Surprise For Her

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Enrique's POV

I was sitting on the restaurant along with Murphy. He recovered in these few days. Mrs. Brown was late. I think she is handling her works.

I was not thinking about it anymore. She will handle it very well. I don't have to worry. I am only worried about my wife. She is working like a robot these days without taking rest. She needs to take care of herself as well. But she doesn't care about her health. What am I going to do with this girl?!! If I knew she will be this reckless then I wouldn't send her back. She will make me crazy one day. 

" Your Highness, Mr. Lorenzo wants to talk to you." My PA said. I gestured him to put it on speaker.

" Good morning, Your Highness." I heard him saying.

" Hmm... Morning." I said to him.

" Your Highness, what should we recent deal?" He asked me.

" Ask Mr. Cardigan if he agrees with our proposal or not. If he doesn't then execute plan B." I said to him.

" Ok,Your Highness. As you wish." He said.

" Ask Mr. Valezquez about plan B." I said to him.

" Sure, Your Highness." He said and I nodded before I hung the call up.

I found my mom was calling me. I picked the call up at once.

" Hello, Mom!!!" I said.

" Hey, little cupcake!!! My sweet little boy." Mom said and I rolled my eyes. Yes, this is my mother. No doubt.

" I have no idea what do you get from calling me these weird names, Mom." I said to her and she chuckled.

" You can't understand. You are not a mother." She said and I sighed.

" Ok, got it. You can carry on." I said to her. She laughed.

" Have you reached there?" She asked me.

" Yeah. I have." I said to her.

" Have your breakfast." She said.

" It's almost evening here,Mom." I said to her.

" Oh, I have forgotten. Then have your  lunch." She said.

" I have it already. Have you had your breakfast?" I asked her.

" Yes, we just had breakfast." She said.

" What is His Highness doing?" I asked her.

One thing happened after Adeline left in this one month that is His Highness's attitude. He is trying to be more friendly these days. I am trying to cooperate him. But there is still a weird awkwardness works between us. I am trying to erase that. It's been years that our relationship became worst. It will take time to revive it like before. But I will be waiting for the day when everything will be fine.

" He is in his study. Talking to Alejandro." She said and I chuckled.

" Has Fredo come with him?" I asked her.

" Nope. You heard what Fredo did?" She asked me. I chuckled.

" What has he done now?!" I asked her.

" He brought Celine here and filed for her custody." She said and I chuckled.

Many things has happened in this one month. I think Princess Carolina will take a right decision now for the sake of Celine. She doesn't have any obstacles anymore. So, I think she will act mature now.

" What else should he do, Mom? He wants to keep his daughter to himself. It's not a crime." I said to her.

" No, it's not a crime but think about Carolina. Poor girl!!! She is suffering a lot now." She said.

" I can understand. You don't worry. Carolina will take the best decision that she can make." I said to her.

" He brought Celine here last night after you left. You can't believe how cute she is. She looks exactly like Marian." She said and I chuckled.

" Yes, she looks like Mrs. Valezquez." I said to her.

" None of you both siblings resemble me. I hope one of my grandkids resemble me." She said and I chuckled.

" I won't mind, Mom. If they resemble you then it will be great." I said to her.

" Hey, what happened to Mrs. Bronwyn?" She asked me.

" She is a fraud. She was planning to take away all the money of Bronwyn and someone tried to aware Mr. Bronwyn about it so she killed her years back. His wife filed the case on her. The court hearing hasn't ended yet. We will know that soon." I said to her and she sighed.

" What does Adeline say about this?" She asked me.

" She doesn't share a good relationship with her stepmother. Not only Adeline none of the Bronwyn kids have a good relationship with her. Not even her own son. Louis doesn't want to keep any connection with her. He doesn't even talk to his father. You know she used to torture Priscilla a lot. She deserves punishment if she is guilty." I said to her.

" Of course." She said. " No one should get away after commiting a sin. If she is guilty she will carry her punishment on." She said to me and I nodded. I found Mrs. Brown coming inside the restaurant with her brother Mr. Gregory.

" Ok, Mom. I have a important meeting now. I will call you later at night." I said to her.

" Ok, bye." She said and hung up.

" Hello, Your Highness." She said sitting across me and gave me the papers. I checked them and chuckled.

" I trusted you in this. You haven't disappointed me. You will get the promised amount. No worries." I said to her and she chuckled.

" Not just for the amount I am very happy that she and that r*pist got punished. He r*ped my sister too. I got my revenge today. What else can be more satisfying than that?!" She laughed and I sighed.

I talked to her for awhile and had dinner with Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Brown. reached Winsdor's place. It's better that no one recognized me. Good for us.

" Murphy, is everything ready?" I asked him.

" It will be arranged." He said.

" Better." I said and walked inside. I found Mira and Amy were baking something in the kitchen.

Amy ran to me hugged me tightly. I nohugged her back. They knew that I was coming but Adeline didn't know that. I went to her room and was waiting for her. As soon as she reached the room I got the expected expression from her.

" I have a surprise for you." I said to her.

" What kind of surprise?" She asked me. I winked at her before putting the blindfold on her eyes.

" What the hell?!!" She asked me.

" Ssssshhhhh!!! Come with me." I said to her.

I don't know if she will like it or not but hope she will like it.

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