Mystery All Around

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Adeline's POV

" Congratulations!!!!!" Amy squealed. I chuckled. She hugged me and I hugged her me. I hugged her back.

" Thanks, Amy." I said to her.

" There are guests, Amy. Act a bit matured." Mira said and Amy glared at her.

" Do I look like I care?" Amy asked and I patted her head.

" Another one added in the list." Mira said.

" Which list?" I asked her.

" People who pampers and supports her whining." Mira said and I chuckled.

" Why are you so jealous?! You have Carolina. Did I say anything in that?! Why are you so jealous with my sister in law?" Amy asked her. Mira was about to say something but Amy didn't let her. " Jealous witch!!" Amy said pouting her lips. Mira rolled her eyes.

But I couldn't understand one thing why was Amy comparing Princess Carolina with me. I thought she is both of their best friend. But I didn't ask them.

" Your Highness!!" I heard someone saying and I smiled nodded.

" He is Mr. Hamilton." Amy introduced me with him.

" Hello, Sir." I said to that middle aged man who smiled politely at me.

" Congratulations to you, Your Highness!!!" He said and I smiled.

" Thank you so much, Sir." I said to him.

Where is this Enrique now?!! I found him talking to Fredo on the corner of the room. What are they planning now?!! Seeing them talking to each other makes me worried always. Their evil brain!!! As our eyes met I glared at them and they smiled at me. I twisted my lips.

I started to talk to Mr. Hamilton and there were some other people. They were the Royal officials, Duke and Duchess and other people from elite community. I was a bit uncomfortable with them. But Mr. Hamilton was very kind and helpful to me. He along with Amy and Mira helped me to get introduced with them. After awhile I understood it wasn't so hard. I can do this myself too. I come to know that they are very friendly. I wasn't used to that royalty but I was trying to get used to it.

" Sorry, Ladies and gentlemen. Am I late?" Enrique asked.

" No, Your Highness. You are on time. We just got introduced with the crown Princess." Mrs. Hamilton said and I smiled.

" That's great. So, how is crown Princess in your opinion?" Enrique asked her.

" We shouldn't judge anyone but she is just like the one I imagined her to be. May be better than that." She said and I chuckled.

" Yes, I know that." Enrique said.

" Your Highness!!" Suddenly Ms. Ellington bowed at someone and I found a lady coming toward us. But as soon as Mira and Amy saw her their face turned cold at once without any reason.

" Hello, Prince Enrique." The lady said smilingly. Who was this woman? Enrique smiled.

" She is Queen of Norway Queen Sophia Her Highness." He said introducing me with her.

Queen of Norway?!! Means she is Princess Carolina's mother I think so. If Carolina is Amy and Mira's best friend then why are they so angry seeing her mother?!! Strange!!! Very very strange.

" Adeline Bronwyn. Nice to meet you, Your Highness." I shook hand with her and she smiled looking at me.

" You are so beautiful. More than I imagined." She said to me.

" Thank you so much, Your Highness." I could only say. I was having a weird thought about her.

" But Princess Carolina was still the best choice for you. Crown Princess can't compete her. Don't mind." She said and I narrowed my eyes at her to understand what she was actually trying to do?!!

" Crown Princess doesn't have to compete Princess Carolina, Your Highness. She is perfect as she is." Mrs. Hamilton said at once. Enrique smiled a bit.

" Princess Carolina and I don't deserve to be in the same page of the story. There may be someone else waiting for her. Better than me for her. Princess Carolina is too perfect for me and I don't think I am perfect for her. I don't deserve to have a perfect woman like her. But Crown Princess is perfect for me. She is perfect for me in every possible way. This is why our story is the same one and we are in the same page of the story. If it wasn't like that then she wouldn't be here. Besides, there is something call love. You can understand that. There must be someone else for Carolina like Adeline is for me." Enrique said smilingly and I smiled.

This guy knows it very well how to insult someone very politely. I didn't say anything. I realized keeping quiet is the best option for me right now. 

" That's great." She said. She talked to everyone for awhile then left the place.

When everyone was busy talking about the Coronation I hold Amy's hand and she smiled at me.

" You want something?" She asked me.

" She is Princess Carolina's mother,right?" I asked her. She nodded.

" Yes, she is." She said.

" Why don't you like her if she is your best friend's mother?" I asked her and she stayed silent for awhile.

" Because she is a real witch." She said and sighed deeply.

" What?!!" I asked her. She shook her head.

" Nothing. I will tell you later." She said to me. I nodded but didn't say anything. " But you don't tell that to anyone that Lina is our best friend. The world knows the other story around." She said and I nodded.

" There is Lina." She said pointing the girl standing in the corner of the room talking to some people. She was wearing a beautiful red dress. She is more beautiful and cuter for real.

" Oh, she came?" I asked her.

" Yeah, she did." She said. I nodded.

I was very confused with their attitude. But as I don't know what their issue is so I will stop thinking about it now. I felt someone wrapping arm around me. I rolled my eyes cause I knew it was Enrique himself. Who else will dare to do that?!

" Congratulations, Your Highness!!" He said smilingly.

" Same to you." I said to him and he chuckled.

I don't know why suddenly I got a weird feeling that I am stuck in the web of awkward secrets of royalty and they are going to reveal soon to blast my brain. I better be ready for that. Mystery all around.

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