Thank Him Officially

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Enrique's POV

" Everything ok, Your Highness?" The minister of finance asked my father.

" Everything is ok. You keep doing whatever you think is right. I will find the culprit out." He said. I sighed inwardly. I don't have anything to do here.

I am extremely uncomfortable right now. Being with my father somewhere alone is the last thing I want to do. I think he hates me and I know the reason. Well, I can't change that. But I have adjusted to live with his hatred. Good for me. But I was really shocked when he told me to find out the bride in 14 days otherwise he will declare that Antonio the heir of the throne. How can he compare me with him??! I wanted to ask him several times about it but the thing is I don't want to have a conversation with him. The only way to keep things right that we never talk to each other. That will keep things settled.

" You wanna say something, Prince Enrique?" My father asked me.

I don't know why I felt like he was mocking me. I can be wrong. May be that because we don't talk to each other often. This is why I have forgotten his expressions. Or may be I have never tried to understand him. No, I tried but he never ever gave me that chance. I will not blame myself here.

" Whatever Your Highness think is right." I said to him. He nodded.

" Ok, then do whatever you are told to do." He said to the finance minister.

" Sure, Your Highness. But you too be careful." He said.

We came out of there after checking the progress of work. I took my phone to text Fredo to check where he was. I needed his help to handle things. But if Fredo picks up call on the then he won't be Fredo anymore,right?! So he didn't pick it up. I sighed deeply.

" Is everything arranged already, Enrique?" He asked me.

" About what, Your Highness?" I asked him and he kept looking at me for awhile. I kept holding a flat expression.

" Your wedding." He asked me.

" Whenever you think it's the right time, Your Highness. The bride is already here and everything is arranged." I said to him.

" Very good." He said and I nodded. "What if I told you not to get married now then you won't get married with Ms. Bronwyn?" He asked me.

" I don't think my wedding has anything to do with the coronation. But since Your Highness is forcing to get married first then it's an order to me. But sooner or later, whenever I get married I will marry Adeline only. Even if need to lose the throne I can't marry anyone else but her. I promised myself not to leave her alone ever. And even if the world gets destroyed I can't marry Princess Carolina. Impossible. If Your Highness is still interested in that then I have to say that I can't fulfill your wish this time. If I become the King then Adeline will be the Queen only. Even if I don't still she will be my wife." I said. " I can't sacrifice everything. There should be someone for me too." I said to him and he looked at me for awhile.

" You think there is no one for you?" He asked me.

" Don't take me wrong, Your Highness, but you know the answer better than me." I said to him.

" What about Fredo and the Queen then?" He asked me.

" I have to say you were kind enough to me for letting these two people be with me." I said to him.

" I acted unkind with you?" He asked me and I chuckled.

" No, Your Highness. You can't do such thing. But you have a habit of punishing innocent people for someone else's." I said to him.

" What do you mean?" He asked me and I chuckled.

" I was talking about sending Amanda away from home for all these years. If I am wrong then I hope His Highness will forgive me with his own kindness." I said to him but he didn't say anything. I sighed deeply.

I know I was very cold to him but this is what he always taught me by acting the same way with me. I don't know how much hatred he has for me inside his heart. I don't know why I can't hate him like that even after experiencing everything since childhood. He kept hating me for things that I didn't have anything to do with.

" If His Highness doesn't want me to do anything else then can I leave?" I asked him politely. He nodded gesturing me to leave. " Thank you, Your Highness." I said before leaving.

I hate royalty. I hate to be a part of it. But my life is attached with it already. I can't step back now neither I can run away from this. If I leave that then that Antonio will destroy the whole nation. Trust me even if my father would say he will make Amanda the future Queen not Antonio then I would happily left the throne and live as a commoner leading a happy life. But I can't be selfish now. My grandfather always kept saying that we should never ever be a coward or step back when our country and people need us the most. Leaving the throne now means calling the disaster itself.

I sighed deeply. Sometimes I think how would it be living a life of a commoner. They are free to do anything. How would it be to have a small job earning a little living in a cottage outskirt of the town without high facilities?! That life may be very enjoyable cause people values other's emotions there. No one fakes things there. But I think every brick of the palace knows how much of hatred does it carries. They are witness of everything since it was build. There is no freedom from the cursed shackles of royalty. I went to Fredo's place to talk to him and he assured that he will help me in that. Later I had to attend the meeting with Prince Kieran. A hell dead busy day. I needed to save my energy for tomorrow. It's going to be a long tiring day as well. Then it's my wedding this weekend. I pity myself.

I reached the palace and found Adele's whole family there. I talked to them for awhile. Then walked upstairs to get freshen up. I took shower and lay down on the bed trying to take a bit rest. I heard a knock on the door.

" If it's not very urgent then leave me alone." I said but heard the door opening then closed. But I didn't open my eyes. I felt someone sat next to me on the bed. May be Amy.

" What's wrong, Amy?" I asked her.

" Coffee." I heard Adeline's voice and turned to see her keeping the cup on the nightstand. I moved closer and kept my head on her lap hugging her waist.

" What happened?" She asked me.

" Nothing happened. Suddenly you decided to show up to this poor man's room?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes. I chuckled.

" You are so secretive." She said.

" Yes, I know that." I said.

" That won't be acceptable after the wedding. Mark my words." She said. I smirked.

" What will you do if I keep doing that? Divorce me?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

" I am not that weak to break up the relationship for a silly reason. Instead that I will do something that you will not be have to keep secrets." She said and I chuckled.

" Ok. We will see." I said. She narrowed her eyes.

" You didn't take me seriously. You don't have any idea what I can do." She said.

" You are messing up with my whole existence what else you want to do to me?!" I mumbled.

" What?!" She asked.

" Nothing." I said.

" Say that." She narrowed her eyes.

" You will get angry." I said.

" No, I won't." She said. I smirked and she glared at me.

" You look hot as hell when you get angry." I said and she looked at me weirdly for awhile then pinched me hard.

" Ouch!!! What was that?" I asked her.

" You are for real, I proved that." She said and I chuckled rubbing my arm. "I can't believe you know those words." She said and I laughed hard. She joined me.

I think I should thank Fredo officially for find her out for me.

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