❄ Shouto Todoroki 🔥

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Requested By: Strangerleblancs

Drabble: "What the hell?"

The One Where Shouto Is Oblivious As Heck.


Shouto never really noticed how close you were to Izuku. When people made comments about how cute a couple you and Izuku would be he had to laugh. You and Izuku a couple? Unfathomable.

Sure, you went on coffee runs together but that was coffee and definitely not a date. You studied together late at night before a test, but Izuku was such a nerd, he just wanted you to pass your test, you were definitely studying and not making out.

Shouto was very oblivious by nature. He thought you and Izuku were best friends like he was friends with Izuku. Being oblivious, Shouto missed the cues that something romantic was developing between his sister and his best friend.

He was oblivious towards your attraction to each other until he saw it himself. Suddenly memories of all the comments about you and Izuku looking like a cute couple came flying back in his face, except he wasn't laughing at the comments, this time they were laughing at him.

Shouto balled his fists up as he saw Izuku laying down on your bed with you straddling his lap. Your hands were on his chest and his hands were on top of your hands. You were smiling at each other and Shouto would have thought it was really cute if it hadn't been his best friend and his sister.

"What the hell?"

"Sho! What are you doing here?"

You quickly rolled off of Izuku, blushes on both your cheeks.

"I used the key to your dorm. Better question, what was he doing under you?"

"I gave you that key for emergencies."

"You weren't answering my texts, it was an emergency. God he was trying to seduce you, it was an absolute emergency."

Shouto started to get heated up. He was angry and part of you was worried he would hurt Izuku. The Todoroki men weren't the best at controlling their anger.

Standing in front of Izuku you crossed your arms and glared at your brother.

"Bold of you to assume he was the seducer here."

Shouto's hand held fire in it. Your face softened at the sight of it.

"Calm down, Shouto. It's okay. You're not our father, you don't need to resort to violence."

Shouto looked down at his hand. He hadn't even realized he started using his quirk. He was just so angry, but now he felt guilty.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry [Y/N]! I never would have hurt either of you. I'm just- I'm so protective, I don't want you ending up with someone like our father."

You wrapped your arms around Shouto and let your head lean against his chest.

"I know Shouto, but Izuku won't hurt me. He's your best friend, you know him. He's nice and sweet."

"Okay, you're right... But I'm keeping a close eye on him. There'll be no deflowering while I'm around."

"Shouto, he won't deflower me. If anything, I'll deflower him... Yo sisters a hoe!"

"Kaminari is such a bad influence."


Edited: 1-19-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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