💥 Katsuki Bakugo 💥

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Imagine: Domestic Moments

The One Where Kacchan Helps You Babysit.


You sighed as your parents walked out the door. You had planned to see Katsuki today. But it looked like you'd have to babysit your little brother.

Maybe your plans didn't have to be crushed? Instead of going to Katsuki, you'd have him come here. Smiling, you pulled your phone out.

[Your Name]: Come Over. Xx

Explodo Boi: No.

[Your Name]: My parents aren't home. Xxx

Explodo Boi: Omw

You snickered to yourself. He sure was in for a shocker when he arrives and sees just because your parents aren't home, doesn't mean your alone.

"What's so funny?"

Your little brother asked you, looking away from the animated cartoon on TV. You smiled at him.

"Nothing important, Katsuki is coming over."

Your little brother jumped up happily. He loved Katsuki. Of course, he did. They were both loud, and destructive, not to mention he practically worshipped the ground Katsuki walked on.

It gave Katsuki quite the ego. Whatever Katsuki did, [Little Brothers Name], copied. To him, Katsuki was like All Might is to Midoriya.

It was quite cute sometimes. Sometimes. Katsuki did teach him bad things, like a bad attitude, and a horrid mouth.

Not that you could call the kettle black. You also had a bad potty mouth. At least with Katsuki around, you had someone to blame for your little brother's new-found knowledge of bad words.




Your boyfriend's aggressive and eager knocks alerted you he was here. You let him in, and he immediately puts his hands on your hips and kisses you aggressively.

Although you enjoyed it, your brother had to ruin it. His little kid screeches could be heard.

"Ew. Don't kiss my sister."

"I agree, I mean, a hello first would be nice."

Katsuki aggressively pouts.

"Hi. I thought you were home alone."

"No, I said my parents were gone. I didn't say whether or not they took [Little Brothers Name]."

He walked farther in your house, still pouting but now quietly muttering. All you could make out was. "Fuckin' tease. Tricked me."

Your little brother took your boyfriend's hand and dragged him to the other room.

"Play with me Katsuki."

You sighed at your little brother and overgrown child of a boyfriend as they played together. They liked to rough house together. As rough as Katsuki was, he made sure he was gentle with your brother.

Watching them play together was a sight to see, at moments it was funny but cute. Katsuki really cared for you, that meant also caring for your brother. Had it been any other kid, he would have thrown a rampage fit about having to hang around a snotty brat.

After watching them play for a while, you walked to the kitchen to start dinner. Soon you felt Katsuki's warm hands on your hips as you chopped Vegetables.

His hands were on your hips, pulling you close to each other, and his face was in the crook of your neck, watching you work.

"Stop distracting me, I'll cut my finger, besides [Brothers Name] might see."

Katsuki let out a hefty, soft laugh.

"Oh please, like that's stopped us before?"

Your face turned a crimson red, remembering it has in fact never stopped you before.

"Still. I'm cooking. You know, you could help."

"I do it better anyway."

You rolled your eyes at his cocky attitude and dumped vegetables in front of him. He started cutting them up and cooking.

Honestly, you would have let him cook by himself, but that would just make his ego, and 'I cook better than you' attitude even bigger.

Your little brother came into the room.

"Kacchan? Can I help?"

Katsuki lifted your brother on a stool and showed him a knife.

"Always be fuckin' careful with knives. They're fuckin' dangerous."

You watched with a smile as Katsuki explained how to cook and safety in the kitchen. It was adorable. Despite his vocabulary, Katsuki was a good babysitter. He was with you at least.

It was days like this you loved. Where Katsuki was tame and soft. Where you made soft sweet memories.


Edited: 1-21-20

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