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Adeline's POV

I gritted as I found the girl with Enrique. Currently we were sitting in the dinner table and that bi*ch stole my place. Since I have come here I sit next to Enrique in the dine. But that girl suddenly came this evening and stole my place from me?!! When I came down I found her sitting next to Enrique and talking to him like he is her fiance. Though the Queen said that bi*ch was her niece. But I am not sure if she works in the strip club. I pinned the fork on the plate looking at Enrique sharply. Why isn't he saying her to stay away from him!!! Stay away from my man, you bi*ch!!!

" Nancy, you may haven't met Enrique's fiance yet." The Queen said and the bi*ch turned to see me. I gritted inwardly but hold on myself. Why to be angry with her, Enrique has to pay for this. He is in the fault here.

" Hi, I am Adeline Bronwyn. Nice to meet you." I said to her smilingly without giving a damn to Enrique's eyes on me.

" Nancy Turner. Nice to meet you." She said to me. I tried to smile a bit. I kept sitting there very uncomfortably.

" Why aren't you having anything, Lina?" Scarlett asked me and I sighed. Enrique looked at me and I glared at him. He gulped. I looked away.

" I am full." I said to her.

" You didn't have anything. How can you be full?" Louis asked me narrowing his eyes at me.

" I am not feeling like having anything." I said to him.

" Have something. Sleeping with empty stomach is not good for you." Danny said. I sighed.

I had something and walked upstairs after finishing dinner. I talked to the kids for awhile. I was waiting for Enrique to join us. But he wasn't there.

" Looking for Enrique?" Scarlett asked me.

" Who told that?" I asked her and she smirked.

" No did but your eyes were saying so." She said and I sighed deeply.

She was right. I was actually looking for him. He is very busy now, I see. Once I get him alone. Just once.

The kids went to sleep and I was sitting there in the balcony for awhile.  May be I was waiting for Enrique to come and talk to me but he didn't come yet. I was going back to my room when I found the bi*ch coming to me smilingly.

" Hey!!! Still haven't slept?" She said.

" I was going to sleep." I said to her. She laughed.

" Yeah, I can understand that. New place for you." She said. I nodded. "Can I ask you something?" She asked me and I narrowed my eyes at her. I knew that she was going to ask about Enrique and my relationship.

" Sure." I said to her.

" When have you started to date Enrique?" She asked and I was right. I chuckled.

" You don't know?" I asked her.

" I know everything about Enrique." She said and I chuckled.

" Seems you don't." I said to her.

" I do but I didn't know that you are his girlfriend." She said.

" Now you know that." I said to her shrugging.

" Alright. I think you are fake. Enrique never ever had a girlfriend." She said and fire blazed inside me at once.

" Even if it's fake still I am his fiance." I said to her smilingly. She nodded.

" Fine. Take this." She said.

" What is this?" I asked her.

" Blank check. Take it and go away from Enrique forever." She said to me and I gritted.

" You know whom are you talking to?" I asked her.

" A bi*ch." She said and I fisted my hands trying to control myself hard not beat her up right now.

" Wrong. I am soon to be Queen of Spain." I said smilingly.

" You are fake. I love Enrique. You are just here for money." She said and I laughed.

" You may love Enrique. That doesn't a problem. Moon is adored by millions of hearts but that doesn't mean that moon adores all of them too. Enrique doesn't love you back. Besides he is your cousin. You are mentality sick. And as much as for money.." I chuckled. " I can buy your ego in a blink and I won't be needing Enrique's help for that." I said to her and she smirked.

" Whatever!! You can't be happy with him cause no matter what he will come back to me. Mark my words. He can't forget the memories of us sharing bed last time." She smirked at me.

I don't know what happened to me and I raised my hand before slapping her heard across her face. She laughed like a psycho.

" Burnt!!! Still wanna marry him?" She asked me.

" I don't trust you." I said to her.

" If you don't trust me then check his birthmark on his lower abdomen." She said and I stopped suddenly. How can she know that?!! She laughed. "Got fused?!! Happens." She said.

" Nancy!!! What are you doing here at this hour?" I heard Enrique and he stood beside me.

" I was waiting for you." She said and I gritted.

" I didn't remember telling you to wait for me. Why were you waiting for me?" He asked her. She was trying to say something but before that he turned to me and hold my hand. "What are you doing here?" He asked me. " Come with me." He dragged me out of there.

We reached my room and he closed the door. I looked at him weirdly. What's wrong with him.

" What were you doing there?" He asked me in a very calm tone. I didn't say anything. " Did I ask you something?" He asked me.

" She started to talk to me. I didn't do anything." I said to him.

" And you trusted everything that she  said?" He asked me.

" I didn't. Who told you?" I asked him.

" Then why didn't you answer her when she told you the last thing?" He asked me.

" How does she know where your birthmark is?" I asked him.

He sighed deeply before starting to unbuttoning his shirt. I looked at him weirdly.

" What are you doing, Enrique?" I asked him but he ignored my question. " What are you trying to do?! I am not that kind of girl." I said but he didn't stop.

He removed his shirt and threw it away. He pulled me close to him and turned to show me his birthmark on his back. I looked at him completely shocked. What did I think??! Adele, you are really crazy. He sighed and took his shirt to wear it back.

Greek God!!! My brain screamed.

Shut up!! I silenced it.

He wore his shirt back.

" If I was that kind of guy then I wouldn't have kidnapped you to marry me. I just requested you to help me to save my country, Adeline. I thought you are perfect one to be the Queen. But you can't blame me like that. You have no right to point finger at my character. I didn't give that right to anyone not even my mother. I thought you are just perfect for me and my country. But now I think I should rethink about it. There is no pressure on you now. You can do whatever you want. If you leave, I won't stop you." He said and walked out if there. I was shocked.

What did I do?!! Shit!!! It was completely unexpected incident to me.

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