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Adeline's POV

" What happened, Mom? Why are you so upset?" Amy asked Her Highness.

" Are you guys going for real?" Her Highness asked us.

" Yes. It's about 6 months. Then I will be back." Amy said.

" And you?" She asked me. I made an innocent face.

" Depends on the business issues." I said to her.

" Stop making puppy face." She said irritatingly and I chuckled.

" Mom, it's just for a few days. Then we will be back." Amy said.

" Why don't we do out on a girl's day out? Amy, call Mira and Mrs. Valezquez. If they are free then ask them to join us." I said and she rolled her eyes.

" Why aren't we going to the old royal resident, Mom? Adele hasn't been there before. If we go there she can visit the place as well." Amy said and I chuckled.

" I don't know. Ask your father if he allows us to go there." Her Highness said to Amy.

" Why won't he?! We are not going to get lost there." Amy said and I kept looking at them.

I wasn't thinking about it. I was thinking about my husband. He is vanished from yesterday. I called him several times and he picked the call up saying he is busy with something very important but will come back by tonight. I mean it made me feel quite better that he picked up the calls. I was waiting for him to come back. Because I am going back to Australia next week. I want to spend time with her now but he wasn't here. Come back home. I will not talk to you then. You will understand what it feels like.

" Ok. I am going to His Highness for his permission. Wish me luck!!" Amy said dramatically. I chuckled at her innocent face.

" Best of luck, Princess." I said to her. She rolled her eyes. Amy walked out of the living room.

" Will Amy be able to handle things alone there?" Her Highness asked me.

" Obviously she will. Besides, Mira will come with her and they will not be alone there. Louis, Danny and Scarlett are there. They will have a great time with them." I said to her.

" I will not complain about it if you are insisting. But will His Highness agree to let Amy go with you after that incident? Amy is hoping for this for long." She asked me worriedly and I chuckled.

" You know I defeat His Highness in chess yesterday." I said to her and she rolled her eyes.

" What have I asked you and what are you answering me??" She asked me and I chuckled.

" Don't worry. I will manage." I said to her and she nodded.

" Just take care of her there. She is still a kid. God knows when will she grow up." She asked me. I smiled.

" She is perfect the way she is." I said to her and she nodded.

" Exactly but still she needs to change a bit." She said.

" Let her remain the way she is. Why to try to change her? If we try to change her then it will mess her up. She is beautiful the way she is." I said to her and she nodded.

" Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
Hey Macarena." I found Amy coming downstairs singing and dancing weirdly.

I chuckled at her childishness. What made her so happy?!! May be His Highness approved her request. May be.

" Hey!!! Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
Hey Macarena." She sang and danced. Her Highness shook her head seeing Amy dancing like that.

" What happened, Amy?" Her Highness asked her. But she continued her dancing.

" Amy!!!" Her Highness said.

" Dad told us to go and visit the old palace but with securities." Amy said. I chuckled.

" Your dad agreed?" Her Highness asked.

" Yes." Amy said and I chuckled.

" Is he drunk?" Her Highness asked.

" Don't know, mommy. He was with you all the time. You can say better than us what actually happened to him." She said and her Highness glared at her. She chuckled.

" He gave permission that easily?" She asked Amy.

" Yes." Amy said to her. " Now don't think too much about it. Just get ready."

I chuckled. I took my phone and called Enrique to know where he was. He picked up the call after awhile.

" Hello!!" He said.

" We are going to the old royal residence." I said to him.

" Suddenly?" He asked me.

" Your mom was so upset about the matter that we are going to Melbourne the next week. Do, we wanted to spend time with her. Amy wanted to go. So, we couldn't say no." I said to him.

" Ok, no worries." He said. " Take care. I will be back by tonight. Bye." He said and hung up. Stupid!!!

I got ready to visit the old palace and I found Amy downstairs. She was so excited about something which I didn't know.

" What's so exciting here?" I asked her and she chuckled.

" You will know when we will go there." She said. I nodded.

After awhile we reached there and I found the beautiful palace a part which was now a museum opened for general people. Many of the visitors recognized us and I sighed deeply about their craziness. We roamed around the palace whole day and it was the evening when we were to come back. When I came back I found  the whole room was full of white roses. What is that??!

" Like it?" He asked me and I chuckled.

" Is that for birthday wish?" I asked him and he knelt on his knees and giving me a white rose.

" Happy 23rd birthday, Your Highness." He said and I smiled.

" Were you busy with that all these days?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" May be." He said and I knelt down before pressing my lips on his.

" I loved it and I..." I stopped. " I am happy for that." I was about to say that I love him but I don't know why I was not able to do so.

" I love you." He suddenly said and my eyes opened widened. Am I daydreaming?!!

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