Awkward But True

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Adeline's POV

I was sitting on the deck of the charter boat. Enrique has some weird behavior. If he wants to do something. He just has to do it immediately. I was telling him that I went to the great barrier reef last year with all. He too wants to go there now. Though he visited that before. He wants to enjoy the scuba diving with me. Crazy!!! Isn't it?!!

So, what he said that's the rule. We were in the flight in half an hour and he reached Queensland in the middle of the night. It's better that he booked the hotel room earlier. Otherwise we would have a problem. We rented this boat this morning. Enrique always tries to avoid crowd and I can understand that. It became an issue earlier. We can't take any risk.

" Is Ms. Bronwyn enjoying the view?" I asked someone asking. I found the diving instructor Fiona.

" Oh, Fiona, how are you doing?" I asked her.

" You remember me?" She chuckled.

" Of course. How can I forget you? You saved Kyra that day. How can I forget you?" I asked her. She smiled.

" How are they?" She asked me.

" They are perfectly fine." I said to her.

" You didn't bring them this time?" She asked me.

" No. I came with my husband." I said to her.

" You got married?! That's great." She said. I chuckled. How come she doesn't know?!

" Yes. There he is." I pointed Enrique who was talking to the captain. She smiled.

" Oh, great." She said.

" Wait. Let me introduce you with him." I said to her. " Enrique!!" I called him and he turned to see me. He smiled. He shook hand with the captain and walked toward me. He reached me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I rolled my eyes.

" Enrique, this is Fiona, the diving instructor here." I said to him. " Fiona, he is my husband Enrique." I said to him.

" Nice to meet you, Ms. Fiona." Enrique said shaking hand with her.

" Nice to meet you too." She said and Enrique pulled his hand away from her hold.

" I can't remember where did I see you. You look very familiar." She said to Enrique. He chuckled.

" People say that I look very familiar. No problem. It happens." Enrique said. I chuckled.

" Ok, you guys enjoy. I will go and check the stuffs." She said and I nodded. She left after that. I don't like her eyes on Enrique. She was literally ogling him.

" You are very good at hiding your identity, Your Highness." I said to him caressing his cheek. He chuckled before leaning a bit and pecking on my lips. I narrowed my eyes at him.

" They were bothering me a lot." He said smiling innocently.

" What was bothering you?" I asked him.

" Your lips, Sweetheart." He said.

" My lips?! Like really?" I asked him.

" Yes, really." He said and I rolled my eyes. He chuckled. We were sitting on the deck enjoying the view.

Australia offers some of the best wildlife and marine life experiences to the world and a major contribution is by the Reef in Queensland. This is the greatest reef on Earth which extends more than 2000 km. The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 kilometres over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres. The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. It is home to thousands of different stunning living organisms, existing together. And scuba diving in Australia opens up the marine life treasures to you. Feel blessed if you spot any of the different types of Sharks, Ocean Turtles, Monster Groupers, Whales and Dolphins.

Australia is known for some things: mixed scenes, native culture, kangaroos, wonderful cleaner musical dramas and different types of ‘footy’. Be that as it may, with regards to visiting underneath the sea’s surface, one clearly stated piece of its marine something given to future people comes out over all others.

" Where are you lost?" He asked me.

" Nowhere just was thinking about the natural beauty." I said to him.

" It's very eye-catching and heartwarming" he said and I chuckled.

" I know." I said.

I was remembering the first time I experienced scuba diving. I was may be 14 or 15 feet under the water and it was an wonderful experience of 20 minutes for me. The life under the water surprised me crazily. Everything was crystal clear before me. I saw thousands of fishes and of course the corals there. It was amazing. The most interesting thing was we met a beluga whale there. It was very adorable. I still remember how I forgot to breath for awhile by the heart melting beauty of the life underwater. I tried to memorize every details of the view I was experiencing.

" Get ready." He said to me.

" I am not feeling like diving today." I said to him.

" Is that for your friend Fiona?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" Let's go." I said and got ready to dive. I saw Fiona coming toward us.

" Adele, I may not be able to come with you." She said.

" Why?" I looked at her weirdly.

" I have got an emergency. I have to leave. I hope you guys will manage it." She said and I nodded. She left and I looked at her weirdly.

" Ok. You may leave." I said to her and she walked away.

What happened to her in few moments?!! Though it won't be a problem, there is another instructor. But I couldn't understand what's wrong here?! But part of me was happy that she was leaving. May be because she was looking at Enrique with lustful eyes. No wife will be able to accept that fact.

" Are you happy now? She is gone." I heard Enrique and turned to see him. He was almost prepared to dive in the other.

" What did you do now?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" You will get time to thank me at night. I will be all yours then." He said winking at me.

" Catch me, Your Highness, if you can then I may share that with you." He said before diving into water. I rolled my eyes.

He was right when he said he understands me more than myself. Awkward but true.

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