Cold War

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Adeline's POV

" Why is coronation so important?" I asked Amy.

" What are you asking about? Coronation is very very important. It's to let everyone know that the new King or Queen is taking over the throne and their responsibilities." She said and I nodded.

" When is Enrique's coronation ceremony?" I asked her.

" Next week." She said.

" That's great." I said to her.

" I don't have any idea actually what will happen that day." I said to her.

" Don't worry. It's just a small issue with thousands of speeches. You yourself have to deliver one as the Queen as well." She said to me and I sighed.

" Me?!" I asked her.

" Yes, you. You too have to say something for the nation as Enrique's wife." She said and I nodded. I sighed deeply.

" I am not used to these things. What will I say in front of the nation?" I asked her and she chuckled a bit.

" You don't have to worry about it. Just relax and enjoy your time." She said.

" Don't you want to be the Queen?" I asked her.

" Why me?! Enrique is the heir of the throne." She said.

" But don't you ever wanted to be the Queen?" I asked her.

" Nope. Nope. I am a one lazy girl. I can't take that big responsibility. I wanna live free with my own dreams and passion." She said standing up on the couch spreading her hands either side of her. I chuckled at her childishness. She is still a kid.

" What is your dream, Amy?" I asked her when she sat back next to me. She pouted. I chuckled. " Tell me." I said to her.

" I want to have a chocolate factory. Big fat chocolate factory." She said. "Charlie and the chocolate factory." She said and I chuckled.

" Seriously?!" I asked her.

" Nope." She said.

" Then?" I asked her.

" I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was young but I knew as a Princess I won't be able to do that." She said.

" Why not?" I asked her.

" My father won't allow me to do that." She said.

" Why not?" I asked him.

" Because he doesn't like that." She said.

" Without any reason?" I asked her.

" Leave it. I will help Enrique but until then I need to settle my mind." She said to me.

" What do you want to do now?" I asked her. She pouted.

" Don't know." She said.

" Come to Australia with me. You will enjoy it." I said to her.

" But you will busy with your business. What will I do there?" She asked me and I chuckled.

" There is Louis, Danny, Scarlett and the kids. You will have a beautiful time with them." I said.

" Oh, yes. I have a huge crush on Reben. He is so cute." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" He is not cute. He is stupid." I said to her and she pouted.

" You too insult him every now and then like Danny. It's not fair." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" So, will you come with me?" I asked her and she thought for awhile.

" I could but if only I get the permission. Will His Highness let me go with you?" She asked me.

Actually, I myself am also confused about it. I don't have any idea if he let her or not but I didn't think about it for now.

" I will talk to him." I said to her.

" If he lets me go then there is no problem." She said.

" I will convince him anyhow. But you are enough matured now, Amy. Why can't you take your own decisions by yourself?" I asked her and she sighed deeply.

" I don't want my mistakes makes the Queen suffer in the long run." She said to me mindlessly. I looked at her weirdly.

" Why will that make her suffer in the long run?" I asked her and she looked at me shocked like she has said something she shouldn't have said.

" Nothing. Literally nothing." She said. I sighed. May be she doesn't want to talk about that.

" Tell me one thing?" I said to her and she nodded.

" What is that?" She asked me.

" The King is still able to rule then why is he leaving the throne this early?" I asked her and she sighed.

" I don't know. He didn't say that to anyone else." She said and I nodded.

" Hey, guys!!!" We saw Mira standing there in the door. I smiled.

" Hi, Mira." I said to her.

" Why are you here early in the morning? To spoil my mood?" Amy asked her.

" You guys fought last night?" I asked them.

" She started." Both of them pointed each other. I sighed deeply.

" Fredo came back from Norway?" I asked Mira.

" No. He didn't. He will be back this weekend before Enrique's coronation." She said and I nodded.

I hope Fredo and Princess Carolina settle down everything for sake of their daughter Celine.

" But Kieran came with me." Mira said and Amy glared at her. I hold her and and she sighed deeply.

" Fine." She said. " He doesn't mean anything to me. He is nothing. I will let him know that today."

" Act normal." I said to her and she nodded.

We walked downstairs and found Prince Kieran was talking to Enrique. I found the Queen was also sitting there silently. I don't know why there was a cold war in the room.

" Good morning, everyone." Amy said and sat next to the Queen.

" Hello, Prince Kieran." I said shaking his hand. He smiled.

I sat next to Enrique. He as always was smiling. The smile which can spread peace all over my world. He is without any doubt one of the most beautiful creation of God specially for his beautiful smile. The Queen left after awhile and Enrique had to attend a phone call. As both of them left, we started to talk. Amy was acting very normal. Good girl. I smiled.

" Amy, we are going on a long drive tonight." Mira said.

" Oh, that's great. Pick me up too." Amy said.

" Kieran is coming as well. Will you join us yet?" Mira asked her.

" Is there any rule that if Prince Kieran joins then I can't join you? He should know that we don't insult guests when we invite them. He is welcomed anyways." She said to Mira and Kieran kept looking at her without any expressions. I felt a cold war between them.

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