😽 Hitoshi Shinsou 😽

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Requested By: ColderColor

Drabble: "You've never known me."

With Prompts #1, #26, And #44.

The One Where Hitoshi Shinsou Discovers [Y/N] [L/N]'s Secret.


Hitoshi Shinsou desperately wanted to just go home and cuddle in bed with his girlfriend but he couldn't. Being a pro-hero meant Hitoshi had to work. He was currently tracking down a murderer. Some psycho had been going around killing people. They kept slipping out of his fingers but he was determined to catch them.

Hitoshi walked down a dark alley. This villain seemed to kill in dark and secluded areas. No witnesses and no cameras, Hitoshi hated to say it but this villain was smart.

Hitoshi scanned the alley only to find your figure on the floor. He rushed towards you and inspected your body for wounds only to find none.

"What are you doing here? Are you okay? Why are you covered in blood?"

"I think we both know the answer to that Hitoshi."

"No... No. No. No! I know you. You wouldn't... You can't... I know you, you're not a killer."

Hitoshi knew the only logical answer was that you were the murdering villain he had been trying to catch. That's why the villain was always one step ahead of him. That's why he could never catch you. It all made sense, but he so desperately didn't want to believe that you were evil. He didn't want to believe that you were a killer.

"Baby, you've never known me."

With one swift movement, you jabbed your knife into Hitoshi. Being a medical student you knew the exact places to kill someone. Hitoshi's hands went to his wound to press down to try to stop the blood flow.

"I- I l-uh-ve you."

Being on the verge of death, he could barely get the words out but he meant them. Your bloody gloved fingers run through his hair and rub his cheek soothingly.

"Loving me is a death sentence, but loving you was a blessing. I wish things could've ended differently, but I'm a villain. This is the fate for me and anyone who loves me."


Edited: 1-9-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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