🐢 Izuku Midoriya 🐢

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Requested By: Mitchel789

Imagine: Little Dancer

The One Where Yandere!Izuku Midoriya Obsesses Over Ballerina![Y/N] [L/N].


It started with an encounter on the street. You were gracefully running down the street. It looked like you were in a hurry.

Izuku Midoriya had been on the street as you ran by. Nearly knocking into him as you passed by. He never saw someone so gracefully and delicately run as you had.

You were in such a hurry, you hadn't noticed your wallet fall out of your bag. Izuku had picked it up. He opened your wallet and searched for it.

Sixty dollars. Three cards. One was a debit card. Oh the, re it was! Your state ID.

'[Y/N] [M/N] [L/N].'

'[Date Of Birth].'


'[Your Address].'

'[Date Of Expiration].'

As Izuku looked at your ID photo he smiled. He thought you were beautiful. He put your ID back in your wallet.

Upon farther investigation, he found two photos in your wallet. The first was a couple. He assumed it was your parents. The second photo was you, and some boy. He had spiky blonde hair. You looked happy, smiling and half hugging.

Izuku frowned as he pocketed your photo. Did you have a boyfriend? He decided he needed to see you again. He had to return your wallet to you after all.


Izuku googled your name first. He wanted to go to your house, but that would scare you away.

He discovered you were a student at a dance university nearby. You were a ballerina. Your school hosted shows that the students starred in. You were actually quite popular in the area. People loved your dances.

You had a show coming up soon. Swan Lake. Izuku immediately booked a ticket. He needed to see you.


As Izuku watched you dance, he was enchanted. You were mesmerizing. He wanted to see more of you. He needed to talk to you. He needed you.

He approached you on your way out of the building. Your hair was pulled into a sloppy bun. Your once bare legs and tutu were now in leggings. Your ballet shoes replaced with black ankle boots and your leotard now a big sweater.

He thought you were beautiful, and for a moment he wondered what you'd look like if your big sweater was replaced with one of his own.

"E-excuse me miss, you dropped this."

You turned and looked at him with a smile.

"Oh, thank you. I didn't even realize I dropped it. Is there any way I can repay you? How about coffee?"

"I'd like that."


That day you took Izuku to [Coffe Shop Name]. A coffee shop that you frequent. He and you began talking and even exchanged numbers.

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