Testing His Patience

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Adeline's POV

I was feeling like throwing my phone somewhere and break it. My head was blasting. It was giving me headache now. I tried to get reach of it  but Enrique was hugging me tightly. I wasn't able to reach it.

" Stop wriggling out." He said in a sleepy voice.

I sighed and kissed on his nose. He moved a bit but didn't leave me. I got my phone and found it was my PA who was calling me.

" Why are you dying early in the morning?" I asked him.

" Ma'am, it's already 9." He said.

" So what?!" I said to him.

" Ma'am, you have a meeting at 10." He said. I shook my head. I forgot it completely.

" I can't attend it today." I said. " Ask Louis to manage." I said to him.

" Ma'am, He is not picking up the call. May be he is attending his classes." He said and I sighed.

" Ok, I am coming. Postpone it an hour." I said to him.

" But ma'am, how? Everyone arrived already." He said and I got a bit shocked looking at the mirror.

Hickeys on my neck. That's alright I can cover it but what will I do with my swelling lips??!

" Ma'am?!! Ma'am?!! Are you there?" He asked me from the other side of the phone.

" You are kept to manage things. You have to manage it. If you can't then-" I was saying but he started to talk at once.

" I will manage it, ma'am. You don't have to worry. I am managing it." He said.

" Very well then." I said. " And Victor, I called him."

" Yes, ma'am." He said to me.

" Why aren't you giving enough time to Mally? She called me yesterday. You got 10 days off after today's meeting. Spend time with your wife." I said to him. " But don't forget to clear all of my schedules of next 10 days." I said to him.

" But why ma'am?" He asked me.

" I will go to honeymoon." I said to him. " You have any problem?" I asked him.

" Ma'am, Prince Enrique is here?" He asked me.

" Of that becomes a news then you are fired." I said to him.

" Yes, ma'am. No worries. It won't be a news. You can relax." He said.

" I signed a cheque yesterday. You got it?" I asked him.

" Yes, ma'am. When do you need the money?" He asked me.

" That was for you, stupid. Enjoy your time with Molly. Don't let it become big. You won't be able to save your relationship then." I said to him.

" I understand, ma'am. I will keep it in mind." He said.

" Ok, then. Meet you in 2 hours." I said and hung up the call.

Victor's wife Molly is my school friend. After school she joined medical school and I choose Business Administration and Fiance. A few days back Molly called me and said that Victor's behavior is suddenly changing. The fact is these days they both are busy. The can't give time to each other like before. This can be create a big destruction. So, they need to short it out right now.

" Who was that?" I heard Enrique's voice. I rolled my eyes.

" My PA." I said to him.

" What was he saying?" He asked me.

" He was reminding me that I have to attend my meeting in 2 hours." I said to him.

" Oh, ok." He said but didn't move a bit.

" Ok?! Let go now. I have to go." I said to him.

" Let me sleep. You didn't let me sleep the whole night." He said and I looked at him weirdly. What is this guy saying??! It's him who didn't let me sleep now he is blaming me?!! I sighed.

" You sleep who stopped you? Let me get up. I need to get ready." I said to him. He buried his face on my neck.

" I need you for a sound sleep." He said. I sighed.

" I have to go. The meeting will take 2 hours at best then I am all yours." I said to him but he shook his head. I chuckled. " I will be back soon." I said and he chuckled. He opened his eyes and I smiled. He captured my lips with him. I kissed him back at once. I bite him hard.

" Ouch!!" He chuckled. " What was that?" He asked me.

" The same thing you did last night." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Really?!" He asked me.

" Yes, there's the proof." I showed him the hickeys. He chuckled. " See?" I asked him

" Yes. They looks cute on you." He said and I rolled my eyes. He kissed on the hickeys.

" I have to go and get freshen up, Enrique. Stop it now. I will be late." I said to him and he sighed deeply.

" I don't want to let you go." He said. I twisted my lips. 

" You send me here. It's not my fault." I said and he sighed.

" Suddenly I am feeling that it was a very wrong decision to send you here." He said and I chuckled. I kissed him slowly and he kissed me back. His hold got loosen and I pushed him away before running toward the washroom. I closed the door and laughed.

" What was that, Your Highness?!" He asked me.

" Trick, Your Highness." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Come out of there. You are gone today." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" We will see." I said to him.

I took shower and changed into my clothes that I was wearing last night. I don't have an extra pair of clothes here. But I do have it in the office. I have reach there as soon as it possible. Suddenly I felt him hugging me from back.

" Now what, Your Highness?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" I don't know." I said. " I have to reach office." I said to him. He sighed.

" Just letting you go for now." He said.

" I am all yours, Your Highness." I said to him. He sighed deeply.

" You are making it hard for me to control myself." He said and I giggled. I kissed on his lips.

" Don't test my patience." He said and I chuckled.

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