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Adeline's POV

" Here we go." He said and I twisted my lips as I felt the car stopped already. He hold my hand and helped me to get down from the car. " You can leave now, Murphy. I will call you later." He said to Murphy.

" Can I take it off now?" I asked him.

" Not at all." He said and I rolled my eyes. Why isn't he letting me to remove it?!

" Come." He said. I gritted. I followed him.

" Where are you going?" He asked me.

" Following you." I said.

" Following me?!  You are going the opposite direction." He said. I rolled my eyes inwardly.

" How will I know that?!! I am blindfolded." I said. He chuckled before picking me in his arms.

" Just take this blindfold off." I said to him.

" No. Not yet." He said.

" Why not? What the hell is happening here?" I asked him.

" You don't have to know that yet. You will see that when it's needed." He said to me. I sighed.

" I will make myself blind." I said to him. He chuckled.

" Don't worry. I will not leave you ever even if you blind." He said to me. " Instead I will be your eyes. You will not feel like you are blind." He said.

" I am not feeling anything yet." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Cause I haven't made you feel that yet." He said to me. I shook my head. "Nothing gonna change my love for you." He said.

" What?!" I asked him.

" It's my favourite song." He said and I twisted my lips. I felt him kissing me softly.

" When you do this I resist hard myself not to do something worst with you." He said. Is this Enrique for real??!

" Are you trying to sound romantic?!" I asked him and he chuckled. " Even if you are not romantic I will still love you the same I do now." I said to him and he stopped for awhile then chuckled a bit. Why is he laughing?!!

" What's so funny here?" I asked him.

" Nothing funny. But are you sure about what you have said awhile back?" He asked me.

" Sure about what?" I asked him.

" If you haven't noticed that you said that you love me." He said and I got an electric shock. I have told him the truth mindlessly.

" You know people says the truth when they speaks mindlessly." He said to me but I didn't say anything.

" So, will I take it as a 'yes'?" He asked me.

" What's wrong with loving your partner?" I asked him.

" Nothing wrong in loving your partner. Infact that's the correct thing." He said to me.

" Then why are you complaining about it?" I asked him.

" Actually I am not complaining you know? I am just asking that if you are sure about what you said. If you are then it's a big deal for me. You suddenly confessed that made me shocked cause I always wanted to cherish that moment." He said and I sighed.

" Forget it which I have told you before." I said to him. He chuckled and made me stand on my own feet.

He took the blindfold off of my eyes. I kept my eyes closed for awhile then opened my eyes but couldn't see anything for awhile. Effect of being blindfolded for a long time.

" You ok?" He asked me.

" Everything blurry." I said to him and he made me sit somewhere.

" Relax!!! Everything will be ok." He said.

" Nothing will be ok. I am going to be a blind." I said to him.

" Sit here. I am coming." He said.

" Ok." I said to him. Where has he gone leaving me here now??! I blinked for a few times then found myself sitting in near a garden.

" Here." He handed me a bottle of water. I took it from him.

He sat next to me. I gulped down some water and washed my face as well. Now everything was very clear to me. We were sitting on the backyard of a mansion. The garden I saw awhile back is the backyard garden of the house behind us. I found a huge field before us. I couldn't identify the crop there. May be wheat. It was looking beautiful. The moon was not visible. A floodlight was lightened far away which was erasing the darkness a bit but it couldn't remove the darkness completely. I examined the whole place. Some big trees were in between the field which was creating a haunted situation. I found a treehouse on the closest tree in the field. May be to keep eyes on the field from there. It would be a best place to enjoy at a summer night. But I am not having any feeling about that. May be my feelings stuck with the guy sat next to me. I heard some bird chirping. May be it's nocturnal. I turned to see the mansion. It was looking like someone's farmhouse. But why were we sitting outside like that?!! Is this call a date night?!! I shook my head. I thought Mr. Unromantic has became romantic but I am wrong in this. There is no change in him.

" Why are we sitting here?" I asked him.

" Waiting for something?" He said.

" Waiting for what?" I asked him.

" You will see that on time." He said and I rolled my eyes.

Whatever!!! What will I do in this?!! I have to sit with him and spend time like that. But I can never be bored with him. I can spend the whole life just looking at his smiling face. I started to examine him. His hair was settled perfectly but some of them were touching his forehead, I was controlling an urge to remove them and kiss on his forehead. I was surprised myself for being jealous of his hair cause they were touching him and I couldn't. His eyes were stuck on the sky. God knows what was he watching there. I am sitting next to him but he was looking at the sky. I gritted.

" Look at that." He pointed something. I looked at the direction he pointed and my eyes opened widened.

" Beautiful!!!" I could see cause it was extremely eye-catching.

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