The Reason

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Adeline's POV

" Where is the Queen?" I asked Martha.

" Her Highness is in the garden, Your Highness." She said and I nodded.

" Thank you, Martha." I said to her. She nodded smilingly.

I walked out of there and found the Queen having coffee and reading a book. I smiled at her. She found me and gestured me to go to her. I sat next to her.

" What are you doing?" I asked her and she chuckled.

" Just getting bored." She said. " What is Enrique doing?" She asked me.

" He is talking to Fredo. So,I thought to spend some time with you. We don't get much time to spend with these days." I said to her and she chuckled.

" You did a great thing. I was getting bored as well." She said to me and I nodded.

" How is the preparation of coronation going on?" I asked her.

" I don't know if we need to postpone it. But Enrique said that he can handle it." She said.

" He is not injured severely. This why. He walked by his own this morning. But I don't want to take any risk. He needs to take good rest. After that he will be fit." I said to her and she nodded.

" What did he say?" She asked me and I sighed.

" He is very stubborn. But I told him if he doesn't follow what I said then I will shift to the guest room." I said to her. She laughed.

" Then what did he say?" She asked me.

" He didn't say anything for awhile then agreed after forcing him." I said to her.

" That's great. You can handle him very well." She said to me.

" I have to. After all I am his wife. I have to think about him. I have to think what is good and what is bad for him." I said to her and she nodded.

" You are a very beautiful woman inside and out, Adeline." She said to me. " Fredo was right when he said that you are perfect for Enrique." She said and I chuckled.

" Even if we are not perfect for each other we have to make ourselves perfect for each other. Because we have to walk a long way together." I said to her and she nodded.

" God bless you in that. You guys will find your happily ever after in your own ways." She said to me and I smiled.

" Yes, I hope so." I said to her. " But it's a bit awkward for me not being a royal. I need time to adjust with royalty."

" It doesn't matter if you are royalty or commoner." She said.

" Were you royalty or commoner?" I asked her and she laughed.

" I was a commoner. I was a common citizen of Denmark before I get married to the King." She said to me and I nodded.

" Was it a Love marriage or arranged?" I asked her and she chuckled.

" Mixed." She said.

" Means?" I looked at her weirdly.

" Means our story is so weird. I met the King on an archery event. He was engaged with Princess Georgia of Denmark that time. I didn't know he was the Prince and we had a huge fight on some topic." She said and I laughed.

" I can understand that." I said to her.

" Yeah. Besides if I knew he was the Prince still I didn't have much to do with that because I just didn't care. If someone is wrong then he is wrong. I was very stubborn girl that time. So, this kept going on. One day my father told me that Princess wants to meet me and then she clarify everything. She thought I am going after her fiance though she had affairs with other people other than her fiance. I started to ignore him after that cause my father was an official of the palace. I didn't want him to lose his job and my brother started his new business that time. Princess Georgia threatened me that she will destroy my family. So, I didn't want to be involved in this royal affairs. But it's the fate which brought us face to face again and again. He knew about Princess Georgia's affairs and it was very insulting for him. The media started to ask crazy questions about it and Princess Georgia involved me in this saying that the King has affair with me. So, the situation got crazy when my career was about to drown. I was kicked out from my job and my father was fired. My brother's business was going bankrupt day by day." She said and sighed deeply.

" Princess Georgia did that?" I asked her.

" Yes. She was having affairs but she was jealous of me as well." She said. "She wanted to be the Queen of Spain but she still wanted to continue her affairs. You know the King, he loves his ego and self respect the most. He tricked Princess in her own game." She said.

" What did he do?" I asked curiously.

" Well, it's very twisted. Even on our wedding day I didn't know that we were getting married. I saw the news that they were getting married and I was happy that finally I was going to get rid of that curse. Once princess gets married there will be no problem but to my surprise he called me the night before there wedding day that he will send someone people the next morning and I have to go with them. I was very angry with him and had a fight with him. I was convinced when he said if I don't obey him then he will destroy my family. We have had enough of it. So, I agreed with him. Those people came and took me to the church where the wedding ceremony was going to take place. The wedding ceremony was going on. But suddenly the King dumped his fiance on the altar and dragged me there saying that he wants to marry me instead Princess Georgia." She said and I chuckled.

" Very dramatic." I said.

" Yeah. He exposed Princess Georgia in front of everyone that day." She said.

" And you guys got married?" I asked her and she nodded.

" I had no other choice but to say yes because I got involved with that completely. Princess Georgia's father the King that time disowned her in front of everyone." She said to me. Expected.

" You accepted everything that easily?" I asked her.

" No. Not at all. I was very angry with him. I didn't talk to him a whole month. But he helped my family a lot that time. So, I was grateful for that but I was angry with him. I was thinking that he will dump me too. But the thing was he was forced to get engaged with Princess Georgia and he wanted to prove his parents that she is not the right girl for him. Then he met me and he fall in love with me without me knowing." She rolled her eyes. I chuckled.

" Your love story is very interesting." I said to her. She rolled her eyes again before chuckling.

I don't understand why is the King so mysterious. His behavior with Enrique and Amy is so confusing. What is the reason behind his mysterious behavior??

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