❄ Shouto Todoroki 🔥 [Part 1]

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Requested By: -kemetalia

Drabble: "I don't think I can do this anymore."

Royal AU

The One With A Prince And A Pauper.


"I don't think I can do this anymore."

Shoto stood behind you, while you stood in front of your mirror. His hands that were resting on your waist came up and rested on your shoulders. He ran his finger over the gold chain that lay on your neck.

"Is it the necklace? I thought the color would bring out your eye color. You don't have to wear it."

You could see him frown in his reflection. It really was a lovely neckless. The one wearing it was the problem.

"It's not that."

He moved his hands from your shoulders to your cheeks. He lifted your head up by gently guiding your cheeks up. Looking into your eyes, he kissed your forehead.

"What is wrong Princess?"

You sigh and take his hands off your cheeks. You turn around to look him in the face, rather than the mirror.

"This! us!"

You use your hands to gesture between you two before crossing your arms. It was easier this way. You didn't want him to see your shaking hands. To see how sad and hard this was for you.

"I can't take the hiding. The secrecy. Acting like I don't know you in public."

He takes your hands in his, and he rubs them in a soothing way. You almost believe him.

"Princess, it's okay. It'll get better. I promise."

You let a tear slide down your face as you yank your hands away from him. As if his touch burned you. You almost miss the tear that slides down his face as well. Almost.

"Quit calling me Princess! Don't you get it? I can't be your Princess. I'm not a Princess. I'm just a commoner; Your dirty little secret."

"You are not a dirty little secret. Where is this coming from? You were happy yesterday. Am I neglecting you? I'll see you more often! Are the gifts not to your liking? I'll find something better."

He wasn't making this easy for you. You HAD to do this. It was for him. He would be sad, but he would get over you.

"Shoto... You don't understand. I can't hide behind pretty dresses and big jewels and claim to be a Princess when I'm not. Your father is right. I can never be with you."

"It's my father then? He got to you?"

He growled it out, almost making you scared. But Shoto could never hurt you. Yet, you were here breaking his heart. He gave it to you, and you were ripping it out.

"He's right. You deserve someone less like me... You deserve someone more like Princess Yaoyorozu."

"My father... He uses anything to his advantage. He just wants to tear apart anything I love. I love you, not her."

You give him a sad, disbelieving smile, as you let more tears fall.

"You... You love me?"

He grabs your cheeks, fingers positioned under your ears. He uses his thumb to brush your wet salty tears away.

"How could I not? You're smart, beautiful, and kind. You're perfect."

You let a strangled sob out.

"Shoto, I have nothing to offer you. I'm not rich. I'm not royalty. I'm not someone you could be proud of."

"You show me your time and patience. You've shown me what love is like. Real love."

Shoto wraps his arms around you. He rubs your back to sooth you. To calm your cries.

"Just tell me you love me too, that's all I need you to give me. Your love. That's all I want you to offer."

"I'd be stupid not to love you."

"A good King looks for what he can give his people rather than what he can take. My father... He likes to take, rather than give. Marry me, be my queen. We'll give to the people rather than take."

"But what about your father? He'll never let this happen."

"We'll elope! He can't stop our wedding if he doesn't know its happening."

"You're crazy Shoto. Pick a chapel before I change my mind."


Edited: 1-24-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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