Deserve It?

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Adeline's POV

" I don't understand where are we going?" I asked him.

" You will see that." He said and the copter was taking us God knows where.

I couldn't keep my excitement away anymore. I looked down at the bluish green water down. I was very excited. Cool. I smiled. He chuckled at my excitement but I ignored him.

" After doing all these things I got ignored?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" I am enjoying the nature. Don't disturb me. I am busy now." I said. He laughed.

" If you remain busy all the time then this poor husband will die starving." He said. I rolled my eyes.

" We have lunch barely few hours back." I said to him.

" I wasn't talking about that, Your Highness." He facepalmed.

" Then what, Your Highness?" I asked him and he took my hand before keeping it on his heart.

" It is the matter of this." He said and I could feel his heartbeat. I chuckled and patted his cheek.

" Nothing can attract me that intensely." I said. "But you." I wanted to add. But for a weird reason I couldn't.

" Better for me then if nothing can attract you that intense." He said and I nodded.

" Golden chance for you, Prince Enrique. Oops, sorry. King Enrique." I said and he chuckled.

" It's almost the evening." I said to him.

" We will reach there in 5 minutes." He said and I chuckled.

" Why is that very important to come here?" I asked him.

" This is very very important." He said to me. I shrugged God knows why.

" Is this place your favourite honeymoon destination?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes.

" I haven't got married before so didn't do a PhD on honeymoon destination." He said and I pouted.

" Enrique, what kind of girl did you want for yourself?" I asked him.

" I wanted a girl just like you." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" It's true. Fredo did an research on you before kidnapping you that day. If you were not perfect for me he wouldn't have suggested you for that." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Fredo knows everything about you." I said and I suddenly start to feel childishly jealous with Fredo. Damn me. Enrique chuckled.

" Cause he is with me since childhood.  You will know me as well." He said. "One day you will know me better than him." He said to me.

" True?!" I asked him.

" Yes, true." He said and the copter landed somewhere.

" Come with me." He hold my hand and we got down from the copter.

" Your Highness, there are a few paparazzi." The security in charge said. Enrique sighed.

" Tell them that we are roaming around the mainland. It was just a trick to trap them." Enrique said to him and he nodded.

" Until then we will be having rest in the resort." He said and the security guy nodded.

" Sure, Your Highness." The security in charge said. I sighed.

My sudden wedding brought a sudden fame for me which I am not used to and I am getting irritated with this celebrity lifestyle. I mean I am not Kim Kardashian, right? Why can't royals have normal lives?! I sighed deeply. We went inside the resort and Enrique booked a suite for us there. Are we staying here tonight?! May be. Who knows?!!

I got freshen up and found the dinner was served already. I could see the sky full of stars from here. I smiled widely. I love this view. I tried to find out my mom there. I know this is an absurd thought but I want to believe that my mom is there and she is watching me from there. People sometimes does things without any logic behind it just to have peace of mind and their mental satisfaction. Believing this things kept giving me hope. I have never seen my mom. How I wish she was alive today!!! I don't want to cry in front of Enrique. He will be upset then. He did a lot to make me happy today.

" When did you arrange all these?" I asked him smilingly hiding my tears. He just smiled.

" Before we come here." He said. "What do you think?! I am the King." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Taste it." He showed me the local traditional dish.

We had dinner and the security in charge reached to inform that he finally cleared out all the paparazzi and we can enjoy our private time together freely now. I took a sigh of relief. Thanks God, our private time is not going to me the news on next morning's breakfast table.

" Thanks, Paul. You may leave now but keep your eyes open." He said to the security in charge who just smiled.

We walked and reached the beach. As soon as I reached the beach my eyes opened widened. The water was glowing like thousands of stars gathered in there and shining brightly now. I was hung there. What a beauty!!!

" Don't you want to touch it?" He asked me and I was waiting exactly for that question.

I didn't wait a second. I ran to the water to make myself believe that it was for real. I looked back at Enrique smilingly who was sitting on the beach in a relaxed mood. I smirked. I took some water and sprinkled it on him. I laughed before running away from him to save myself. He followed me and caught me after awhile. I was giggling like a little kid when he picked me up over his shoulder and threw me into the water. I laughed and pulled him into water too. He laughed with me.

" I am so happy." I said lying on the sand. He chuckled before lying next to me.

" Me too. Specially because of your smile. I have never ever seen you smiling like this." He said. I chuckled.

" Suddenly you brought me here?" I asked him and he smiled before extending his arm and gesturing me to keep my head on it. I smiled.

" You know a very interesting incident happened a few days before our wedding. That morning I was working in my study suddenly 3 people came inside the study and I was a bit uncomfortable seeing them there together." He said and stopped for awhile.

" Who came to you?" I asked him.

" Your siblings." He said. I looked at him weirdly.

" They told me a story. Story of a brilliant brain." He said. I know rest of the story but I wanted to know how my siblings told these all to him.

" You know she was very special. She was expert in every single thing. She never met her mom infact her mother died while giving birth to her and her twin sister. As she grew up she came to know the ugliest truth about her mother's death and started to blame herself for that. She had a lot of similarities with her mother but she didn't want to be like her mother out of her guilt. She left painting cause her mom was also a painter. She buried her dreams and tried to become be colder to the world cause she was afraid that if she makes friends they will blame her for her mother's death or she will be the reason of their destruction. " He said and chuckled sadly looking at the sky.

" Someone told me that touching the stars was her biggest dream when she was a kid." He said. I wiped my tears hiding from him.

" Someone cried a lot that day holding my hands saying she was always there to fulfill everyone's wish but there was no one for her. I feel selfish, Enrique. Very very selfish." He said.

I know who did that. It was my twin. I love my siblings the most in this whole world. How do they understand me that well!!? Why do they have to be so good to me?!! Do I really deserve it?!

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