🐢 Izuku Midoriya 🐢 [Part 1]

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Imagine: Mine.

The One Where Yandere!Izuku Loves [Y/N] [L/N], Shouto Todoroki's Girlfriend.


Izuku walked out of 1-A's classroom with you. He loved when you spent time with him. When you talked with him, when you looked at him, just being around him, made him happier.

"Do you wanna hang out today? We could have a sleepover? Its been a while since we've had one of those."

You smiled at Izuku and politely declined.

"Sorry Deku, maybe some other time. I already told Shoto I'd go out with him later."

Izuku watched as you bit your lip and looked over at Shoto with a smile. That smile was supposed to be HIS.

ONLY he was allowed to see you bite your lip. Its always been that way since middle school.

"I'll talk to you later okay? I'm gonna go talk to Shoto."

Izuku watched as you, his best friend since middle school, left him for someone else. Izuku clenched his fist as you accepted Shoto's jacket.

He knew you and Shoto were getting closer lately. He could see how he made your eyes light up. Why couldn't he make your eyes light up?

Izuku's heart hurt. Why wasn't he enough for you? Why didn't you take his jackets? Why didn't you smile for him? Why didn't you love him like you loved Shoto?

Izuku smirked to himself, he would make you his, whether you liked it or not.


It was around eleven PM the following day when Izuku knocked on your door. You answered in an oversized hoodie, with your hair in a messy bun.

The sight made Izuku smile. He even forgot why he came over.

The sight made Izuku smile. But recognizing that the oversized hoodie you were wearing was Shotos reminded him why he was there.

"Hey Izuku, what are you doing here so late?"

"I think I left my school book here the last time I was over."

"Oh, come on in and grab it."

Izuku noticed the lights were off and you had the beginning of a scary movie ready to hit play. Your parents weren't fans of scary movies or letting you stay up late.

"Are your parents home?"

"Nope, they're gonna be on a work trip all week."

"Want me to stay over and you keep you company."

"No, it's okay. Shotos already coming over. He didn't want me home alone. He's such a gentleman."

'Again with Shoto. What does he have that I don't.'

"[Y/N] t-there's something I need to tell you. I'm scared if I don't, it'll be too late."

"What is it?"

"[Y/N] I'm in love with you. We should be together."

You turn your head and look at the floor.

"I think you should leave Izuku. Shoto. MY boyfriend, Shoto, is gonna be here soon."

"I was afraid you'd have this reaction."

Izuku pushed you into the wall and stabbed you in the stomach with a knife. He twisted it sadistically and stabbed you again.

"If I can't have you, neither can Shoto."


Shoto got to your house. He went to knock on the door but it was already open. Shoto walks in and sees your body on the floor, blood pooling around you.

He rushed to your body, ripped the bottom of his shirt, and used it to put pressure on your wound.

"9-1-1 What's your emergency?"

"My girlfriend has been attacked. Send an ambulance to [Your Address.]"

Shoto felt your wrist for a pulse. He could barely feel it. It was so faint. He knew you were too far gone.

He let the tears fall. The light that came in his life was gone. He would avenge you. He would find and kill whoever did this.


Edited: 12-17-19

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