😽 Hitoshi Shinsou 😽

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Requested By: BigNerdUwU

Drabble: "He had a knife."

The One With The Fight.


Hitoshi had a brooding expression. His lips were pressed against each other in a straight line. He wouldn't look at you with his eyes but rather focused on the task at hand.

He was upset with you, although he was not vocal about it, you could tell he was.

"Can you not press so hard."

His eyes flicked up from the hydrogen-peroxide soaked cloth that he was pressing against your arm to look at your eyes. It was brief but you saw the worry. Worry and anger.

"Maybe I wouldn't have to press so hard if you didn't go around getting in fights."

You felt the pressure on your wound get lighter. Even though he was mad at you, he was careful not to hurt you.

"I mean fuck, he had a knife [Y/N]. What if you had gotten seriously hurt."

"How was I supposed to know he had a knife?"

Hitoshi poured more hydrogen-peroxide on your arm earning a hiss from you. You were sure it was clean by now, he was probably just doing it to punish you.

"You can't go around fighting citizens. We graduated, there isn't going to be anyone there to clean up your messes. We're heroes. When you get in fights, it's going to be all over the news."

"I know that."

Hitoshi places a bandage on your arm and put medical tape over it to keep it placed there. His attention goes from your wound to your eyes. His purple orbs looked so distraught.

"If you know that then why did you do it?"

"He was fucking quirk-shaming you! I couldn't just– Ugh, I had to defend your honor."

Hitoshi screwed the cap back on the hydrogen-peroxide bottle and harshly slammed it against the counter. He was angry, not at you, but at the people who ignorantly thought he was villain material.

"I– I owe you an apology. You were defending me. Reckless as you were, it came out of an place of love. I'm sorry."

Hitoshi went to walk away but you pulled him back by the sleeve of his arm. He looked back over at you, sadly. It was like looking at a kicked puppy. All he wanted was validation that he was good, but instead, society kicked him around.

"I defended you because he was wrong. You're gonna make a great hero, Hitoshi. You're gonna be so great they'll sell figures with your face on it, and no one will ever dare question if you are meant to be a villain."

"You always know what to say to make me feel better. You're the best, but now that newscaster is gonna turn it around and say bad stuff."

"Not this time they aren't. They got the whole fight on video, including the part where he shames you. I'm a hero to all quirk-shamed victims."

Hitoshi presses his lips against yours. It's short and sweet, but it doesn't fail to make your heart go crazy.

"You're definitely my hero."


Edited: 4-6-20

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