Hit The Button

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Adeline's POV

" Is there any reason of doing things such in hurry, Princess?" Prince Kieran asked Princess Carolina.

" Just for coronation." She said to us. 

" Just for coronation you have to get married, Princess?" He asked her.

" Yes." She said.

" Don't be foolish, Lina." Mira gritted. She chuckled. 

" Why?" Carolina asked her.

" You will know that very soon." Mira said.

" Let's keep it aside. We can discuss about it later." Carolina said.

" Will that discussion be fruitful, Lina?" Amy asked out of nowhere. I sighed deeply. Carolina smiled.

" We should talk about Adeline today. Let's skip other topics." She said.

" Your cousin Princess Isidora came here awhile back." I said to her.

" Oh, what did she say?" Carolina asked smilingly.

" Nothing special, Princess and she is not much important to discuss about." Prince Kieran respond before any of us could say anything.

" She was alone?! I saw her with her sister Katlyn awhile back." Carolina said.

" I also have seen her with Mr. Stanley." Mira said rolling her eyes.

" She must have works with him." She said.

" Yeah, I know what kind of work she has with Mr. Stanley, the womanizer." Mira gritted to her.

" Calm down, Mira." Prince Kieran hold her hand and nodded.

" If you don't trust me then mark my words she is not going back to her hotel room tonight. She will be in bed with someone else tonight." Mira gritted.

" Mira!!!" Prince Kieran said.

" Fine!!! Fine!!! I will not say anything. She was talking rubbish about Lina. I was silent then. Now I don't have a right to tell the truth about her to everyone. I don't." Mira said and I sighed.

" She said something extremely bothering?" Carolina asked us.

" You don't have to know what she was saying. Her words doesn't matter." Amy said.

" She is a bit childish. If she has said something unacceptable then I am sorry on behalf of her." Carolina said.

" Why will you say sorry, Lina? Why?" Mira hold her hand. " Did you do anything?! Why do you keep covering their misdeeds?!" Mira asked but Carolina stayed silent. " Answer me, Damnit!!" Mira gritted.

" Mira, come with me." Prince Kieran dragged her out of there.

" She got a bit hyper I think." Carolina said.

" Like you care, Lina." Amy said to her sighing deeply. " If you cared then you never ever agreed to marry Joseph." She said to her sadly.

" What's problem with him, Amy? He is just a quite a few years older than me. That's it." Carolina said to her.

" 15 years. Not a big deal, Lina. Not at all." Amy said in a mocking tone. Carolina didn't say anything.

" You still have time, Carolina. Think about it. Don't spoil your life." Amy told her and she smiled.

" You are looking very pretty today, Princess. Any special reason?" Princess Carolina asked Amy.

" Yes. Very special reason. It's my funeral today." She said. Carolina chuckled.

" Being so restless about anything is not a good habit, Princess. Calm down. Things will happen what is in my fate." Princess Carolina said.

" You are killing yourself by doing such things." Any said and I sighed.

" Amy, darling, what's wrong?" I asked her and she sighed.

" Nothing wrong, Adele. Literally nothing." Amy said and walked out if there. I was left alone with Carolina.

" I am sorry, Your Highness. I think I was really unexpected here." She said and I smiled.

" You know with whom we fight the most? The person whom we love the most. They love you a lot. This why they want to save your future. Don't get them wrong." I said to her and she sighed deeply.

" I know they love me a lot but the question is if I am worthy of getting their love." She said to me.

" You are. You definitely are." I said to her. She smiled before taking her phone.

" Can I take a selfie?" She asked me and I nodded. I took her phone and took a selfie for her.

" Thank you, Your Highness." She said to me.

" Your Highness, Queen is calling you." Someone said to her and she nodded.

" If you don't mind." Carolina said and I nodded.

" Sure." I said and she walked out of there. I was searching for my family members but none of them was there.

" Queen is standing alone here?" I turned to see Antonio. I smirked inwardly. Another foolish has reached to get f*cked up.

" Queen doesn't need anyone's help to stand. Otherwise there would be people with aid." I said to him and he chuckled.

" There are a lot of women in the party but I eyes are not leaving you. Can you tell me why?" He asked me.

" May be you have crossed eye problem." I said. " Don't worry. One of my friend is an eye specialist. You can take his number and fix an appointment with him. I am sure he can find out a way for your quick recovery. Best of luck." I said. He chuckled.

" You have a sharp mouth, Your Highness." He said.

" Seems you have experienced the sharpness enough." I said.

" Yes and I feel very special for that." He said. I chuckled.

" I talk to people other than my family and friends just like that which you named sharpness of my tongue." I said to him. He chuckled.

" I am Enrique's cousin. Not an outsider." He said.

" You may be Enrique's cousin but you are no one to me." I said to him.

" Until when? Time can change everything, Your Highness. Every single thing." He said.

" I don't disagree. Time can change everything. Even it can change an evil to a good human being." I said. " God does give us chance to repent for our sins but doesn't leave us without punishment if we don't make our misdeeds right." I said to him coldly.

" Too heavy for me." He said.

" It's too heavy for them whose skull box is empty." I said and found Enrique's father the King. " Now if you will excuse me." I said and walked toward him. I sat across him. He saw me but didn't say anything.

" When I was young in every special occasion I wanted to celebrate it with my family, Your Highness. My near and dear one but it was almost impossible for me. Cause, my father used to be busy with his business, my stepmom had her own world to be in, my brother was sent away from home, my sister used to be busy with the household works. Literally no one was there to celebrate the special moments of my life. There is very special moments in our life other than birthdays, anniversaries and Christmas. They are even more special. In that point of view the Coronation is very very special for Enrique. Don't you think he should be happy with his near and dear one, Your Highness?" I asked him and he kept looking at me for awhile. I know I hit the button.

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