Color Of Love

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Adeline's POV

" Wasn't it beautiful?" He asked me.

" It was so fast." I said.

" But it was a beautiful sight to see." He said.

" Yes. It was." I agreed. We just witnessed a meteor shower. " But it would be better if we brought the kids with us. They missed it." I said to him. He chuckled.

" Danny took them to some other place. They will watch from there." He said.

" So everyone knew that you are coming?" I asked him and he smiled weakly. I rolled my eyes.

" Don't do that next time." I said to him.

" Sorry. I can't follow those words." He said. I rolled my eyes.

" This is your surprise?" I asked him.

" Did you wish for anything?" He asked me.

" Nope. My biggest wish is sitting beside me. I wanted a life partner like you." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Well then." He said.

" Did you wish for anything?" I asked him.

" I don't trust on these things. It was just a beautiful event for me." He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" Then why did you ask me about that?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" Just was checking if I am anywhere there in your prayers." He said.

I rolled my eyes and sat close to him. He wrapped his arms around me. I kept looking at the field. I found some movement there.

" Who's there?" I asked.

" Where?" He asked me.

" In the field." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Who will be there?! You are thinking too much." He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" I am not blind, okay?" I asked him.

" Of course you are not, Sweetheart." He said.

" Sweetheart?!!" I asked him. He chuckled.

" Yes." He said. I hold his collar and make him to face me.

" What is bothering?" I asked him.

" Nothing." He said.

" I heard you saying you love me that day." I said and he smiled looking away. " From when these going on?" I asked him.

" From the start. Love at first sight." He said.

" Love at first sight doesn't exist." I said to him.

" We can have a debate on this topic but I just don't want to. The only thing you should know is you are my first and last. No one else but you." He said and I sighed deeply.

Have you seen someone confessing love without saying 'I love you'? If you haven't then you should know this guy. He did.

" Can you ever do things normally? Why do you always do things to give me a headache?" I asked him.

" What have I done now?" He asked me.

" Was it your way to confess your love?" I asked him. He chuckled. "Who confesses love without saying 'I love you'?" I asked him.

" I have said that. If you have forgotten." He said. " It's you who haven't said that clearly yet." He said. I gritted.

" Will it break all your teeth if you say that again?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" Let's have a walk." He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" This is a haunted place." I said to him. He chuckled.

" There is nothing called haunted." He said to me.

" Danny trusts there is. So, we can't take it lightly." I said to him.

" He says that just for fun." He said.

" You know him better than me?" I asked him and he laughed.

" You couldn't get his trick. He does that so that everyone around him believe that and he can make fun of it later." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" I don't trust in those things but I do want to know if there is early any negative power's existence in nature. Danny gives thousands of strong valid reason on that point." I said and he shook his head making a facial expression like a two years old is explaining how to handle the hardest problem in the world.

" I am serious." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Look there." He said and I found a lake and we sat on the bank of it. It was reminding me of those days we spend there in the palace. We used to enjoy our time together near the lake. It is very beautiful memory for me.

I was looking at the lake and found a beautiful sky lantern. Someone light it up and let it fly. I kept looking at it with my eyes opened widened.

" Who is there, Enrique?" I asked him but he didn't say anything.

I counted one two and then many of the lanterns flying there. I smiled widely.

" Is this a part of the surprise, Enrique?" I asked him but he didn't say anything. I turned to see him but he wasn't there. Where has he gone now?!! I looked behind and found him standing with one of the lanterns. I smiled widely and ran to him. I looked at the lantern. It was very beautiful. I suddenly found a small message there.

I don't need to word it out. You should feel that. Love is very beautiful to feel.

I sighed deeply and then chuckled. He smiled seeing me. We hold the lantern and I pulled him closer. He looked at me trying to understand what I was going to do. I smiled sweetly before pressing my lips on his. As much as my lips touched his he let the lantern go and wrapped his arms around my waist. I let the lantern go as well as I got my expected response from him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We continue the kiss until he break it. We both were breathless. I inhaled deeply and kissed him again. He didn't stop me. He was returning it with the same passion. I forgot it completely where we were and what we were doing. I only remembered one thing that is him. I kept kissing him and he kissed me back. Nothing is more important than this right now. He broke the kiss all on a sudden.

" What's wrong?" I asked him and he picked me up in his arms.

" We can't continue the things we have started here. Let's continue and finish it when we reach the farmhouse." He said and I rolled my eyes before giggling.

The color of love colored him at last. Thanks God!!!

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