🐢🐢 Izuku/Shouto ❄🔥

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Requested By: Dxddy_loser

Drabble: "Just breath."

The One Where, Poly!TodoDeku, Helps [Y/N][L/N], Through A Panic Attack.


You smiled as you led your boyfriends into the house and up to your bedroom. Stopping only once at the living room, where your mom sat watching her generic cooking shows and drinking wine.

"Mom, I have a couple of friends over to study, we'll be quiet, okay?"


She wasn't really even paying attention, and you were glad. She had no idea Shoto and Izuku were your boyfriends. She defiantly had no idea that you were polyamorous.

Had she really been paying attention and noticed your friends were male, she probably would have made you study in the living room and watch her stupid cooking show.

If it wasn't Gorden Ramsey, it wasn't valid.

You closed your bedroom door and sat on the bed while your boyfriends came and sat next to you. You didn't technically lie to your mother. You would be studying, but you would probably end up doing more than studying.

Two hours go by and most of your books end up on the floor. Shoto has ended up on top of you with his tongue inside your mouth. Izuku is on the other side of you, kissing your neck.

Your mother knocks on your door and you quickly push your boys off of you. Izuku was rolled over, and Shoto ended up on the floor. You pick up a book and make it look like you were studying.

"Hey, mom!"

"Hey, just checking up on you. Are your little friends staying for dinner?"

Shoto looks up at you, slightly upset you pushed him on the floor, but he nods his head in a yes motion.

"Y-yeah. Dinner would be nice, Mrs. [L/N]."

Your mom leaves the room closing the door behind her and Izuku helps Shoto off the floor.

"When are you going tell her about us?"

"I... I don't know- I just-"

Your throat closed up, and you found it hard to breathe. It was like the air hardly came in. You couldn't muster up words to finish your statement. You went into a panic.

The thought of telling your prim and proper mom that you were polyamourous sent you into a panic attack.

You felt Shoto wrap his arms around you and pull you into him. The feel of his body was familiar and slightly calming.

"Just breath. Its okay, just breath."

You could feel Izuku running his fingers through your hair. A soothing thing he would do when you cuddled or if you were sick.

"Just focus on our voices."

They talked to you and pulled you out of your panic attack. Izuku handed you some water and urged you to drink some. You took little sips, seeing as it would help calm you and level your head.

"I'm sorry... I'm just scared to tell her."

"It's okay."

"We'll wait however long you need."


Edited: 1-24-20

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