Liars Are Always Liars

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Segovia Street
Madrid, Spain
10:00 PM

He was sitting on the chair in the dark with his hands tied and eyes blind folded. He heard some rustling. He smirked.

" I am sorry, Your Highness!!" Rony said and he chuckled.

" Everything settled?" He asked him.

" Yes, Your Highness." Rony said.

" Then please open my hands and remove this blindfold at first. It's very hard to sit like this in the dark." He said and Rony hurriedly did that.

" Sorry, Your Highness." Rony said.

" Stop saying sorry." He said removing the blindfold as Rony opened his hands.

" Are you crazy, Eric?" He heard his friend's voice and turned to see him. He just chuckled.

" Why do you think like that, Mr. Valezquez?" He asked.

" You should have informed me earlier." Alejandro said sitting across him.

" Is everything settled?" He asked.

" Yes, Your Highness. But Mr. Hamilton betrayed." Rony said.

" I told you this guy is not a good person to believe him." Alejandro said and he chuckled.

" I know that. He is my pawn, Alejandro. I do play a fair game." He said.

" His Highness, they tried to kill the Prince and Murphy." Rony said and he looked at him sharply.

" I hate traitors. Where are they?" He asked him.

" They are downstairs." Rony said.

" Ok, let's go and meet them." He said.

" Your wife, daughter and daughter in law are still their hostage, Eric. Be careful." Alejandro said.

" Did you send Alfredo away?" He asked his friend.

" He came back this evening." Alejandro said.

" I told you to keep him away from this matter." He said.

" Not only Fredo but Kieran is also involved in this now. He helped Enrique and Murphy." Alejandro said.

" Tell me one time you did things perfectly?" Eric said to him and he rolled his eyes.

" I can show you thousands of times." Alejandro said back.

" Your Highness, we are here." Rony said.

" Alright." Eric said and sat across the two persons he hates the most in this whole world. " You could have asked from me what you want. You shouldn't have dragged my family in this." He said. " I spared you all these years just because you are Antonio's uncle and Aunt.

You guys did a lot for my nephew though most of them are the reason of Antonio becoming this person today whom everyone hates." Eric said and they didn't say anything just kept glaring Eric.

" I know that very that you guys forced him to go to Amy's room. I know that very well. But I didn't tell you anything that day for Antonio." Eric said. " But who knows you will play such a game. I have done a big mistake. I shouldn't have left Antonio with you. You guys have destroyed his life." He said.

" But it's too late, Sweetheart. Albert got your wife already. You can choose me. I am still agreed to marry you." The lady said.

" What are you saying, Jess?" Alejandro asked her gritting and she smirked.

" You did all these just because that incident?" Eric asked her.

" You did a great mistake by rejecting me. You shouldn't have rejected me like that, Eric." Jess said.

" Why is that bothering you that much, Alejandro?" She asked him.

" You spoiled Antonio's life." Alejandro said.

" I don't care even if he is dead. My plan is succeeded. I don't have anything to say about it now. I am so happy today. That day you told me that I am not the right girl for you, right? I changed myself for you but you married that Abigail. How can she be better than me?! Is she as beautiful as me? She can't be compared with me." She said. He chuckled.

" True. She can't be compared with you cause she is the most beautiful woman in the whole world for me. Not just because she is extremely beautiful but also because she has a beautiful heart inside. You know what you did to her. For you both of her children were forced to leave home for years but she never ever blamed me for that. She never asked the reason to me. She never protested against my decision cause she truly loves me. She loved my parents even though they did the worst to her. Now think about yourself. Just because I have rejected you, you tried to use my own nephew against me. You made my parents biased toward Antonio. For you my kids never got the love of their grandparents. You poisoned their brain. You tried to hurt my wife and me again and again. How can you claim that you love me?! If you loved me then you would never ever hurt my family. If you loved me truly then you would be happy for me when I was happy with my family. But you didn't. You were always planning to destroy my life. Ask yourself if you can be compared with my wife. She can easily sacrifice everything smilingly in just one word of mine. Because she loves me. You don't love me. You love money. That's it." Eric said.

" Why are we wasting time here, Eric? You know Albert is a psycho. He can hurt the girls. He has gotten Abigail in his territory. He can harm her as well.  I think we should leave now." Alejandro said to him. He nodded.

" Check where Enrique is." Eric said. "I would still think about leaving you both for the sake of Antonio but you did a great mistake by trying to kill my son. You can't be forgiven. I would have done that myself but I think I will be late if I wait here. I have to save my family too. And the me traitor will get the punishment too. No one will be forgiven. But I couldn't get a better choice but to punish you both." He said.

" Antonio!!" He called and their faces drained out. Antonio entered the room smirking at his uncle and Aunt.

" Sorry for changing my team, Jess and Jonathan. I knew it from long that you guys are using me as a pawn in your game. But you guys has forgotten that you made me a pure evil." He said. " I also know that you both poisoned to kill my mother. Who won't be proud to have siblings like you?" Antonio asked and took his gun out.

" We can explain, Antonio." Jess said horrified.

" I don't want to hear that. Liars are always liars." He said before his gun was fired.

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