📝 Shouta Aizawa 📝

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Imagine: Selfish

The One With Hitoshi's Mom.



I just don’t understand. Why you’re running from a good man-baby. Why you wanna turn your back on love. Why you’ve already given up. See I know you’ve been hurt before. But I swear I’ll give you so much more. I swear I’ll never let you down. Cause I swear it’s you that I adore. And I can’t help myself, babe. Cause I think about you constantly. And my heart gets no rest over you. You, you, yeah, yeah. You can call me selfish. But all I want is your love.


You spent most of your life trying to support your son Hitoshi. After your fiance found out you were pregnant he left. He wanted to be a hero, apparently having a child while being unwed would not only look bad, but it would tie him down. 

So here you were a single mother working from six in the morning to six at night. On top of working you had to be a parent. That meant helping Hitoshi with homework, cooking and cleaning. You were constantly exhausted but that was the price if you wanted to have a meal at the end of the day, as well as a warm bed for you and your son. 

You smile at your son as you pass him the box of cereal. You ate cereal in the morning. It was quick to make and the cleanup job was easy. You saved pancakes and bacon for weekends and birthdays. 

“Excited for the first day of school?”

“I guess.”

A frown crosses your face. Hitoshi wasn’t very talkative. He’d been giving you short quick answers, that was if he would talk to you. You suspected the cause of his distance was due to being bullied. Once you put him in school he got bullied by the little shits called his classmates. As he got older they just got meaner, and he just became distant. 

He hated his quirk. The quirk he used to love. It was your quirk, it was something that tied you to each other. It made him more like you and less like the man who abandoned you both. You tried everything you could to make him see it was a good quirk. Nothing you said got through to him. Sometimes you feared that maybe he resented you for his genes. 

Sometimes you wished he had a father. Maybe then this parenting thing would be easier. 

“I love you, Hitoshi. Today’s gonna be great. You’re in 1-A now, you’ve proved those shi- classmates wrong. You’ll make a great hero. Grab your bag I’ll give you a ride to school.”


And you can call me hopeless, baby. Cause I’m hopelessly in love. You can call me imperfect but who’s perfect? Tell me what do I gotta do. To prove that I’m the only one for you? So what’s wrong with being selfish? I’ll be taking up your time. Till the day I make you realize. That for you there could be no one else. I’ve just gotta have you for myself. Baby, I would take good care of you. No matter what it is you’re going through. I’ll be there for you when you’re in need. 


You hastily walked through the halls of UA high. You hadn’t been here since you attended it yourself years ago before Hitoshi was born. The school called you and asked you to come in. The first day of school and he’s already in trouble. 

You walked into 1-A’s classroom to talk to his teacher. You send Hitoshi a quick mom glare before sitting down next to him. 

“Sorry I’m late, I…”

You get a good look at his teacher now. Shota Aizawa. Someone you used to know back when you attended UA. Someone you used to be close with and maybe had you not been with Hitoshi’s father, you would have been with him.

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