Best Memories

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Adeline's POV

" Then it's done, Ms. Bronwyn. We will check it and make it clear to you. We need time to make a final decision. I hope you will give us time to think about it." Mr. Hugo said.

" Sure, Mr. Hugo. We will be waiting for your response." I said to him. " But make it fast." I said to him.

" Of course." He said.

" We will not be here for next 10 days. You got time until then. If you don't inform us about your decision by that time then we will have to cancel the deal." I said to Mr. Hugo.

" I will not disappoint you." He said.

" Thank you." I said. " So, if there is nothing else to discuss then we can call it a day." I said to everyone present in the conference room.

" Yes, ma'am." They said. I nodded and came out of there.

" Keep everything settled, Victor." I said to my PA.

" Everything is ok. It's ready to submit. I will be waiting for your oder." he said.

" Very well." I said to him.

" Ok. I will let you know when it will be submitted." I said to him and he nodded.

" Ok, ma'am." He said.

" Hmm... Spend your time with Molly. You guys need to sort out everything right now. Am I clear?" I asked him and he nodded.

" Yes, ma'am. I will try my best." He said.

" Molly is my closest friend. She is very nice. I am not telling it because she is my friend. I am telling it because she is really a charming person. She deserves to be cherished. If you can't do that then you should let her go and let her get cherished by someone else. If you let a small issue get bigger then it can bring huge destruction in your life. I hope you are matured enough to understand what I mean." I said to him and he sighed.

" I will keep that on mind." He said and I nodded.

" Great then." I said.

" Hello, Ms. Bronwyn." I turned to see Mr. Ramsey.

" Hello, Mr. Ramsey." I said in a professional tone.

" How are you doing? I haven't seen you in awhile." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Sorry but were there any reason to meet you?" I asked him.

" I thought we can go and have a coffee together." He said and I chuckled.

" I have people to have a coffee with. I don't mix my personal and professional life." I said. " I hope you can understand that."

" You got married suddenly? I thought I will be invited in your wedding." He said.

" It was a private royal ceremony. Besides, people do invite them who are much important to them." I said and he chuckled.

" Alright then. I think you are getting hyper now." He said.

" May be you said something to make me hyper, you know what I mean?" I asked him and smiled.

" Ma'am, we are getting late." Victor said and I nodded.

" Bye then, Mr. Ramsey. I hope you learn how to use your words better from next time. Asking out a married woman is not at all a good thing. I think your wife also found herself on someone's other's bed sometimes, right? It's very normal for you. Isn't it?" I asked him and he kept looking at me with his burning eyes which I ignored completely.

" Let's go, ma'am." Victor said. I nodded and we came out of there.

" Victor!!" I called my PA.

" Yes, ma'am." He said.

" Call Mr. Hugo and tell him that we are not signing this deal with them. I will not work with people who doesn't know how to respect woman. We have many of our lady employees to work in this project. He dared to do that with me then he will try to do much more than that with those employees." I said to him.

" I can understand, ma'am." He said.

" Hmm...better." I said and walked out of there. " You can leave, Victor. I will drive myself." I said and he nodded. "Remember, settle everything between you two." I said to him.

" Yes, ma'am. I will surely try to do that." He said and left.

I was checking my phone and going toward the parking lot. Suddenly someone dragged me near the Pilar.

" Enrique!!!" I gritted at him. Who does something like this?!! I found him smiling at me and I couldn't say anything looking at that smile.

" What happened?" I asked him.

" Nothing happened. I was missing you like hell." He said. I shook my head.

" Don't do anything to that Ramsey guy. I already cancelled the deal with them. It's enough." I said to him and he chuckled.

" No, I won't do anything to him but Murphy will. I am a very calm, quiet and polite person." He said making an innocent face. I rolled my eyes.

" Who knows that better than me?" I asked him.

" No one. Literally no one." He said. "Come with me." He said and dragged me toward the car before opening the door for me. I sat inside and he closed it. He sat beside me and kept looking at me for awhile

" What happened?" I asked him.

" You are glowing." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" I am serious." He said chuckling.

" Whatever!!" I said and the car started to move.

" Where are we going today?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" We are going on a date." He said.

" How long will you stay here?" I asked him.

" I can't tell you. It will make you upset and spoil our moments. Instead that let's enjoy the moment we get chance to spend together. Let's not think about the departure." He said and I glared at him weirdly.

" So, you will not tell me when you are leaving?" I asked him.

" Nope." He said to me chuckling.

" It will make me upset anyways." I said to him.

" But seeing you being upsrt will make it hard for me to leave." He said. I sighed deeply.

" You are different from others. You are unique, Enrique. Just like I wanted you to be." I said.

" I am happy that I can make you happy by being myself." He said and I rolled my eyes. He chuckled.

Though the thought about letting him go was making me upset but I push it away for now. I want to enjoy the moment we get is for making the best memories for us.

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