Our Kids

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Adeline's POV

" I am fine, Mom." Enrique said to the Queen. " Stop crying." He hugged her tightly.

" You will not understand that. You are not a mother." The Queen said and I sighed deeply. True.

" I am fine. You go take rest. Otherwise you will be sick. Everything will be ok." He said and the Queen sighed wiping her tears.

" Call me if you need anything." She said.

" You don't have to be worried anymore, Mom. Your daughter in law is here. She will take care of me now." Enrique said looking at me and I nodded. The Queen chuckled.

" I will take care of him, Your Highness." I said to her and she smiled.

" Ok, then. You guys take care." She said before going back to her room.

But understand The King didn't come to visit his son after this incident?! I am sure that he knows about this. I don't think he is too busy to visit his son who has just met an accident.

" Is Amy sleeping?" I asked Enrique. Amy was sleeping hugging her brother.

She got a sudden shock and the Queen had told me awhile back that she can't handle sudden shocks. It creates intense depression in her. It's good for her that she is sleeping now. It will help her to recover from that sudden shock.

" Yes." He said. " Has she done her dinner yet?" He asked me.

" Let her sleep for awhile. I will bring her dinner here." I said and walked downstairs. I asked Martha to bring dinner for Enrique and Amy to our room.

I was going back to our room but suddenly I stopped thinking about something. I nodded. I was always straightforward. I always do what seems right to me. Suddenly being a part of the Royalty can't change me. I walked into the King's study room. I wasn't sure if he was there but I heard he stays here after dinner. I knocked on the door and he allowed me to do inside. I took a deep breath before going inside the study. I found the King was sitting with 3 other men. I didn't care.

" Good evening, Your Highness." I said to him politely.

" Hmm... Have a seat." He gestured me.

" Thanks." I said and sat across him ignoring the guys sitting next to me.

" You wanna say something, Crown Princess?" One of the guy asked me.

" Yes, but only to His Highness." I said to him. He nodded.

" You guys go and wait for me in the living room." The King ordered them. They nodded and bowed before going out of the room. " Yes. Tell me." He said.

" Your Highness, I know you are too busy. I will not take much time." I said and he nodded. " You are a very responsible as a King that I heard from peoole around. But Your Highness, are you that busy to visit your son for once who is injured by an accident?! I don't think so. Or should I think that you don't have any intension to visit your son?" I asked him.

" Don't you think it's too much to comment without knowing things properly?" He asked me.

" Exactly. I don't know things properly and I don't want to know about it until Enrique clears it up to me but at least to show off you could visit him. Then this question wouldn't run into my head." I said to him and he kept looking at me sharply. I didn't bothered.

" I am not a royal. I am a commoner. I don't know the Royal rules properly. I am not sure if royalty prevents a father to visit his injured son. I literally have no idea if there is any rule like this. You may know this better." I said to him and he sighed.

" If there is any such rule then mark my words, Your Highness. When I will be the Queen I will burn that Royal rules and regulations which will not let me love my family." I said to him and he kept looking at me for awhile.

" I don't know how to act like a Royal, Your Highness. I will not learn it ever. I will be the Queen who will be like a commoner. I am not used to live in hard and fast rules. I hope there will be no force on me for that." I said to him. " I will not let anyone hurt Prince Enrique. That's my promise. If anyone hates him then I will hate him more. And the people whom I hate I make them suffer badly." I said to him.

" Are you threatening me?" He asked me.

" Really?! Why will I threaten you, Your Highness?! I talked about them who hates Enrique. You don't hate him, right? You love him, so you are out of danger." I said and he chuckled.

" Alright then Your Highness." I said standing up. " Sorry for wasting your precious time. You can continue your works. Good night." I said and walked out of there. I sighed deeply.

Why does  the King acts this rude to Enrique?! I came back to the room and found Enrique feeding Amy. She was having her meal like a polite kid. I chuckled. I can't believe it's Amy. So calm and quiet.

" Done with dinner?" I asked them. They nodded at once.

" Did you have your dinner?" He asked me.

" Yes. I had it with the Queen. She was very upset that time." I said to him and he nodded.

I was about to say something but there was a knock on the door. Enrique allowed the person to came inside. As soon as he came inside Enrique and Amy were totally shocked. The King himself was standing there. I smirked inwardly. The medicine worked. I knew it will work but didn't know it will be that soon. He talked to Amy and Enrique for awhile then he left. I was observing Amy and Enrique as they looked a bit confused with their father's behavior.

Amy also left after awhile and I gave Enrique his medicines. He was very silent suddenly. I chuckled inwardly. He must be confused about his father's sudden care for him. Don't worry, Enrique. Everything will change now. Everything will be right with you. You will get everything that you deserve. He suddenly hold my hand. I looked at him.

" When we will have a kid we will love him or her with all of our hearts. We will give them all the happiness they deserve." He said out of nowhere. I smiled.

" Yes, we will." I nodded.

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