Everything About Her

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Enrique's POV

" I am bored." Adeline said.

" You need to rest." I said typing the mail.

" I want to go on a long drive." Adeline said.

" You need to rest." I said to her.

" I need a bit refreshment." She said to me.

" You need to rest." I responded.

" I hate you." She said and I chuckled.

" You need to rest." I said to her. She took my hand and bite on my forearm savagely. I chuckled rubbing my forearm where she just bite me awhile back.

" You tattooed me. See?" I said to her showing her the marks of her teeth. She glared at me.

" I am bored sitting here all the time." She said and I wrapped my arm around her waist.

" How can you be bored while your dashing husband is sitting beside you?" I asked her and checked the bandage on her head.

She got it drenched yesterday while taking shower. We had to change it and it was risky. Doctor told us to be careful with her. I don't know how can she be that careless about her wound?!! When I asked her she was saying like her body was itching like hell. Like really?!!

" Don't talk to me. You lied to me about your wound. It was not a small accident. You are a liar. I hate liars but I can't hate you. That is bothering me the most." She said and I chuckled kissing on her cheeks. " Don't kiss me. I am angry with you." She said stubbornly with a grumpy face.

" Doctor asked not to tell you about that." I said to her. " You couldn't take mental stress." I said kissing on her forehead. She didn't say anything just kept playing with the buttons of my shirt.

" Does that mean you will hide anything from me if someone says that to you?" She asked me and I chuckled.

" Only if it's for your own good." I said to her. She sighed deeply. I kept holding her. She kept playing with the buttons of my shirt.

" I am still angry. You will make me my favourite dishes tonight. You will do it by yourself. If you agree then I will think about forgiving you." She said and I chuckled.

" Ok. If you say so." I said to her.

" I will give you the list of dishes you have to make for me." She said and I chuckled.

" I know your favourite dishes. You don't have to give me the lists." I said and she rolled her eyes.

" There will be other people too. So, it should be mixed." He said and I nodded.

" I have no problem." I said to her.

" Confidence level is saying that you can beat Gordon Ramsay in this." She said. I chuckled.

" I didn't show my interest in cooking. Otherwise I could beat him without any doubt." I said to her. She rolled her eyes.

" Drama!!" She said and I chuckled. I was about to tell her something to irritate her but before that we heard a knock on the door. I pecked on her lips before leaving her.

" Come in please." I said and sat next her. I found my Mom. She smiled at us.

" What are you guys doing?" my mother asked us. I smiled at her.

" Please have a seat Your Highness." Adeline said. She came inside and sat across us.

" How are you feeling?" Mom asked Adeline.

" I am fine." She said. " Where is that bast*rd? Did he hurt you more?" She asked Mom.

" I don't know. His Highness knows what has he done to him." Mom said to her.

" Oh!!" She said. " Didn't you ask him what has he done to him?" She asked Mom.

" I did but he didn't want to reveal." Mom said and rolled her eyes. I chuckled.

" May be he send him behind the bars." Adeline said. I chuckled.

Only a few people knows what actually happened to Mr. Cottrell and they don't have to know that. Let's keep it secret.

" Yeah, may be. Not sure." Mom said to her.

" But why did he kidnapped us? I mean what did he want from you?" Adeline asked her. " He was saying that he wants you. But why?" She asked her. Mom sighed deeply.

" He is a dark part of my life." Mom said.

" Oh!!" She said.

" He was my brother's friend more like his business associate." Mom said. " He liked me from long but I never liked him that way. He never ever let me know that, never ever gave me any hints as well. When I get married with Eric he started his madness. He kept texting and calling me saying that he loves me and he wants me to divorce Eric. His craziness grew that much that it was spoiling our reputation. I told you that Eric's parents didn't like me from the start and his craziness effect it much more." She said. " Days passed but his craziness didn't change. He kept doing whatever he wanted to do. That time I was pregnant with Enrique and I went to the hospital. He almost pushed me from the stairs. But I couldn't let him hurt myself then because I had my little cupcake in my womb." Mom said and I smiled kissing on her hands. " The guards helped me that day and His Highness came to know about it. I still remember he was very angry with me for hiding these from him. I didn't want to make a mess. Because he was always over possessive over me." Mom said.

" He still is, Mom. You know how much he loves you, right" I asked her and she nodded.

" He dared to do such a thing. But I don't understand one thing, why Martha helped them?" Adele asked.

" She didn't know that Mr. Hamilton was cheating." I said to her. " You can't ask about the loyalty of a few people in the palace. Martha is one of them." I said to her and she nodded.

Mom left after talking to us for awhile. More like His Highness send Martha to call her back. I know how much they love each other. May God protect their love from all the evil eyes.

" Little cupcake!!" Adeline said smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes at her.

" Don't call me that." I said.

" I will. What will you do?" She asked me wriggling her eyebrows. I smiled and pulled her closer before capturing her lips with mine.

" I hope you got the answer." I said to her. She giggled.

" Very sweet punishment." She said. "Little cupcake!!! Little cupcake!!! Little cupcake!!!" She giggled again. I smirked before pulling her closer and capturing her lips with mine. I heard her giggling in between the kisses. Damn!!! I love this girl. Love everything about her.

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