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Enrique's POV

" Have you talked to your mom?" Adeline asked me.

" Yes. I did." I said to her.

" Is everything ok between you and your mom?" She asked me and I smiled.

" Yes, perfectly fine." I said to her.

" Where are you going?" She asked me.

" I have some works to do. I will be back soon. No worries." I said to her and she nodded. I sat next to her and checked her wound. It was recovering.

" Amy will be with you. Don't get down from the bed. Have your medicines properly. We will have dinner together. Wait for me. I will be back soon." I said to her and she nodded. She hold my hand and kissed on my cheeks. I smiled at her childishness.

" So, can I leave now, Your Highness?" I asked her.

" Come back soon. I will be waiting for you." She said to me. I nodded smilingly. She hugged me for once then let me go. I chuckled.

" What was that, Your Highness?" I asked her.

" VAT." She said. I laughed.

" VAT?!" I asked.

" Value added tax." She said.

" For what?" I asked her.

" For letting you go while I will miss you like hell." She said to me and I smiled.

" Suddenly Her Highness started to miss me that much?! What happened?" I asked her. " Has she fallen for this poor guy already?" I joked and she kept looking at me weirdly for awhile. " What?!" I asked wriggling my eyebrows. She twisted her lips.

" Aren't you getting late? If you don't come home soon then I will not have dinner neither my medicines. Trust me." She said to me and I chuckled. I took her hands and kissed on the knuckles.

" Unromantic AF." She said before pressing her lips on mine. I smiled. "Come back soon. Otherwise you are sleeping in the guest room for a whole week." She said and I looked at her with an innocent look.

" You can't do that injustice with me, Your Highness." I said to her.

" I can do much more than that. You have no idea about that, Enrique. Don't irritate me. Go, do your work and come back home. Call me when you reach there." She said.

" Why?" I asked him.

" What do you mean by why?! Of course to inform me that you have reached there. And drive safely. Don't rush it." She said to me.

I was enjoying her wifely behavior how she was instructing everything. I smiled.

" Anything else?" I asked him.

She buttoned up the second button of my shirt. I looked at her weirdly and she glared at me.

" You don't have to show your body to the whole world." She said. " And don't wear black. It makes me jealous." She said.

" Of me?!" I asked her.

" Nope. Of the girls who ogle you like you are a hot meat to devour." She said and I shook my head. " And why to be jealous of you? You are my very own property." She said touching my lower lip with her thumb.

" Are you drunk?" I asked her.

" I am strongly prohibited to consume alcohol." She said.

" I know that but I thought you got drunk secretly." I said and she rolled her eyes.

" Why is that?" She asked me.

" You are acting like a strict wife." I said to her. She rolled her eyes.

" I am your wife, Enrique and I have the right to do that. So, you can't blame me." She said glaring at me and I chuckled.

" I will never ever. Infact I am very happy that you did that." I said to her and she rolled her eyes.

" Ok, I got it. Now go. You must be getting late." She said to me.

" I no more want to go, you know? I lost my interest after being cared that much by my wife." I said to her and she glared at me.

" Go. Do your works." She said and I chuckled.

" Ok, I am going. Take care until I come back." I said to her. She nodded before gesturing me to go.

" Remember that you have to come back home before dinner no matter how busy you are." She said. I nodded.

" Bye, Your Highness." I said and walked out of my room.

I went to Amy's room and she was sleeping along with Mira. I rolled my eyes. They were fighting like kids awhile back. Now look, they are hugging each other like they can't live without each other which is true. They will not be able to live without each other. Best friends after all.

I walked out of there and texted Fredo that I will be there at his place in the evening. I walked out of the palace and found Jensen waiting for me with the car along with Murphy and his team. I couldn't find Rony anywhere.

" Where is Rony?" I asked Murphy.

" Your Highness, he is on the spot." He said and I nodded.

I got in the car and it took half an hour to reach the place. I got down the car.

" Your Highness, may I come with you?" Murphy asked me and I chuckled.

" I am not that coward, Murphy." I said to him and he sighed.

" Being coward is the best option sometimes, Your Highness." He said.

" Where is Rony?" I asked him.

" Your Highness..." He was stuttering.

" What happened, Murphy? Are you ok? Is there anything wrong?" I asked him and he sighed deeply closing his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked at me with his teary eyes. What's wrong with him.

" Everything ok?" I asked him once again. He sighed before pointing his gun at me.

" I am sorry, Your Highness. Please forgive me." He said to me. " I am helpless. I don't have any other choice. If I had then I would do that. I can't even kill myself." He said to me and I chuckled.

I was having a feeling that someone is trying to play a worst game with me. But I never thought that they will use Murphy and Rony for that. They are the most trustworthy and loyal to the Royal family.

" Who is that, Murphy? At least tell me before shooting me." I said to him.

" Your Highness, I can't tell you. I am sorry." He said. " I am really sorry." He said and I heard the gunshots after that.

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