Falling For Him

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Adeline's POV

" Yeah, Danny. Can you tell me whose number is this?" I asked him. I will find out this witch. How dare she?!

" Ok, I will tell you. You block the number on Enrique's phone." He said.

" I did already." I said and Enrique chuckled. I glared at him. He shook his head.

" That girl may be secret lover of your husband." Danny said. I gritted.

" I don't want any witch in my life." I said to him and he chuckled.

" There will be no one but you in Enrique's life. Stay strong. It's your right. Don't let anyone else take your place." I heard Scarlett's voice. I sighed.

" Yeah, I will. No worries." I said to her.

" Are you upset?" She asked me.

" No, I am just thinking how brave that girl is who was saying that she is Enrique's ex that too she dared to tell that to me." I said and she chuckled.

" You don't have to be worried. She can't do anything in this." She said to me.

" I know." I said.

" Yeah, convince her. She is not trying to understand that." Enrique said.

" Is Enrique there?" Scarlett asked.

" Yes. I am here." He said smilingly and I rolled my eyes.

" Oh, Hi, Enrique. How are you doing?" She asked him.

" I am fine. What about you all? Where is Louis?" Enrique asked her.

" Has gone to University, attending his classes." I said to him.

" Ok, I got it." He said.

" The number is of Karen Rupert. Who is that?" Danny said.

" Karen Rupert?! Then why did she say that it's Hannah?" I asked him.

" I don't know." Danny said and Enrique laughed suddenly.

" I know who Karen Rupert is." Enrique said.

" Who is that?!" I asked him. He kept laughing clutching his stomach. I gritted.

" Who is she?!" I asked him glaring at him hard.

He raised his hands on air surrendered himself. I rolled my eyes.  He took his phone and unblocked the number. He called the girl again. I rolled my eyes not saying anything.

" Hello, Karen Sweetheart!!" He said and I clenched my nails.

" Brooooooooo!!! When are you coming back?" I heard Amy's voice and I got a bit shocked. Why did Amy picked up the call?!

" Did you call me last night?" He asked her.

" Me?! Nope. Why?" She asked.

" The new car you have gotten will be seized." Enrique said.

" You can't do this to me, Enrique. I am a little innocent girl."  She said in a cute voice.

" Your cards will be seized as well." Enrique said.

" It was my friend Hannah. We tried to see if Adele gets jealous or not." She said and I looked at the phone weirdly.

" She got jealous and she was angry all that time. You shouldn't have done that, Amy." Enrique said and I sighed.

" What, Enrique?!! Whole the nation knows that you didn't have any affair ever." Amy said.

" But she is not from Spain. So,she can doubt about it." He said to me.

" Hmm, but you have a lot of secret admirer and they can attack any time. This was just fun. But there can be serious issues. Adele should handle them smartly." Amy said.

" You talk to her. She is standing next to me." Enrique said.

" She was listening to these all the time?" She asked me.

" Yes." He said and she stayed silent for awhile.

" Sorry, Adele. I didn't know you will take it seriously. I told you that Enrique never ever had a girlfriend. I didn't know that you will just that." She said and I sighed deeply.

" Ok, but next time don't do such a thing. It keeps irritating a lot." I said to her.

" Are you angry with me?" She asked me and I smiled.

" I was angry with your friend Hannah." I said to her.

" She is engaged. She will not steal your hubby. Your man is yours only. No one will take him away." She said and I chuckled. This girl.

" Where are you both?" She asked me.

" Waiting for the jet to take off." I said to her.

" Oh, then see you tomorrow morning." She said.

" Sure." I said to her.

" Ok, bye. Take care and have a safe journey." She said.

" Thank you, Amy. Good night sleep tight." I said to her and hung up the call.

I found Enrique smiling at me. I narrowed my eyes at him. What is going on in his brain?!

" Jealousy is very important in love." He said. " You have to be jealous of others with your partner." He said. I gritted and hold his collar.

" You are my husband. We are not in some relationship. It's marriage. Don't you dare to take it easily. And about which secret admirer Amy was talking about?" I asked him. He shook his head helplessly.

" There are always a group of girls having habit of having crush every now and then. It's not a crime." He said to me.

" It's a crime. No one can have a crush on you. You are mine. What's mine is completely mine." I said firmly.

" I am yours. Completely yours." He said.

" Then why will they have crush on you?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" We can't stop someone in that." He said. I sighed deeply.

I am always extremely possessive over my things since my childhood. And here it's about my husband. I had to get angry.

" Whatever!!! They should stop seeing this." I pointed his wedding band. He chuckled before pulling me closer. I sighed before burying my face on his chest.

" What happened to you today?! Why are you restless?" He asked me running his fingers through my hair. It relaxed my burning nerves.

I wrapped my arms around him. I myself don't have any idea what happened to me last night. Why did I behave like that?! Everything was confusing to me. I acted like a mad woman. But I couldn't control myself when she said that Enrique will go back to her one day. It blazed fire inside me.

" You know getting jealous is an important step to fall in love. Are you falling for me?" He asked smirking at me. I rolled my eyes burying my face on his neck. He just chuckled.

Am I falling for him?!

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