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Adeline's POV

" Hello, Princess." Antonio said to Princess Katlyn. I rolled my eyes. He came to his real self. I was thinking that he changed himself but I was wrong.

" Bye, Mr. Castlellano." Princess Katlyn said rolling her eyes. I chuckled.

" What's wrong?" Antonio asked me. I shook my head. " You guys are disturbing me. Leave us alone." He said to me. I rolled my eyes.

" But I think Princess has left already." Enrique said and Antonio turned to see Princess Katlyn but she walked away from the balcony already.

" Oh shit!!!" He said running after Princess. I kept looking at him weirdly. What's wrong with this guy?!!

" I am so sorry for keeping you wait." Princess Carolina said sitting across us.

" It's ok, Princess." I said to her. She nodded smilingly.

" Fredo didn't come with you? I invited him as well." Princess Carolina said.

" He is stuck with some works, Princess." Enrique said.

" It's ok." She said to him.

" But I am really very happy that you guys came to visit us." She said and I nodded. Enrique looked out of the window. I was about to warn her about Antonio but before that Enrique said something to left me in confusion.

" Is your mother upset with your wedding with Mr. Carrigan?" Enrique asked her.

" Why are you asking that, Your Highness?" She asked Enrique.

" I am asking that as a friend which we were before everything get messed up, Carolina. I hope I will get the answer." Enrique asked her seriously. I looked at Enrique weirdly. I have never ever seen him calling her by her name like this. She looked at him for awhile then sighed deeply.

" Everyone is happy with the wedding, Enrique. No one is complaining." She said and Enrique nodded.

" And you?! What about you, Carolina? Are you happy with the wedding? Ask yourself." Enrique asked her. She kept looking at him for awhile then looked at the ground.

" Some people doesn't deserve to be happy in their life, Enrique. I might have killed my happiness with my own hands. So, being happy is not in my fate. It's better to thing about people who depends on me." She said and I sighed.

" The people who thinks about others before their selves can be categorized in two types. One are really selfless but other one is them who didn't choose the right choice having the chance. I am confused in which group are you in." Enrique said to Carolina.

" What do you mean, Enrique?" She asked him.

" Don't you think that you are missing the chance to be happy in your life, Carolina? You deserve to be happy. You are telling that to yourself that you don't deserve to be happy when the reality is completely different. You are not accepting the fact that things can be solved easily in a better way than you are going to do. You have taken a suicidal step." Enrique said to her and she looked away at once.

" Has Fredo told you everything?" She asked him.

" You think if he didn't then I could not find it out ever?" Enrique asked her. She sighed deeply.

" I am not a great person like you, Enrique. I am very very coward. I am selfish. I am afraid of everything in my life. I just don't wanna lose the things which are keeping me alive today." She said.

" You are not coward, Lina. You are brave enough to live in a fortress with the enemy force. Not everyone is that brave to do so." He said to her and she sighed.

" Tell Fredo to sign the divorce papers." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

" You and I, we both know Fredo very well. Very very well. He will never ever do that. So, it will not help you, Lina. Sooner or later he will come to light with his right as your husband. That day things will be messed up more. Besides, Mr. Carrigan is taking advantage of you. Do you know what Fredo will do to him if he finds it out?" Enrique asked her and she looked at him very scared.

" Don't tell him. Please don't." She said to him and he chuckled.

" He is my best friend, Lina." Enrique said.

" He will kill Mr. Carrigan." She said.

" He doesn't deserve any better." He said and she looked at the ground.

" Why are you tolerating everything, Princess? You deserve a happy life too." I said to her.

" I promised my dad to take care of my mom after he leaves us." She said looking down. I sighed deeply.

" But Princess if your father knew that your mother will trick you like this then he would never ever say so. She has snatched all your happiness and now she is planning to kill your emotions too. Do you think your father would like that?! He loved you the most and he wanted you to be happy in the first. This why he get you married to Fredo. Just because he wanted to ensure your happiness. Now you are not letting him to approach you. Do you think this is right?" Enrique asked her.

" Can I join you?" We heard Princess Isidora.

" No. Go to your room and sleep." Carolina said coldly with her eyes almost showered.

Isidora glared at her before leaving the study room. I sighed.

" I told you to go back to your room, Isidora. Eavesdropping is a worst habit of yours." Princess Carolina said and I found Isidora behind the door. She glared at Carolina one last time then left.

" I am a woman of my words, Enrique. I am not doing any such thing." She said. " If we can stop talking about that deal." She said. Which deal?!

" Alright, Princess. No pressure on you but you must know the consequences." Enrique said. " And we should leave now. It's already late." He said. I stood up too.

" It was very nice to meet you again, Princess Carolina." I said to her and she smiled.

" Same here, Your Highness. I am glad that you came." She said.

We talked to her for awhile before coming out of there.

" Enrique, why didn't you stop Antonio from going after Princess Katlyn?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" She will kick him out herself." He said and I sighed. I don't understand what is going on there.

" Why did Princess avoided the discussion about Fredo that time?" I asked him.

" She doesn't trust anyone in the palace. May be she doesn't want to discuss about it there." He said.

I nodded. How is she living there in that prison?!! Doesn't she gets suffocated?!!

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