Lonely And Defeated

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Adeline's POV

" Adeline!! Wake up." I heard someone calling me. " Wake up, Sweetheart!!" Who dared to wake me up like this?!!

" Go away." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Wake up, Your Highness. It's urgent." I heard Enrique's voice. I opened my eyes with utter irritation.

" What happened?" I asked him. "Who is dying?" I asked him and he sighed a bit.

" There is a small problem." He said.

" What kind of problem?" I asked him rubbing my eyes.

" You go get freshen up." He said to me.

" Tell me what happened and I will go back to sleep. I am sleepy AF." I said to him and he picked me up in his arms.

" What are you doing?" I asked him but he didn't answer me.

Whatever!!! I hugged him and tried to sleep again but he made me stand on my own feet awhile later. I sighed and opened my eyes only to find we were in the washroom.

" What's wrong?" I asked him.

" Nothing wrong." He said before pulling my hair into a messy bun. I rolled my eyes. He smiled and took my hand before he put my hand under the water tap and the cold water chilled my body completely.

" Urrrgghh!!! You stupid!!!" I said and he chuckled.

" Get freshen up and come to the balcony." He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" It's very urgent. It's about Priscilla." He said and my sleep died at once.

" What happened to her?! Everything alright? Is she okay?! Wait, I will call her." I said to him.

" Please, don't get panic. Get freshen up. We will talk then. Nothing serious." He said to me before going out of the washroom.

I got freshen up quickly and walked out of there. I found Enrique sitting in the balcony. I quickly reached there. I had to know why he said that earlier. I sat next to him and he gave me a cup of coffee. I took it.

" What happened to Priscilla?" I asked him.

" She is there. Talk to her." He said pointing his laptop screen. I immediately turned and found Priscilla smiling at me. Louis and Danny were sitting next to her.

" What happened, Princess? Everything ok?" I asked her and she smiled nervously. I was worried now.

" Tell me, Sweetie. What happened?" I asked her. My heart was about to come out of my ribcage that fast it was beating.

" I don't know how to start it." She said smiling shyly.

" Hey, guys!!!" I heard Tristan's voice. He sat beside her and I looked at us smilingly.

" What happened, Tris? I am getting scared now. Please don't keep me waiting. Just tell me what happened?" I asked them and they chuckled.

" Calm down, Lina. It's not that serious." Priscilla said.

" But you will be very happy hearing that." Danny said from side.

" I am literally confused now, guys. What are you trying to say?" I asked them. Priscilla took and deep breath. Is she okay???

" I am pregnant." Priscilla said and my eyes opened widened at once. What??! I kept looking at her for awhile.

" Congratulations, Priscilla and Tristan." Enrique's voice brought me back to reality.

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