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Adeline's POV

" You are still sleeping?" My twin asked me irritatingly.

" Then what will I do?" I asked her.

" Get up. Get freshen up and have breakfast. Then you have to get ready for your wedding." She said and I rolled my eyes.

I got up though I wasn't in any mood of getting up right now. I was feeling awkward today since morning. I took my phone and checked it was half past 7 in the morning. I found 100+ calls and texts from Enrique. I haven't died Enrique.

Actually I was angry with him for the incident yesterday. I told him that I don't like that girl but he didn't send her back. I wouldn't react much if she messed up with me only but she pulled Priscilla and Tristan in this. I won't tolerate it ever if someone tries to insult my family. I will never ever tolerate this.

" Where are you lost?" She asked me.

" Nowhere." I said.

" Go. Get freshen up. Hurry up." She ordered me. I chuckled.

I got up and walked into the washroom and got freshen up. I took a shower and looked at the mirror. I looked at myself. I sighed deeply. I can't believe this is happening to me for real. I mean I never thought about getting married. I never had any dream about getting married ever. I was always a tomboy. I had allergy with the word 'love'. I knew I was center of attention everywhere. But for a weird reason I never cared about those things. Boys was crazy about me. But I never cared. May be I was to messed up with my own world.

My grandfather always used to say that the people who are extraordinary suffers the most for their intelligence. Surprisingly they understands things they should neglect for sake of their peace and happiness. Since my childhood I was told that I am extraordinary, I am different from others, I am superior. I can't be compared with others. I understand that was on basis of my academic performance. But in reality I am very insecure about myself. May be that because I didn't try to get socialized ever, I never ever made a friend ever. I am very uncomfortable while talking to unknown people informally. I think I become a robot. I never ever thought to make a friend because I thought they will take advantage of me. I never trusted boys until I met Tris and Danny. I think I have started to trust Enrique too. I don't know if he is worthy of that but my heart is saying that I won't be left heartbroken trusting him. I don't know. I hope one day Enrique will be my best friend with whom I can share each and every single thing. May be I need time to settle myself here. Time is the best medicine. It heals everything. I think I have to wait for awhile to see what happens in my life. I am ready for that. But I was thinking about my mom. She would definitely be very happy today if she was here today. I sighed deeply. But she may be happy for me today. I don't know if getting married with Enrique is happily ever after for me but I know if I try I can adjust with this.

" Lina!!! Come out!! What are you doing inside the washroom, girl?" I heard my twin and chuckled. Ma'am is calling. I washed my face and walked out of the washroom. I found the girls. I rolled my eyes chuckling about their excitement.

" I can't believe you are getting married too." Ana said and I chuckled.

" One thing happened very well through your wedding, Lina." RD said.

" What?" I asked her.

" I got a chance to make the wedding dress of a Queen." She laughed and I rolled my eyes. " You know how much pressure it was for me to make your wedding dress just in a week?" She said and I chuckled. " I had a plan for your wedding dress. I just polished it a bit. I hope you will love it." She said.

" One one can hate a dress that RD designed by herself." Priscilla said. I nodded.

" I have no complain about the dress. No matter how it is I will wear it on my wedding. Even if it's a PJs." I said to her and she laughed.

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