Bitter Secrets

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Adeline's POV

" Where are we going?" I asked Enrique.

" Sneaking out of the palace." He said to me.

" What?!" I looked at him weirdly.

" Yes." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" You too do this?!" I asked him.

" Do what?!" He asked me walking in the basement.

" Sneaking out of the palace late night?" I asked him.

" Sometimes." He said to me and I chuckled.

" I used to do that a lot at home." I said to him.

" I know that." He said.

" How do you know that?! I haven't told you before." I asked him.

" There are people who also knows things about you." He said.

" Who told you?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" Louis." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" What else has he said?" I asked him. He smirked.

" Can't tell you." He winked at me.

" Why not?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" It's secret." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Very well. You started to have secrets from the first day of our wedding?! Very well. You impressed me." I said clapping. He chuckled.

" You come to the basement sneaking out of the palace?" I asked him and he chuckled before turning the lights on. I rolled my eyes looked at the collection of cars.

" You brought me here to show me your car collection?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" This is hot!!" I said looking at the bike and he laughed. " Why are you laughing?! I miss my bikes at home." I said to him.

" Let's fulfill you wish then." He said and I narrowed my eyes.

" No way!!!" I said to him.

" Try me." He said and I smiled.

" Really?!" I asked him excitedly.

" Why not?" He said and gave me the keys.

" Great!!!" I almost snatched the keys from him. He chuckled.

We took the bike out of the basement. But the question is if we go out of the palace at night like this then this will become a news tomorrow morning.

" If we go out like this, then it will make a mess." I said to him.

" You don't have to worry about that. I will take care of it." He said and I nodded.

We reached the backyard and I found the exit. Enrique talked to the guards but I didn't get a single word of them. I have to do something about it. I need to learn this language first.

" Let's go." He said to me and we took the bike out.

I was checking if everything is ok when I got completely frozen as he hugged me from back as he sat behind me. My hands started to tremble as my whole body turned cold at once and all the heat gathered on my face. What's wrong with me?!!

" Everything ok?" He asked me.

" Yes. I am fine." I said. He chuckled.

" Then why are you trembling?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" I am not trembling. Shut your mouth." I said to him and ignite the engine. " Where are we going?" I asked him.

" I will give you the instructions." He said and I nodded.

" Ok." I said. He gave me the directions. It was fun after a long time sneaking out of house like this.

" Slow down." He said to me.

" Are you scared of speed?" I asked him turning a bit.

" Watch out!!" He said and I quickly turned found us almost hitting the tree. I soemehow saved ourselves and stopped near roadside. He sighed.

" This why I don't like speed." He said and I chuckled.

" I love speed." I said to him and he nodded weakly.

" Very well. Now let me do it. You will take both of us to hell tonight if I give you the chance to do so." He said. I nodded. " Hold me tightly." He said taking my hands and wrapping around himself. I chuckled.

After awhile we reached the place. What is the place?!!

" Look there?" He asked me.

I turned and saw the City light. It was an amazing view from here. I smiled widely.

" Fredo and I come here sneaking out of house sometime." He said to me.

" You guys too sneak out of house?! Unbelievable!!" I said to him and he chuckled.

" I sometimes get tired of those hard and fast rules of royalty. Things turns do hard to handle for my brain. So, there must be a refreshment for my mind." He said and sat on the ground. I sighed and sat next to him.

" We must be the only couple who sneak out of the house on their wedding night." I said and he laughed.

" We were weird from the start." He said.

" Why can't we be like normal couples?" I asked him looking at the sky full of stars.

" We can but we still need time for ourselves." He said.

" If your father didn't force you to find out a bride in this hurry then we would never ever meet each other. Isn't it so weird?" I asked him and he chuckled shaking his head.

" It was our fate. We were destinated to be with each other. We would definitely meet one way or another. But we would meet definitely. Because match makes in heaven." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. "But if we met each other in a another situation then it would be different. We had time to settle ourselves properly. May be we would have fallen in love with each other first." He said.

" Things could be different." I said.

" Things can be more beautiful now." He said to me and I nodded.

" Can be worst as well." I said and he pulled me close to him.

" I will not let it go worse." He said. I nodded.

" I trust you in this." I said to him. He chuckled.

" Great then." He said.

" But tell me one thing." I said to him. He nodded.

" What is that?" He asked me.

" If this fails then?" I asked him.

" You are thinking negative. Think positive and everything will be easier for you." He said and I nodded.

" Why is the royalty surrounded by secrets?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" So that you don't get bored living there." He said.

" Is this the time of intruding the secrets?" I asked him.

" May be." He said mindlessly. " But the more you will learn the bitter it will make you feel." What does he mean?!! Bitter secrets?! What that can be?!!

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