!!! Don't close your eyes. Just keep them open. Don't lose your sense. Keep holding it." I said to him.

" I... I... I am so.. sor..sorry... Your Highness. I ... I...could.. couldn't-" he was saying and I stopped him.

" No, worries. Don't talk. Come on. We have to go out of here alive. Don't give up." I helped him to stand up.

" You..you go. I will...not...not be..be able... able to ma... make it." He said but I didn't listen to him.

" Put your weight on me. We have to do it, Murphy." I said to him. He gritted his teeth to hold on the pain. "Come on." I said to him and I took him behind junkyard.

I heard the gunshots and we hide in the abandoned warehouse. I looked at Murphy. He was bleeding horribly. I quickly removed my jacket and I unbuttoned my shirt before wrapping my shirt around his stomach. His eyes were half closed.

" Jensen!! Murphy, where is Jensen?" I asked him about our chauffeur.

" Don't go, Your Highness. He is a traitor." He said and I sighed deeply.

My phone!!! I have to call Fredo. I checked my pocket. But it wasn't there. I tried to remember where have I left it?!

" Shit!!! It was in the car." I said to myself. " Give me your phone." I said to Murphy.

He couldn't respond. I tried to find out the phone in his pocket and got the phone. I dialed Fredo's number but no one picked it up. Where is he when he is needed to pick the call up?!! I tried the landline of his office and someone picked it up. 

" Hello, who is there?" I asked.

" Who are you, please?" I heard a lady voice.

" It's Prince Enrique. Can you please give the phone to Mr. Valezquez? Tell him it's very urgent." I said to her.

" Pardon me, Your Highness. He is in a very important meeting." She said. I gritted.

" It's more urgent than the meeting." I said to her.

" I am doing something." She said and I heard Kieran's voice after awhile.

" Hello, Enrique!!" He said.

" There is no time to waste. Ask Fredo that I need his help." I said to him.

" He is in the meeting. You tell me what kind of help?" He asked me.

" I don't want to involve you in this." I said to him.

" Trust me." He said. Wasting time will not be a good thing. So, I texted him the address.

Flashback Ends...

" You rest of the story." I said to him and he nodded.

" Someone is playing a worst game." He said. I nodded.

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