❄️ Shouto Todoroki 🔥

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Head Canon: Christmas W/Shouto Todoroki

The One Where It’s Christmas.


❄️🔥 Shoto didn't really do holidays.

❄️🔥 His father was usually forcing him to train or was out heroing. + He didn't really care about him.

❄️🔥 So Shoto spent the holidays alone.

❄️🔥 That was until he met you. Upon finding out he's never had a proper holiday you changed that.


❄️🔥 'Meet me at [Coffee shop name] xX [Y/N]'

❄️🔥 Shoto did as you asked. He showed up. Quite a punctuality too.

❄️🔥 "Hey,"

❄️🔥 "Stay here."

❄️🔥 He watched your figure go inside and reappear with two to-go cups.

❄️🔥 "I'm giving you a traditional Holiday. First, we get Hot-Coco, and freeze our asses off playing in the snow."

❄️🔥 Shoto shyly smiled at you. You were adorable. Doing this for him.

❄️🔥 He smirked.

❄️🔥 "Kinda hard for me to freeze my ass off."

❄️🔥 "We'll see..."

❄️🔥 Suddenly he's hit with a snowball.

❄️🔥 "Tehehehe~"

❄️🔥 You take off running.

❄️🔥 After chasing you for an hour. You move onto snowmen, even though he could have made one with his quirk easy. He didn't. He took his time and made one with you.


❄️🔥 "Next we decorate a tree."

❄️🔥 You dragged Shoto to a tree planetarium.

❄️🔥 "How do we know which one to get?"

❄️🔥 "Well, my parents try hugging the trees. If it fits around your arms just right. It's right."

❄️🔥 You and Shoto did just that. Did he think you looked stupid and weird doing it? Yeah. But with you, he couldn't care.

❄️🔥 Shoto found a tree.

❄️🔥 "How about this one?"

❄️🔥 "Well..... It's kinda dingy... But it's got that Charlie Brown charm."

❄️🔥 "Okay, let's go play."


❄️🔥 You and Shoto took it to your house.

❄️🔥 "These are decorations. Help me put them on the tree."

❄️🔥 You and Shoto spent an hour putting stuff on the tree. Laughing and messing around. You put popcorn chains on it. A majority of it landing on you guys, from throwing it.

❄️🔥 "Don't forget the star!"


❄️🔥 After the tree, you forced him to watch movies. No matter how corny.

❄️🔥 Then you managed to make him Christmas carol.

❄️🔥 "Hey, [Y/N]?"

❄️🔥 "Yeah?"

❄️🔥 "I've got a new Christmas tradition."

❄️🔥 "What's that?"

❄️🔥 He turns to you, and puts your cheeks in his hands,

❄️🔥 "Let's always spend Christmas together. It'll be our tradition."

❄️🔥 Shoto finally understood what Christmas was. It wasn't the gifts. It was the family. Being with those you loved.


Edited: 1-24-20

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