Handle It

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Adeline's POV

" She said so?" Fredo asked Enrique.

" Yeah. She said so." Enrique said. He sighed deeply.

" What does she want? She want to see the monster inside me? I have warned her several times. She talked about divorce again?" He said and I sighed deeply.

" Why did you brought Celine here, Fredo?" Mira asked him and I looked at him weirdly. Is Celine here?!!

" I am going back to Madrid tomorrow for a week. I will miss her whole the week. So, she will be with me tonight." He said like a little kid. I rolled my eyes.

" We will get caught one day for you." Mira said. " Your plan will get spoiled." She walked back to her room.

" It's risky, Fredo. How you brought her here." Enrique said. Fredo sighed.

" I didn't want to but when I went to meet her this evening she was crying while I was leaving. I couldn't left her there." He said and I sighed.

" I can understand that, Fredo but remember your little mistake can risk both your wife and daughter's life." Enrique said to Fredo.

" I know but I couldn't -" he was saying but we heard a squeal and found Celine running toward us.

She almost hit herself on the coffee table. But Fredo stood up and picked her up at once before she could reach it. She giggled flashing her rabbit teeth two up and two down. How cute!!!

" Why was Princess running around like this?" Fredo asked Celine. Celine pouted.

" Where is Mrs. Foghurt?" I asked him.

" She didn't come." He said. " I wanted to take care of my daughter by myself." He said and I sighed.

" Boo boo." She said. " Dadda." She said pointing the TV. May be she wants to watch cartoons she watches.

" Princess wants to watch TV?" Fredo asked Celine. God knows what she understood but she nodded.

" Boo boo." She said. I chuckled.

Enrique turned the TV on and it was the telecasting the news. He was about to change the channel but Princess Carolina's speech was telecasting.

" Mamma!!! Mamma!!! Mamma!!!" Celine extended her hands toward her. Fredo stood up and stood before the TV. Celine touched the screen and kissed on the screen where her mother was.

" Mamma!!" She said to her father who smiled.

" Yes, Mamma." He said to his daughter.

" Cece Mamma." Celine said.

" Yes, sweetheart. She is Cece's Mamma." He said and she giggled. The same moment the report ended and Princess Carolina was gone from the screen.

" Mamma!!" Celine pouted with teary eyes. Fredo picked out his phone quickly and found out Carolina's photos. He gave his phone to her. She smiled at once and kissed on the screen.

" Mamma!!!" Celine said and I chuckled.

" Yes, Your Mamma." Fredo said and kissed on his cheek.

" Daddy loves you more than your Mamma." Fredo said and I rolled my eyes. " But your Daddy loves your Mamma too." He said.

" Boo boo." She said and I chuckled. She is so cute.

" When will you grow up, Sweetheart?" Fredo asked Celine and she just pouted.

" She looks like Mira." Enrique said and I chuckled.

" I know. She is so cute." I said. Enrique smiled.

" Are we going back tomorrow?" I asked him.

" Yeah." He said.

" Alright then. Is Fredo going back with us?" I asked him.

" I have a few things to do. After that I will go back. I will be there by the day after tomorrow." Fredo said tickling Celine who was giggling.

How I wish I had a baby like Celine. She is so damn cute!!! How cutely she giggled!!

" Fredo have to fight a world war with the world when Celine grows up." I said to Enrique and he chuckled.

" Yes. He will." Enrique said. " You go. Get freshen up."

I nodded. I walked into the bedroom and took my clothes before going into the washroom. I took a long shower. I was thinking about Princess Carolina's decision about marrying Mr. Carrigan. Is someone forcing her to marry him or she is doing this willingly?! I don't understand why can't she just think about Celine's future?!! Or may be she is doing this for Celine's security. But she is not understanding one thing that Celine is Fredo's daughter and Fredo will not let anything happen to his daughter ever.

Then there she is right in her place. Cause she loves Fredo too much to lose him. She doesn't want to lose him. She is afraid that if she goes back to him then her mother will kill him. It's very normal for her to have this kind of thought. I think she knows that her uncle and her mother along with other people have killed her father. It was pre-planned. She may be afraid that she will not be able to fight them and this why she stepped back from Fredo's life which wasn't a good decision I must say.

If someone tries to do such thing with me I will never ever leave Enrique alone. We will fight it together. I will not let him feel horrible like Fredo is feeling now.  But a big question here is Fredo loves Carolina but I am not sure if Enrique loves me or not. He cares about me but it's natural that people cares about their partner. But I am not sure if he feels for me that way I do. But I am not worried about it if he doesn't. I will make him fall in love with me. That's it. If he doesn't love me he still has to love me in the end of the day.

I came out of the shower. I was thinking about calling Priscilla. I think talking to her can give me some peace of mind. But I got an email from my PA that he fixed my meeting with some associates in a week. I narrowed my eyes. I didn't call anyone that I was going back. How does he know?!!

" What happened?" I heard Enrique's voice.

" Just got an email from my PA. Strange!! I didn't inform him going back." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Did you do that?" I asked him and he nodded. " But why so hurry?" I asked him. He smiled.

" The sooner the better." He said before going into the washroom. I sighed deeply. Who will make him understand that it will be very hard for me to go back?!! It will be almost impossible. Who knew that I have such an emotional self inside me??! It will be so hard for me. I am not sure how am I going to handle it.

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