So Precious

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Adeline's POV

Velana International Airport,

I read the words and looked around weirdly. I looked at Enrique completely confused.

" What happened?" He asked me.

" What are we doing in Maldives?" I asked him.

" What do you mean by why?!? We are here for our honeymoon trip." He said to me.

" Why here?" I asked him and he gave me a mysterious smirk. I narrowed my eyes at him.

" What does that mean?" I asked him.

" I am so tired. Let's go to the hotel first. I need a sound sleep for a few hours." He said and I rolled my eyes.

I didn't talk about it anymore. We came out of the airport and found the car waiting for us. He opened the door for me. I got in and found the securities. I rolled my eyes.

" Who goes to honeymoon trip with a group of ninja?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" We have come I think." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Very well." I said to him. He leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes. I sighed.

We reached the hotel suite and he went to the washroom to get freshen up at once. He came back and dragged me inside the washroom. He told e to have shower in just 15 minutes. I rolled my eyes. Taking shower in 15 minutes is not my cup of tea but still I tried and it took 30 minutes for me. Not a big deal.  I came out and found Enrique sitting on the balcony.

" Why are you sitting here? I am hungry. Aren't you?" I asked him and he smiled.

" Obviously. I am." He said and hold my hand.

We came downstairs and found the lunch was served already and the view from here was outstanding. He pulled a chair for me and I chuckled.

" You are always this formal with everyone?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" I am not doing this for formalities but I am doing this for my wife with love." He said sitting across me.

" This is very beautiful." I said to him. He nodded smilingly.

" When are we going out to explore?" I asked him.

" In the evening." He said.

" Ok, alright." I said to him.

" Have your meal. Why are you playing with your knife and fork?" He asked me and I chuckled.

" I am not feeling like eating anything." I said to him and he rolled his eyes before pulling his chair beside me.

I raised my eyebrows but he ignored it. He took the knife and fork from me and started to feed me and to my utter surprise he was eating with the same fork.

" Why are you looking at me weirdly?" He asked me and I shook my head.

" Why are you having meal with the same fork?" I asked him. He narrowed his eyes at me.

" What's wrong in having meal with the same fork?" He asked me back.

" No, problem but I just used it this why." I said to him.

" What's wrong if you use this fork? I don't find any problem here." He said and I sighed. No use of saying that to him.

" No problem." I said and we finished lunch.

We walked upstairs to the bedroom and he was on bed covering himself with duvet. I shook my head. I lay beside him pulling the duvet over me as well. I found him laying there closing his eyes. My hand was itching to touch his eyelashes. I raised my hand and touched his eyelashes. I smiled my own. Men shouldn't be this beautiful but I think I should adjust. I chuckled at my own thought.

" Like what you see, Your Highness?" I heard Enrique's voice and looked at him weirdly.

" Aren't you sleeping?" I asked him.

" I was trying but a beautiful woman laying next to me wasn't letting me." He said and I glared at him.

" What have I done?" I asked him and he opened his eyes smilingly.

" You don't have to do anything, being this close to you is enough to make my heartbeat abnormal." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Overly dramatic." I said. He chuckled.

" Sleep. We will go out in the evening." He said and I nodded.

I closed my eyes. I don't know when I slept. I woke up when I heard Enrique calling my name. I got up and he smiled.

" Get up and get freshen up. We are getting late." He said. I chuckled.

I got ready to go out and found Enrique standing all ready to go out. He gave me a cup of coffee and called someone. They talked for awhile then he gave the phone to me.

" Who is it?" I asked him.

" Your siblings." He said. I smiled. I talked to them for awhile.

" Enjoy your time, Lina. We just wanted to know if you guys have reached there safe and sound." Priscilla said. I smiled.

" Bye, guys." I said.

" Bye, Lina." Louis said.

" Bye bye, Lina. See you soon." Danny said.

" Bye, guys. I will see you all soon." I said to them and hung up. I gave the phone back to Enrique. He chuckled.

" Why are you laughing?" I asked him and he wiped my upper lip.

" You made a cappuccino moustache." He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" Why aren't we going out to explore the beauty?" I asked him. He pinched on my nose.

" We are going now." He said and called someone.

" Everything ready?" He asked the person he called.

" Ok. Alright." He said.

" Let's go." He said holding my hand. We came out of the hotel suite.

I had no idea where we were going.  But I love surprises. Let's see what surprise he gives me tonight. I am feeling so precious today.

" You are precious." He said suddenly out of nowhere. I looked at him weirdly. He chuckled. " Stop thinking too loudly." He said and I rolled his eyes.

" I am waiting for your surprise, Your Highness." I said to him. He smiled.

" Trust me you will love it." He said. "It's very special."

" Everything feels special when you are with me." I mumbled.

" What?! Are you cursing me?" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes. He smiled. A smile that can light up whole my world. So precious.

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