💥 Katsuki Bakugo 💥

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Requested By: SilverRose980

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Imagine: Fangs And Wings

The One Where Werewolf!Katsuki Bakugo Kidnaps Fairy![Y/N] [L/N].

Vamp!AU, NSFW, Fingering, Degrading, Sir kink.


Katsuki Bakugo. He was labelled as many things. Most of those labels were associated as bad. He was a monster. The most feared and hated man in the village. Not that you could call him a man, he was a blood-sucking thief.

They just didn't understand. He was a hero. At least, that's what he called himself.

He protected the village from the werewolves. Territorial little bastards. They were oh, so greedy, wanting as much as land as they could find. They liked to mark land as their own, and snap the necks of their enemies without the blink of an eye.

But their blood tasted so foul. It was bitter as vinegar. Was it too much to ask for a little blood from the village as compensation for protecting them? No, it wasn't.

Then there were the fairies. There were different types of fairies, but they were typically the same. Morally obligated, do-gooders. They always saw the best in people.

Always trying to be helpful. A bit too cheery and happy for Katsukis liking. Although he's never actually met one, he heard their blood was rich and sweeter than honey.


Tonight was the full moon. Every full moon Katsuki went out and kidnapped a girl from the village. He'd take her blood, and live off it for the month. This was why the village called him a monster, despite him protecting them.

Katsuki walked around the village, deciding on a house. The houses were all boarded up. Windows blocked out, doors nailed up. As if a few planks and nails could keep a vampire as vicious as him out.

He came across one house that stood out more than the others. The doors weren't as boarded up. They were boarded, it was just poorly done.

They were weak. He'd be doing them a favour by taking such a weakling out. A weak target, easier to take. It was just tiring when they fought back, however, Katsuki did enjoy the fight.

He pulled the two boards 'protecting' you out of the house with ease. It was pathetic really. The boards never stopped him, so why bother.

He pulled the covers off your body. You were kinda beautiful, but that just made him crave you more. You were in a nightgown. What really shocked him, were your wings.

Looks like he rumours of a fairy in the village were true. He pierced his lip with his fangs. Looks like he was hungrier than he thought. He would still have to wait until he brought you home to devour you.

The longer the wait, the sweeter the pray. You. You would be sweeter than any forbidden fruit.


Katsuki laid you down on his bed. He couldn't wait any longer. He needed to taste your blood. He was hungry. Starved.

He moved your hair away from your neck. You were still asleep, your chest heaving up and down softly. He could hear your quiet heartbeat. He creased your soft and supple skin and plunged his fangs in.

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