Little Angel

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Adeline's POV

" Are you really giving 700 millions to Princess Carolina?" I asked him.

" Yes, why?" He asked me back. I shook my head.

" No, I thought it was a trick." I said to him and he chuckled.

" May be. Who knows!!" He said. I narrowed my eyes at him.

" What?! What is going on in your brain?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" You will see when it's time." He said to me. I sighed deeply.

" If it was me I would take all the money from that stupid Carrigan guy. He made such a worst deal. In a word he wants to buy Princess Carolina. Urrrgghh..." I fisted my hands. If I get him ever I cut him into pieces. Bloody bast*rd. Enrique chuckled.

" What would you do if it was you?" He asked me.

" Would have tricked, That Carrigan." I said to him and he smirked.

" We don't have to trick him. Someone else will destroy him very soon." He smirked.

" I don't understand who is that?!" I asked him and he chuckled.

" You will see." He said.

" You are too secretive." I said to him.

" Yeah, I know that." He said. I rolled my eyes. Stupid!!!

" Is there any other reason other but King Williams helping Amy that you agreed to help Princess Carolina?" I asked him.

" Yes." He nodded.

" What is that?" I asked him. He looked out if the window. Then sighed deeply.

" Fredo." He said to me.

" What?!" I asked him. He nodded.

" I am doing all these for Fredo. The biggest lifeline of my life. You don't have any idea how important he is for me. May be more than anyone else in the world. He was, he is and I know he will always be the biggest support of my life since childhood. He never left me in those crucial times. You know if it's needed he will sacrifice his life for me. Not everyone is lucky to have a friend like Fredo in their life. But I am. If I don't help him in this then I wouldn't be able to face myself in future." He said to me and I nodded.

" But what is the relation between Fredo and helping Princess Carolina?" I asked him but the car stopped.

" Your Highness,we are here." The guards said. Enrique nodded.

He hold my hand and we got out of the car. For my utter surprise I found there was a car waiting for us.

" Be careful, Your Highness." One of the guards said.

" Handle the media, Sam." Enrique said to him.

" Sure." He said to Enrique.

We got into the car and soon it started to move. God knows where we were going now. I am not understanding actually what was going on. What is the relation between Fredo and Princess Carolina?!

" You didn't tell me how are Fredo and Princess Carolina related?" I asked him. He didn't say anything for awhile. " Ok, I am not asking if it's too personal." I said to him and he sighed.

" Princess is Fredo's wife." He said and I was frozen on the track. What?!!

" What?! Not funny, Enrique. Are you crazy!!!" I asked him and he sighed.

" It's true. Nothing to do if you can't believe that." He said.

" But then why don't they live together?" I asked him getting confused.

" It's a long story." He said.

" I am not busy as well." I said to him.

" They had a secret wedding as the King wasn't doing well that time. They thought when the King gets well they will have a grand ceremony. But once the King died the Queen started to blackmail Princess to leave Fredo otherwise she will kill him. So, she was ready to divorce him." He said.

" They got divorced?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" If Fredo doesn't want to do something then no one can make him do that. Princess tried a lot to get divorced from him these years but he didn't response in that." He said.

" You knew this all these time then why didn't you help them before?" I asked him.

" I didn't know that all these years. He never discussed this with me cause he promised the Princess it will not come out until she wants." He said.

" What?!! But why don't the Queen wants her daughter to be with Fredo?! Is she crazy?!! Will she find out a better groom for Carolina than Fredo?!" I asked him. He sighed deeply.

" I don't like to curse anyone specially woman but I don't think the Queen is a human. I have doubt if she is a witch or not." Enrique said.

" She is a wh*re, f*cking witch, bloody sl*t." I kept cursing and he looked at me weirdly. " What?!" I asked him.

" Nothing." He shook his head.

" I knew from the start that Princess Carolina is going through some issues." I said.

" It's not an issue, it's a war for her. She is fighting alone against all the worst." He said.

" She will win this. Don't worry." I said. He nodded.

" But where are we going?" I asked him and he smiled.

" You will see. We are going to reach there in awhile." He said. I nodded.

After 20 minutes the car stopped. I found a big castle. Is this the Royal palace?!! But why is this in an isolated place?! I shrugged. We got down from the car and Enrique called someone. The door was opened and I found a woman in her early 40s. She smiled at us.

" Prince Enrique!!" She said smilingly. Enrique smiled back at her.

" She is Mrs. Foghurt Duchess Of Devonshire." Enrique said and I sighed though I didn't recognize her.

" Nice to meet you Crown Princess." She said shaking my hand. I smiled at her. That bright smile of her was giving me peace of mind.

" She is Princess Carolina's aunt." Enrique said and I smiled at her not knowing if we have come to trick her as well or not.

" Please come inside." She said. We walked inside.

" Can we meet her?" Enrique asked her. She nodded.

" Come with me." She said and we went upstairs with her.

We walked inside the room. As soon as we entered the room we found a little girl playing with her teddy on the floor and a lady was sitting next to her may be her nanny. Enrique kept looking at the girl for awhile she was giggling happily. I smiled.

" Celine!!! Look who's here?" Mrs. Foghurt said and the baby girl turned to see us.

I got a little shock. The baby looks like a little Mira. Exactly like her. Even the smile. Who is she?! I was thinking and by then Enrique picked her up in his arms and kissed on her forehead. The baby looked at her weirdly but then giggled. Enrique smiled.

" Soon you will live with your parents with your happy family." Enrique said to the little girl.

" Happppyy." The little girl said.

Parents?!! Who are her parents?? Why does she looks like little Mira?!! Is she related with Mira?!

" She looks like Mira." Enrique said.

" Mira is her aunt anyways." Mrs. Foghurt said and I covered my mouth with my hands to cover my jaws which were hitting the ground.

She is Fredo and Princess Carolina's daughter?!! Their little angel.

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