👌 Neito Monoma 👌 [Part 2]

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Requested By: Anonymous

Drabble: "Oh, it's Baku-Bitch."

The One Where Neito Monoma Spends The Night With Katsuki's Sister, Part Two.

Christmas Prompt #48.

Fluffy Prompt #7.


Neito sat next to you in the restaurant that your parents picked out. He had a pretty big bruise on his face from your brother punching him. Thankfully, your mother pulled Katsuki off of Neito and scolded Katsuki for attacking Neito over a kiss.

After eating, you were dropping Neito and Eijirou off at their homes, and then your parents were taking you and Katsuki home for Christmas break. As long as they didn't see your hickies you were good.

Unfortunately, Neito was proving this a difficult task. You were seated in a three-person booth, and he kept scooting closer to you, pushing you to the corner.

"I'm cold, come closer."

You scoot a little closer and give him a smile. Being a little close in front of your parents can't hurt, right?

"You're warm, I'm cold. Hug me."

You send him a subtle glare. You were not hugging him in front of your parents. Especially not your mom and brother who had anger issues.

"We're inside a restaurant, you should warm up soon enough."

But your boyfriend loved to push buttons, especially at the worst times. It was a cute trait. Cute when it wasn't your buttons being pushed.

Neito wrapped his arm around your neck and pulled you closer to him.

"Nice and warm."

Unbeknownst to you, Neito's arm was heavily slung on your scarf. As you moved forward to hand the waitress your menu, it moved your scarf. The scarf covering your hickies.

"Honey, what the fuck are those?!"

You're eyes widen as you realize the scarf had come undone. You quickly wrap the scarf back around your neck. It was futile. Your mother already saw them. Might as well own it instead of lying. Honestly was always the better path.

"They're hickies, mother."

Your mother raised her eyebrows at your straightforward answer before addressing your boyfriend.

"Three seconds to run before I kill you."

Neito takes off while struggling to get his jacket on as your mother and brother take off after him.

The waitress comes back with your food as you, your father, and Eijirou sit there awkwardly.

"[Y/N]... I think we need to have the talk..."

You lean back in your seat and cross your legs as you butter a slice of toast.

"Don't worry dad... I'm not the Baku-Hoe you need to have that chat with."

Eijirous cheeks heat up as he puts his coat on.

"I'm just gonna walk back to my dorm... See you at school."


Edited: 1-22-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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