Hatred Is Not A Solution

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Adeline's POV

" What's wrong?" I asked him as I found him sitting silently on the couch looking a bit upset.

" Nothing wrong. What will be wrong?" He asked me smilingly. I kept the towel aside and sat next to him.

" What happened?" I asked him.

" Nothing happened, Adeline. You are thinking about it too much." He said smiling at me. A smile which didn't reach his eyes. Means it's fake. I do it often. So, I know this smile.

" It's ok if you don't want to share it with me. I will not ask you again. I thought you consider me someone close to you. But I understand you don't." I said to him and he chuckled.

" You started to blackmail me as well. Not bad." He said pulling me closer. I rolled my eyes. " I was thinking about something." He said and I narrowed my eyes.

" What?" I asked him.

" You were so jealous about the secret lover of me." He said smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes. What is going on inside his head?!! " Then you should be jealous of Fredo too. I love him as well." He asked me smirking at me. I glared at him hard. He laughed out loud. I took the cushion and hit him with that.

" Idiot!!" I said to him and he stood up before going to the washroom.

I didn't get the chance of talking to him about the thing that I wanted to talk to him. I forgot to talk to him about this last night for Amy's prank call. But I have to talk to him about it tonight. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. I opened the door and found Amy standing there with her famous cute smile. I chuckled inwardly but kept a straight face letting her know that I was angry with her for her prank call. I let her come inside. She came inside and I ignored her.

" Am I getting ignored by someone?" She asked me but I didn't say anything. " Seriously?" She asked me and I nodded. She pouted cutely this time to melt me. I chuckled. " I am sowwiee." She said in a babyish voice. I chuckled this time and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back.

" I missed you this much." She said spreading her hand either sides of her. I chuckled patting her head. She looked around. " Where is Enrique?"

" Taking shower." I said to her. 

" Did you met Lina?" She whispered. I chuckled listening to my own nickname using for other.

" Yes, I did." I said and she smiled. Does she know about Celine?! She is Princess Carolina's best friend. So, she must know that. But I can't reveal this. Enrique said not to until Fredo says that to us himself.

" Isn't she beautiful?" She asked me.

" Yes, and you are so." I said to her and she giggled.

" I didn't meet her since long." She said pouting.

" How long?" I asked her.

" Two weeks." She said and I face palmed. Is two weeks so long?!!!

" Oh, ok." I said to her. " What's with Prince Kieran, Amy?" I asked her as I was a bit confused about her behavior with Prince Kieran. Her face drained out all the colors at once.

" Why do you want to know about him? Enrique told you anything about him?" She asked me back and I shook my head.

" Is there anything he should tell me about him?" I asked her but she shook her head.

" Then why are asking about him?" She asked me.

" I need don't know why it seems like you are not comfortable with him." I said to her. She gritted.

" Just because he is Mira's cousin I have to tolerate him otherwise... Leave it. Once a bast*rd always a bast*rd." She gritted.

" Ok. If you don't want to share it with me." I said to her and she pouted.

" I do want to share it with you but you have to promise me that you will not tell that to anyone else." She said and I nodded. " Not even Enrique." She said.

" God promise." I said to her.

" Let's go out of here." She said and we walked out of our room. She texted Enrique that I was with her.

" What's wrong with Prince Kieran?" I asked her.

" I don't like him." She said.

" I know that. But why?" I asked her and she sighed deeply.

" He insulted me badly in public and hurt my ego. This why." She said.

" But why did he insulted you? No one insults anyone else without any reason." I said to him.

" He does. He is a bust*rd." She said to me.

" But why would someone do something like that?" I asked her.

" He is the crown Prince. So, he can do so." She said.

" You are also the Princess. And royalty or not royalty, no one has the right to insult someone without any reason. It's totally unbelievable." I said to her and she sighed deeply.

" There are a lot of things that you still don't know, Adele. You will know them soon. But as for now I know the biggest turn of my life is going to take soon. No matter what I will always hate Prince Kieran. He deserves to be hatred." She said but I couldn't understand why would someone insult a girl without any reason?!

" Doesn't Mira know that? Still she supports her cousin?" I asked him.

" Mira knows everything but she can't do anything in this. It's not in her hand." She said.

" Very well." I said to her.

" I can't tell you the whole story right now, Adele. Let Enrique tell you the whole story. But Kieran has hurt me a lot with his lies. If he tells me once again that he loves me I will burn him alive." She gritted. " I hate him with all my being. This hatred is not going to change. Not now not ever." She said. I sighed deeply.

" Hatred is very worst thing. If you keep hating someone that it will keep irritating you more. Just wipe him from your brain. Avoiding it ignoring is not the solution. Make if realize that he doesn't matter in your life. Act normally, don't give him priority." I said to her.

" That will work?" She asked me.

" Any doubt?" I asked her. She shook her head. I smiled. " Hatred is not a solution."

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