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Enrique's POV

Fredo was standing next to me on the bridge of the lake. None of us were talking to each other. He was busy with his own thought. I was waiting for him to tell me the whole story. But I am not going to force him to do that.

" I never thought that my past will come out like that." He said and I looked at him.

" This is not your past. This is your future now." I said to him. He looked at me then looked away. 

" I don't know how to explain this to you, Enrique." He sighed deeply.

" Even if you don't explain it still we will be best friends." I said to him.

" I was bound with a promise, Enrique. You know I will never ever break my promise." He said and I nodded.

" I am not blaming you for anything, Fredo. You did which was best for you to do." I said to him.

" Will it effect our friendship?" He asked me looking at the water of the lake.

" Our friendship is not that weak to break up for a weird reason." I said. He nodded and took out his phone. He showed me Celine's photo. I smiled.

" She is beautiful." I said to him. He nodded with teary eyes.

" I still can't believe that she is mine. She is my daughter, Enrique. My own flesh and blood." He said caressing the photo.

" Trust it. She is your Princess." I said to him.

" Being father for the first time is very special. I can't express how is this feeling, Enrique. May be the happiest human being in this whole world is standing before you." He said. I nodded.

" She is your strength now." I said to him.

" I am going to bring her back to me. It doesn't matter if Carolina agrees with this or not. She has wasted a lot of time of my life. If she wants to come back then she is welcomed if not then she is free to live her life however be she wants to. I am not giving my daughter back." He said and I sighed.

" She must have a reason, Fredo." I said. He sighed.

" No reason is acceptable in this matter, Enrique. My daughter is 15 months old now and I am knowing that now. She didn't even bother to inform me that she is pregnant. She didn't tell me about my daughter. How can she do this to me?!!" Fredo said frustratedly. I sighed.

" Only she can answer your question. You have to talk to her for that." I said.

" I am ready to talk to her but she is not ready to talk to me." He said.

" Don't lose hope. Everything will be ok." I said and he sighed.

" I have taken the decision. I am going to bring my daughter here. If Carolina doesn't want to come then it's ok. I can brought my daughter up by myself alone. There are single fathers who are brining up their kids better than a mother." He said and I sighed.

" Alright. But you didn't tell me how did you guys got married?" I asked him and he sighed deeply.

" You know my father and King Williams were best friends. My family is originally from Norway. But we shifted here for our business issues. That was the time when I met you and we became friends." He said and I nodded. I know the story.

" One day Dad heard that King Williams is very sick and that was the time we were in Italy. You remember?" He asked me and I nodded. We went on a secret vacation with our friends. " You remember that I returned in between the trip when you asked me what happened to me?" He asked me and I nodded. " The story starts after that. When I came back I heard that King Williams is very sick. No chances of his recovery. So, he requested me to marry Carolina." He said and I looked at him weirdly though I knew the story. " I was very shocked with their demand. Cause I was 21 then and Lina was 17 back then. I was never ever ready to get married that early. It created a huge issue between Dad and me. We fought a lot on this topic and at last he requested me to meet her once." He said and sighed deeply. " That was the biggest destruction for me. I met her and boom!!! I don't know what happened to me. I forgot that she was only 17. Me the person who always made fun of love, had fallen for a little girl of 17 at first sight. My brain got stuck with her. I didn't know what to think about. I agreed to get married with her." He said and I chuckled.

It's not Fredo's fault. Princess Carolina is real a beauty. But she is not my type.

" So, you father knew that after meeting her you will agree to marry her?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" If anyone understands me well after you then it has to be my dad. He understands me like no one else." He said and I nodded.

" But why did you hide it from everyone?" I asked him. He sighed.

" It was Lina's condition on this marriage that she will marry me but only if it's kept secret until her coronation ceremony." He said to me.

" Why did she keep this kind of condition?" I asked him.

" Cause her father wasn't doing well that time. People would definitely react on this. And she didn't want any media attention at that crucial time of her life." He said and I nodded.

" Then why did she leave you?" I asked him and he sighed deeply.

" I don't know, Enrique. She has never ever given me a reason about that. Whenever I asked her she avoided that question saying that she never liked me and she was forced to marry me. Trust me Enrique she loved me that time. She changed her mind suddenly like that which I could not understand. She even sent me divorce papers." He gritted the last few words.

" Did you signed it?" I asked him.

" She can't get rid of me in this life." He said and I sighed.

" Celine needs a family. Her mother too." I said.

" Her mother will be with her. She can't live without her daughter. She has seen the good side of Fredo but she needs to experience the devil side as well." He said smirking. I nodded. I knew what was going inside his brain. 

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