🐙 Tamaki Amajiki 🐙

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Requested By: AnimeGamer07

Head Canon: Pregnant Wife

The One With The Pregnancy.


🐙 Really nervous and scared when you first tell him.

🐙 You’re both heroes, how are you going to take care of a child?

🐙 Sure your married, but are you both prepared for children?

🐙 Takes some reassuring from you that it's going to be okay.

🐙 Weren't you supposed to be the one who was emotional?

🐙 Gender roles are just a construct built by society.

🐙 After he gets over the initial anxiety he's sure to be the best dad.

🐙 Fights over the color for the nursery.

🐙 Not a fight as much as just disagreeing with every color that comes out of his mouth.

🐙 “How about purple?”

🐙 “You only want purple because that’s the color of your costume.”   

🐙 “Alright. Yellow?”

🐙 “You only want yellow because that’s the color of Mirio’s hair. Let’s do violet.”  

🐙 He wants a girl, but he'll love the baby regardless.

🐙 He reaches stuff for you.

🐙 Helps you put your shoes on.

🐙 Won't let you carry anything. 

🐙 You’re not allowed to do anything that could put stress on the baby. 

🐙 It's very easy to miscarry in the first trimester.

🐙 He wants to wrap his arms around you protectively but his arms can't reach thanks to your whale stomach.

🐙 Don’t quote him on that.

🐙 Mood swings, am I right, or am I right?

🐙 He uses his tentacles to wrap around your swollen stomach while you sleep.

🐙 Helps calm you down when your mood swings kick in.

🐙 Gives into whatever cravings you want. 

🐙 No matter how weird.

🐙 You want octopus and nutella? He’ll make it. 

🐙 Massages you when you’re sore.

🐙 Freaks out when you get stomach pains and takes you to the hospital.

🐙 Was it labor? Was it a miscarriage? Were you dying?

🐙 Nah! Just braxton hicks.

🐙 More chill and less anxious when your stomach hurts.

🐙 Thinks it's just braxton hicks when you go into labor until you conform it's your water.

🐙 Freaks out.

🐙 Were talking a serious panic attack.

🐙 He immediately rushes you to the hospital.

🐙 By your side every step of the way.

🐙 Once your baby comes out the pain of both his crushed hand and labor pushing was eased away.

🐙 You created such a beautiful bundle of joy.

🐙 Mirio gets the job as God-Father.


Edited: 2-17-20

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