He Is The Prince!!!!!

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Adeline's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and bright light hit my eye sight making my eyes close again. I kept them shut and flashback started in my mind.

I was here for a deal. I was to meet Mr. Valezquez. I landed here and was waiting for his men to receive me. Then they came. I called Priscilla. I sat on the car. They were leading me to the hotel and I was checking the Google map so that I can show the city around by myself to Priscilla and Louis when we come next time on a tour together. But I found the car going wrong way. I told them to stop they didn't listen to me. I shouted and they inject me something. I was black out.

Oh!!! My God!!! I got kidnapped!!! I sat on my place at once. I felt my head was blasting with pain. Suddenly, I saw everything dark around me. I tried to get up from the bed to grab something with which I can protect myself. I was thinking but it was all dark and it was hard for me to find out something. I still tried to find something. But there was nothing in the room but that bed.

" Are you finding this?" Suddenly a voice came from my back I jumped at my place and slowly turned to the voice. It was all dark that I couldn't see anything.

" Finding what you bloody kidnapper!!! Come right in front of me, I will tell you what am I finding." I shouted.

" Calm down, calm down. Why so hurry? " he asked. " I thought you want your phone." He showed me the phone.

" Give me my phone back." I yelled and tried to snatch it from him.

" Of course, you will get it. But you have to answer some of my questions. " he said.

" I won't. Keep the phone to yourself and wait for getting killed by my dad. " I said. Because, my dad must've already known that I got kidnapped and hell will freeze if he gets this moron in front of him. But the moron laughed out loud. Like I have told him a joke.

" What's so funny?? Do you want me to punch you to prove that I am right here?" I gritted.

" Oh, sure go ahead. I won't mind though." He said.

" I am not a bit interested in talking with you. Go call your boss and tell him I want to talk with him and he better come and listen to me if he wants his safe and secure future. " I sat on the bed and crossed arms over my chest.

But that moron didn't even bother to move an inch. I glared at him.

" Are you going or I kick you hard?" I asked.

" He can't come right now, he is busy. You can tell me what you want to tell him." He said.

" He has to come before I break his face." I said.

" I will tell him but not sure though him he can come. " he said.

" Now, you are getting out and telling him to come to me. Go, get out." I yelled.

" Watch your tone. Aren't you scared? " he asked and this time I laughed out loud.

" Excuse me, scared!!! And me!!!" I again laughed out loud. " Scare and Adeline don't match with each other. Say something else. Besides, why should I get scared of some bloody kidnappers who kidnaps people for money only!!! My dad has enough to fulfill your ransom. So, I don't have to be scared. If you wanted to kill me you could do that before. As you didn't so you won't now too. Hope I am understood. Now, go bring some foods. I am starving." I said.

" What if someone wants to meet you then we will kill you? " he enquired.

" Sure. Tell them to come but before that I need food. Bring me food or else I don't know if I start to eat you." I said in totally pissed off tone.

" I didn't know that you are a cannibal." he said.

" Now you know, go before I eat you up." I said.

" Alright, alright. I will go." He left the room and I lay down again and thinking about the reason behind my kidnapping this way.

Suddenly the door opened and a maid came with a tray and the room light up. My eyes open wide seeing the beautiful architecture of the room. It was like cream colored and white combination around a bit touch up of golden and silver color. I thought the room was empty but now I got it is not empty the room is vast that I couldn't understand where things could be. The maid put the tray on the bed.

" Ma'am, this way the wash room. You can go and freshen up." She pointed right side.

I got up and entered the wash room. It was fantastic as well. I felt like this is a palace. I washed my face and then came out. I started to eat. I was hungry as hell. I didn't care if I was eating like a glutton. First I need to calm down my stomach which was protesting for so long.

" What's your name?" I asked the maid.

" It's Daisy, Ma'am. " she said.

" Alright, do you know which place it is?" I asked and she was about to answer but then I a male voice.

" You suppose to ask me not her." The voice said making both me and Daisy toward her. Daisy took the tray and almost ran away.

I saw a guy standing there maybe in his mid twenty, 24 or 25 maybe not sure though. But honestly he is dashing like hell and I just blankly stared at him while he walked toward me. He has mesmerizing hazel eyes. I just kept looking at him. He is dashing, my brain commented.

What!!!! This guy kidnapped me!!! Why he needed to kidnap me!!!But to be honest if I wasn't kidnapped I must have a crush on him. No not now. I need to hold back. He is a criminal. But wait, criminal doesn't have a palace like this, or do they!!! My blood got frozen in my vein at once thinking that he has not kidnapped me for money. He already has 10 times more than me, I guess. I looked at him horribly.

" Good evening, Ms. Bornwyn. " he said softly and smiled a bit.

" Very very bad evening for you Mr. Kidnapper. " I gritted.

" It's Enrique. Enrique Antúnez Castellano." He said smilingly. What's the problem with him!!! Can't he sense that I am going to kill him the next moment!!!

" Whatever it is, keep it to yourself. I don't need it." I said.

" But I do need it." He said.

" Alright. Mr. Whoever, just can you explain me why have you kidnapped me!!! I am sure not for money cause you have more than me." I stated firmly.

" Oh!!! Smart girl. No?" He smiled again. Doesn't he smiles a lot??!!! But let me tell you one thing. His smile is very beautiful. Everything about him is unique.

" Of course, do you think a dumb girl can run a successful business? " I mocked him.

" Nope, never." He said still smiling. Someone please wipe his smile.

" Then why bother to ask?" I asked in a pissed off tone.

" Just like that." He said.

" Which place is this? " I asked.

" You liked it?" He asked.

" It's lovely." I said.

" Thanks. It's Royal Palace of Spain." He said. My eyes open widen.

" How can I believe you!!! You must be lying. " I said. He smirked.

" Do you know the name of the crown Prince of Spain?" He asked.

" No, I don't. " I said.

" Alright, your phone, Google it." He gave me my phone. " Don't dial your family's number. " he warned.

I Googled it and was waiting for the result. As the result came my eyes wide open. My phone slipped from my hand and automatically covered my mouth. I saw him smirking.

He is the Prince!!!!!!!!

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